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PTI's Azadi March 14th August 2014 l Updates and debate.


Any truth in this ?

If there is any truth to this -

I am coming down to PAK.


State is responsible for protecting the buildings. MY FOOT. Your state is responsible for protecting KOMANDO ELITE, ZARARS, Gwadar scammers and so on.
He said he will sleep here today. FINALLY the guy is going to stay here with the people and he said he will scare nawaz sharif today.
My program was today to take the people to PM house but i thought and thought all night and i just felt sorry and pity for NS. Already he is weak hearted, if i said go there and then he would have had a heart attack.d.
"My", "I", "Me", "Mine"...

Is there ANY doubt about this guy's dictatorial mindset?! He makes it crystal clear that he alone makes decisions--and sometimes when he is influenced by the crowds!
"My", "I", "Me", "Mine"...

Is there ANY doubt about this guy's dictatorial mindset?! He makes it crystal clear that he alone makes decisions--and sometimes when he is influenced by the crowds!

I am nearly hundred percent sure he makes his own decision and his supporters should tell him that he should sleep and not think all night. this is a pathetic excuse that i took pity on Ns heart condition and thus i decided to not take a harsh action against him but i am willing to scare him all night. :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:

I today told his supporters here to not use that as an excuse if he goes back since it would be stupid but imran has already started to use that excuse. :hitwall:
I am nearly hundred percent sure he makes his own decision and his supporters should tell him that he should sleep and not think all night. this is a pathetic excuse that i took pity on Ns heart condition and thus i decided to not take a harsh action against him but i am willing to scare him all night. :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:


Is there ANY doubt left in anyone's mind after reading the bolded part about how utterly clueless Imran appears? Just shut up Khan and go home!
1. NS is not going anywhere. Courts will not allow an unconstitutional removal.

2. Re-election is up in the air at the moment. This would be the toughest thing to get, but not an impossibility.

3. Electoral reforms are not a problem. They should happen.

4. Changes in EC are not going to be a problem. EC can do this by itself.

5. About neutral set up, I doubt if *all* the political parties can agree on anything. Basically IK wants to have a say because currently he has no say since he is not leader of the opposition.

6. Punishing EC officials is a difficult proposition. I do not know how officials of an independent EC inducted temporarily from other departments can be punished. Most will take a plea that they are not trained for this job and that they can not be expected to deliver without being permanent employees of EC.

So, apart from #1 all else can be negotiated, but for #2, #6 the devil will be in the details.

I think government will drag this for at least a couple of days. During this time position of both IK and TuQ will become progressively weaker. SC can not be expected to rule against the constitution.

Another dynamic is that TuQ is already negotiating with government. There would be pressure on IK, since he has fewer people and if TuQ goes back with all his people, IK will be seen to have fewer supporters. Government might not take him seriously.
1. NS is not going anywhere. Courts will not allow an unconstitutional removal.

2. Re-election is up in the air at the moment. This would be the toughest thing to get, but not an impossibility.

3. Electoral reforms are not a problem. They should happen.

4. Changes in EC are not going to be a problem. EC can do this by itself.

5. About neutral set up, I doubt if *all* the political parties can agree on anything. Basically IK wants to have a say because currently he has no say since he is not leader of the opposition.

6. Punishing EC officials is a difficult proposition. I do not know how officials of an independent EC inducted temporarily from other departments can be punished. Most will take a plea that they are not trained for this job and that they can not be expected to deliver without being permanent employees of EC.

So, apart from #1 all else can be negotiated, but for #2, #6 the devil will be in the details.

I think government will drag this for at least a couple of days. During this time position of both IK and TuQ will become progressively weaker. SC can not be expected to rule against the constitution.

Another dynamic is that TuQ is already negotiating with government. There would be pressure on IK, since he has fewer people and if TuQ goes back with all his people, IK will be seen to have fewer supporters. Government might not take him seriously.

I agree with your analysis. I too believe the 1 and 2 wont happen while the rest are doable even punishing the officials however i am disappointed in one thing. I was expecting him to get some better incentives for KPK province and i really really hope that comes up as that may be the biggest reward in all of this and he should focus on it. Perhaps the rpice of taking back the PM point.
TUQ doing a deal is definite pressure and remember TUQ was much much more pro-active then PTI as they removed the containers and reached the red zone. They were circling the parliament house. If qadri falls imran will be under huge pressure as he will be seen as a stubborn person. same is true for qadri if situation is reversed. They are running on each others backing and anyones fall will be detrimental for the other.

Not too mention the courts have summoned Imran and qadri tomorrow and ignoring the SC calls may lead to harsher decisions against them.

This may sound repetitive but the next few days will be very critical and will truly determine the end point of this march. ofcourse if all talks fail it may get dragged out for a few more days.

PTI negotiating committee's head is shah mehmood qureshi while the other members are jahangir tareen,azeem sawati and aleem khan.
1 – Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif must resign --- Virtually out of the question, IK himself knows politically this demand is unwarranted. Being made to get leverage in negotiations.

2 – Immediate electoral reforms --- Absolutely a justified demand, Pakistan needs those reforms.

3 – Reelection must take place after reforms --- This is another way of saying NS should resign, if it's really about reelections then demand number 1 doesn't make any sense in the charter.

4 – Neutral caretaker government, not the one that inflicts ‘35 punctures’ --- Absolutely justifiable, should be the part of electoral reforms package.

5 – Resignation of all the election commissioners that managed the previous election --- Justified, should have been made the part of demand number 2.

6 – Accountability of those who ‘colluded’ with Prime Minister for election rigging, must be imprisoned and tried under Article 6 --- Such a childish demand, NS who rigged the whole election must only resign, no demand about his trial - but the people who colluded with him must be imprisoned and tried under article 6 which deals with high treason. Anyway, it's only the court that decides what falls within the definition of high treason, not me not you. Moreover no one but the government of Pakistan is authorized to file a case of high treason through law ministry so IK can do it once he's elected in, no point asking a government which is illegal and unconstitutional and is already on its way to demise.

So in a nutshell - 4 of the 6 demands are about electoral reforms and I think every Pakistani will support IK on this.
Uptill now time was running out for government, now its running out for IK, if he doesn't negotiate on sensible(possible) terms now it would end up bad for both sides maybe. Or it can be a win win for both sides if 3 important terms are met, that is new EC, electoral reforms and recounting/investigation of the 2013 elections. It would be best in the interest of this nation to avoid any violence and accomplish all this.

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