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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.

@notorious_eagle | Bhai, Why playing the silent observer? - Qeemay walay naan milay hain kia? :D ;)


Not at all, i am following the developments quite closely. Not much point in discussing it here as many people are letting their Jazbats talk and not their brains. Personally, i have been somewhat disappointed by IK's behaviour but than again, i look at the alternatives, NS and Zardari make me want to puke. If there is one thing nobody can challenge is IK's integrity and his love for the nation. On the other hand, the concept of integrity and love of nation is almost alien to the likes of NS and Zardari. These people are corrupt to the core, the only thing they are loyal to is their love for 'Greenback' and 'Power'.

It is quite obvious now that IK has managed to turn things around and make this Jalsa into a real force. Its beginnings were quite humble and it appeared that it was bound to fail. But kudos to IK and most importantly the loyal crowd following him to have stuck to their guns and turn a position of weakness into a position of strength. The Federal Government which was quite strong when it came into power has had its wings clipped, they have been deeply humbled and it has forced them to seek allies when at the start of their tenure, they thought they were strong enough for everyone. The most likely scenario is, NS is going home. Reality has hit them hard and the language of their loyal ministers is evidence enough.
I'm glad Zardari is back in PK along with his gang of looters. Time to serve justice on all of them together in one sweep.
So where is this moron up to? I stopped following this nonsense since yesterday.
@Aeronaut - this is what your were condemning. I am with you in this. Fringe extremist parties like ASWJ must not receive attention or coverage. It is only during times of instability like these that they get to assert themselves and receive coverage. Ordinarily they would struggle. The sooner this circus in Islamabad winds down, the better.

PML-N is using ASWJ presence to prop their cause. This is totally wrong and condemnable.

‘Proscribed’ allies make outlandish claims - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
"PML-N youth wing leaders and members of the party’s Islamabad chapter, who were also present on stage at the time, lauded the ASWJ for coming out in support of Islam, Pakistan and democracy."
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@Aeronaut - this is what your were condemning. I am with you in this. Fringe extremist parties like ASWJ must not receive attention or coverage. It is only during times of instability like these that they get to assert themselves and receive coverage. Ordinarily they would struggle. The sooner this circus in Islamabad winds down, the better.

PML-N is using their presence to prop their cause. This is totally wrong and condemnable.

‘Proscribed’ allies make outlandish claims - Pakistan - DAWN.COM
"PML-N youth wing leaders and members of the party’s Islamabad chapter, who were also present on stage at the time, lauded the ASWJ for coming out in support of Islam, Pakistan and democracy."
Justice will be served, all of this Noora , s mafiaism will lead to his hanging?
According to Shahid Masood, in his yesterday's program...Asif Zardari will suggest to Nawaz Sharif...tht resign "temporarily" as PM, but NOT
as MNA....and make someone else as PM......then...for 2-3 months..get Shahbaz Sharif out the scene also, along with u, and make commision for investigating dhandli and evrything...then when these will be settled, ur party will still hv majority in Parliament...u can become PM again after 2-3 months.... So it can be win win situattion for everyone... Sab shor khud hi khatam hojayega.... So end rsult.... NOTHING will change.... And only more disappointment for Pakistani ppl again
@Chak Bamu

Everytime these Islamofascists have been used for political leverege, they have wanted permission to massacre Shias, Sunnis and Ahmadis. If you hear about an incident in coming weeks, you'll know what i meant.
@Aeronaut Wht is ur take on the formula given by Asif Zardari? I think ppl of Pakistan are again going to be cheated in hope for change once again... PTI will accept this as a face saving formula also and ppl will be disappointed again

I am NOT a supporter of Imran Khan and Qadri...but I want change
@Aeronaut Wht is ur take on the formula given by Asif Zardari? I think ppl of Pakistan are again going to be cheated in hope for change once again... PTI will accept this as a face saving formula also and ppl will be disappointed again

I am NOT a supporter of Imran Khan and Qadri...but I want change

As stubborn as Nawaz is i highly doubt if he is even going to accept this formula of Zardari.
@Farah Sohail

Bibijan baat simple si hai.

* Nawaz has spent billions getting back into power, he ain't leaving without making up a fair profit on that investment, bu pulling a few more Nandi power plant like stunts and shutting down Iran Pakistan pipeline to qualify for those crispy $1.5 billion, worth of Riyals, which he tells us is a 'gift' (bribe).

2: Zardari has a deal with PMLN, to have the next govt, which explains why he's quiet and playing friendly, opposition.

3: Nawaz Want to launch Princess Mary and Zardari wants to launch, Biloo into the political fray. So their goal is to lease out Pakistan to their next generations.

4: IK is a spoiler in this game, a man who doesn't take shit for an answer, doesn't back down and has nothing to lose nor gain. They are afraid of him, because when he leads Pakistan, he will do naked accountability, which will, all but annhilate the Al-Sharif Zardari's family ambitions.

5: The last election was engineered to 'contain' IK. Tgey thought that they could give him KPK and would succeed in shutting him down, which failed because he's not seeking power but reforms.

6: Since bringing a change from within has become impossible, due to Sharif, Zardari nexus, Imran and Qadri are forced to work from the outside for reforms. If this cycle doesn't get destroyed, the next election, the one after and the one after that too would be rigged and we will have the next generation of Zardaris and Sharifs ruling our kids and their kids.

Is nizaam main 14 masoom Pakistanion ky qatal e aam ki FIR tak darj ni hotee...Guloo butts are released on bail and not a single terrorist is hanged after 60,000 Pakistanis are blown to pieces.

This system has no room for evolution. A ststem without room for evolution is destined to die. If IK and Dr Qadri can slay this monster that feeds off our blood and sweat, remains to be seen.

@Icarus @Hyperion @Armstrong
Find its hard to get latest update on Jalsa and shows the level of sensorship and information hiding in media

Ever since I came home from visiting folks can't fine any live coverage of the freedom movement
A reasonably accurate analysis. The thing is, if Nooners can process any of the points.

@Farah Sohail

Bibijan baat simple si hai.

* Nawaz has spent billions getting back into power, he ain't leaving without making up a fair profit on that investment, bu pulling a few more Nandi power plant like stunts and shutting down Iran Pakistan pipeline to qualify for those crispy $1.5 billion, worth of Riyals, which he tells us is a 'gift' (bribe).

2: Zardari has a deal with PMLN, to have the next govt, which explains why he's quiet and playing friendly, opposition.

3: Nawaz Want to launch Princess Mary and Zardari wants to launch, Biloo into the political fray. So their goal is to lease out Pakistan to their next generations.

4: IK is a spoiler in this game, a man who doesn't take shit for an answer, doesn't back down and has nothing to lose nor gain. They are afraid of him, because when he leads Pakistan, he will do naked accountability, which will, all but annhilate the Al-Sharif Zardari's family ambitions.

5: The last election was engineered to 'contain' IK. Tgey thought that they could give him KPK and would succeed in shutting him down, which failed because he's not seeking power but reforms.

6: Since bringing a change from within has become impossible, due to Sharif, Zardari nexus, Imran and Qadri are forced to work from the outside for reforms. If this cycle doesn't get destroyed, the next election, the one after and the one after that too would be rigged and we will have the next generation of Zardaris and Sharifs ruling our kids and their kids.

Is nizaam main 14 masoom Pakistanion ky qatal e aam ki FIR tak darj ni hotee...Guloo butts are released on bail and not a single terrorist is hanged after 60,000 Pakistanis are blown to pieces.

This system has no room for evolution. A ststem without room for evolution is destined to die. If IK and Dr Qadri can slay this monster that feeds off our blood and sweat, remains to be seen.

@Icarus @Hyperion @Armstrong
If the purpose of this current protest is to force the government to introduce transparent election process then politically this is the right time. Reasons which IK has presented now shall lose their validness by 2016/17, counter argument of being late and enjoying government in KP for almost its term would make IK position vulnerable to a strong criticism.
All the popularity which Imran lost because off call off civil disobedience although I fully agree regained after USA statement in favor off Nawaz and today meeting off Nawaz and Zardari
@Chak Bamu

Everytime these Islamofascists have been used for political leverege, they have wanted permission to massacre Shias, Sunnis and Ahmadis. If you hear about an incident in coming weeks, you'll know what i meant.

I read Ayesha Siddiqa's research on their organization and tactics in Central and South Punjab last year. It was a very sobering read. Apparently they are available on rent and make themselves useful for establishment and center-right parties. They were in the forefront in "Dafa-i-Pakistan" rallies. They have connections with JUI-S, JuD, Lal Masjid people, etc... They never pass up a chance to suck up to 'Establishment'. These people are also active in Baluchistan. Less said the better on this count.

Ludhianavi tries very hard to appear respectable and statesman-like. This is the only way they get projections. In a stable environment, nobody would given them 5 seconds.

I happened upon a demonstration of theirs on a Sunday a couple months back:
ASWJ Lahore.jpg

You can see the insignificant number of people there were. These were simply madrassah students from somewhere. They had shut down a major intersection to demonstrate against a couple of their people having been detained by police.

I was angry at police not doing anything about it. Apparently police did not want to provoke them any further despite them having caused a traffic jam. I am not one to stay quiet so I parked my car aside, walked up to them and tried to find out what was up with them. While I took their pictures, they were taking my pictures. It was funny. I gave them a sharp piece of my mind and left.

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