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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

They do have the right to peaceful protests, without disrupting other people and lawful business activities. They can even put up a tent in an approved area and go on a hunger strike, if they so wish, to emphasize their demands.

Having said that, I am expecting the whole thing to slowly peter out, once the emotions are spent by the march and sloganeering, and the real parties make their deals behind the scenes.

Then dragging them to the court was a boo boo at the part of the government. Surely things shall peter out ultimately, some reluctant deals and then people shall disseminate.
Then dragging them to the court was a boo boo at the part of the government. Surely things shall peter out ultimately, some reluctant deals and then people shall disseminate.

The government is politcally clumsy for sure, but the LHC should have had the wisdom to decline the petition as it was purely a political matter. That short order is pathetic from a legal standard. But then again, all institutions in Pakistan have their selfishness and price.
The government is politcally clumsy for sure, but the LHC should have had the wisdom to decline the petition as it was purely a political matter. That short order is pathetic from a legal standard. But then again, all institutions in Pakistan have their selfishness and price.

It is a political matter for you and me not in eyes of the court, the court sees things through the prism of the law, as long as the petitioner is in a legal posture the court simply can't turn down his/her plea. The matter which was brought into the court certainly was in public interest, IMO the court should have had referred the case to the apex court for it's the only court that can interpret the constitution.
It is a political matter for you and me not in eyes of the court, the court sees things through the prism of the law, as long as the petitioner is in a legal posture the court simply can't turn down his/her plea. The matter which was brought into the court certainly was in public interest, IMO the court should have had referred the case to the apex court for it's the only court that can interpret the constitution.

Yes, but it is not clear from the short order what precise foundation of legality and constitutionality was used as the basis. Every plea does not merit a hearing, and if it is admitted, the prism of law, as you put it, must be made clear as to what basis is being used for the decision rendered.

Basically, the case can be summed up as follows:

"Your Honor, some people are planning to do something very bad in my view."

"Oh yeah? Well, let them because they can, but tell them they cannot do anything unconstitutional."

How does this help anything? Even passing on the buck to a higher court is not correct without establishing the legal basis for doing so.
Anybody watching ARY?

Hun dasso...mainay kia kaha tha kal?

Govt yet again makes a fool of itself.

@Oscar, @Syed.Ali.Haider and others...

Ab hakumat aisi harkatain karti hai aur phir fauj ka rona rotay hain.
Sir, Is bar fojj ki zarorat nahi...... Actually too much incompetency, Placing wrong people on big projects, Crushing opponents by Force, , Using police as political wing, Wrong appointment's, Supporting Anti-Army stance, Family based politics, and too much mistakes.
Yes, but it is not clear from the short order what precise foundation of legality and constitutionality was used as the basis

The point is who's entitled to define what is constitutional and what is unconstitutional. The reason why this short order lacks the clarity is because it was not in the jurisdiction of the high court to define when the march and subsequent sit-in would go unconstitutional. The court has acted within it's capacity, it can't act beyond its limitation - for the very reason I am saying the court should have had referred the case to apex court.

Human nature is so unpredictable, isn't it. Had the court categorically restrained the parties you and me would have discussed the verdict altogether differently. Respecting the verdict and stuff like that.
I really dont think anything big will happen. Imran khan on compromising steps should ask for

1. electoral reforms.
2. Third party based audit of votes of election 2013
3. Privileges and trade agreements for the KPK province.

Will be a big blunder if he doesnt get the number 3 as it will help his performance in KPK which will help him get the vites in next election.
I dnt understand y ths govt doesnt just jail TUQ. Few mnths in a jail without fans nd bed nd he'ld b writing to Canada for help
I dnt understand y ths govt doesnt just jail TUQ. Few mnths in a jail without fans nd bed nd he'ld b writing to Canada for help

the govt needs guts to pull something like this. When they could have easily ignored him, they hyped him and made him a big thing on senseless fear. Nawaz has shown that for all his experience, he does not know how to handle situations like these. Govt just doesnt have the guts required to take forward action against him and this has helped him take bolder steps.
The point is who's entitled to define what is constitutional and what is unconstitutional. The reason why this short order lacks the clarity is because it was not in the jurisdiction of the high court to define when the march and subsequent sit-in would go unconstitutional. The court has acted within it's capacity, it can't act beyond its limitation - for the very reason I am saying the court should have had referred the case to apex court.

Human nature is so unpredictable, isn't it. Had the court categorically restrained the parties you and me would have discussed the verdict altogether differently. Respecting the verdict and stuff like that.

Just as the courts define what is constitutional or not, it is the courts that also define their jurisdictions. However, any step taken, like admitting a petition, or denying it, or referring to a higher court, needs a precise reading of the relevant laws and establishing the basis for the step taken, just as for giving a final verdict. I find any and all of that lacking in this case.

Most people here are in the habit of supporting only what fits their own views, not what is right. That is a huge reason Pakistan is in the mess that it is today, since PDF is but a microcosm of the whole country. Therefore, there is no respect for a verdict that goes against whatever it is that is in the mind already, or enthusiastic cheering if it supports the preconceived position.
I am just being frightened more n more as I was against the Azadi march since day 1... and I feel there are many PTI voters who were not so keen for this aggressive route. So if in case PTI is not able to gather the claimed figure of 1 million people, it could be really embarrassing for the whole party

Just as the courts define what is constitutional or not, it is the courts that also define their jurisdictions. However, any step taken, like admitting a petition, or denying it, or referring to a higher court, needs a precise reading of the relevant laws and establishing the basis for the step taken, just as for giving a final verdict. I find any and all of that lacking in this case.

Most people here are in the habit of supporting only what fits their own views, not what is right. That is a huge reason Pakistan is in the mess that it is today, since PDF is but a microcosm of the whole country. Therefore, there is no respect for a verdict that goes against whatever it is that is in the mind already, or enthusiastic cheering if it supports the preconceived position.

This is what petitioner had submitted before the court and I don't think the court had any reason other than being biased to decline the plea.

The respondent No.5
is also a political party doing political activities under the name and
style of “Pakistan Awami Tehreek” (hereinafter referred to as
P.A.T), the P.A.T. has not contested the general election nor is part
of the Parliament. Both the parties have decided to launch „Long
March‟, „Azadi March‟ or „Inqlab March‟ towards Islamabad on 14th
August, 2014 (the Independence Day of Pakistan) with the following
(a) The Prime Minister of Pakistan should step down;
(b) The Parliament of Pakistan be dissolved;
(c) Election Commission be re-constituted; and
(d) Interim government of technocrats be formed and
election be held.
And in case the above said demands are not accepted, they
will continue with their Dharna (sit-in) in Islamabad D-Chowk and
they will choke the entire system unless their demands are accepted.

Learned counsel for petitioner submits that the Chairman
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf P.T.I. Mr. Imran Khan has warned of
shutting down the entire country if any attempt was made to put him
under house arrest
. Learned counsel quotes, what Chairman of P.T.I.
exactly stated “If the government tried to put me under house arrest,
I promise you, we will shut down the whole country”
. The
respondents No.4 and 5 are inciting the police and administration of
the Province as well as the Federal Government by announcing “the
Punjab police and administration have to decide whether they are
slaves of the Sharifs or government servants. If any of my workers is
tortured or harassed, the Punjab police will not get a place to hide”.

Both the parties‟ heads are openly inviting public at large for
so called revolution after toppling the Federal Government and
Provincial Governments excepting Government of the Province of
KP by announcing that revolution does not usher in without making
sacrifices. Both of them have further instigated the public at large
on different occasions that in case any damage is done to them, they
should exterminate Sharif brothers and their families. Learned
counsel submits that due to illegal threats and designs of the
respondents No.4 and 5, the Country has suffered a huge financial
, its economy is going to a dead end day by day and the Stock
Exchange has suffered loss of billions of rupees in three days
. He
submits that fall of one point in the Stock Exchange means loss of
Rs.250 million. In these circumstances, the petitioner has prayed as

If this is all lie and do not concern a citizen in any way then surely the petition should have been declined on very first hearing.

I am not defending anyone here, the only thing I am trying to put here is that the court had valid reasons to accept the petition for hearing. The verdict however is perhaps the most ill-defined verdict ever passed by a constitutional court.
I am not defending anyone here, the only thing I am trying to put here is that the court had valid reasons to accept the petition for hearing. The verdict however is perhaps the most ill-defined verdict ever passed by a constitutional court.

The ill-defined verdict from such an august court is proof enough that the decision to admit the petition was not sound to begin with, my dear Sir. :D
The ill-defined verdict from such an august court is proof enough that the decision to admit the petition was not sound to begin with, my dear Sir. :D

It is ill-defined because the court can't define things, I think I have made this clear earlier.

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