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PTI MNA Aamir Liaquat officially ties the knot (again) # 3..

Another case of muttah peddlers practicing muttah.
classic **victim blaming**
Victim of what exactly?

Of course he did, one baighairat to another!
Well the guy is a grade A weirdo I'll give you that, but how exactly is marrying according to shariat an 18 year old who is mind you above the age of consent even by western standards, constitute as beghairti?

Many folks over here just venting frustration or putting up a sectarian angle.

Victim of what exactly?
Just kidding dude
Well the guy is a grade A weirdo I'll give you that, but how exactly is marrying according to shariat an 18 year old who is mind you above the age of consent even by western standards, constitute as beghairti?

Many folks over here just venting frustration or putting up a sectarian angle.
Lets see when he allows his own 18 yo daughter to marry a 50 yo uncle. It will happen for sure because karma never leaves you.
Just kidding dude

Lets see when he allows his own 18 yo daughter to marry a 50 yo uncle. It will happen for sure because karma never leaves you.
Yeah I mean he has to have the same standards for his family. Again he's a weirdo so I expect him to lash out once that happens.
Just kidding dude

Lets see when he allows his own 18 yo daughter to marry a 50 yo uncle. It will happen for sure because karma never leaves you.
I dont think we should be debating this - his daughter is older than his wife for crying out loud
Does the society accept such marriages with a large age gap? Just to put things in perspective, she wasn't even born when he was 31.

"Money makes the world go around". Women have a singular focus on stability and personal security even now. and money solves a lot of problems if in the hands of smart people. Sorry to the feminists here. Millions of years of biological evolution can't be undone by a few decades of social changes.

But, yes, such a shame that this guy was a religious scholar at a time. And not because of his marriages. He just sounds like a clown! Even Zulfi Bhutto's Maula Kausar Niazi, whom we called 'Maulana Whiskey' in the 1970s was better than Amir Liaqat!

PS. The bride is beautiful! Pakistani women are gorgeous! Heck many men too. In a bar recently, a lady said to me: 'You are not black or white. You are better. You are exotic!" [Literally her words!] <End of self aggrandizement. Hahahah!>

Speaking of money, "Caberet" is a great movie to watch! @Hamartia Antidote

well that's a risk that every rich man takes when he gets married now doesn't he? he has no way of knowing if she is marrying him out of love or for the money and if the latter, will she stick around for the money or bail on the marriage as soon as she bags her share of the wealth...

In America a wife can wipe you clean off your assets. The best you could hope for would be 50-50 split. And if you are proven an abuser or an adulterer, then kiss every dime goodbye! But in Pakistan... not so. While Islamic laws guarantees something for wives but the husbands get to keep most of their possessions despite whatever the crap they do. And the generous treatment to wives is, I think, limited to only western countries.
Speaking of money, "Caberet" is a great movie to watch! @Hamartia Antidote

I'd love to watch that movie but something about Liza Minnelli just creeps me out and I avoid her movies. She looks like some drag queen.

This is like when years ago my coworkers were talking about that Kardasian tv show and when they mentioned "Jenner" my ears perked up.

Me: "Wait...you mean Bruce Jenner the ex athlete is on that show?".

Them: "yes, he's the mother's second husband the original was that OJ lawyer".

Me: "Oh man..does he say anything strange?"

Them: "No, and compared to them he's pretty normal. Doesn't get much camera action"

Me: "Hmm...something about that guy always creeped me out..just don't know what...I thought for sure they must have the camera on him all the time".

Them: "Nope, that would be a pretty boring show"

2 years later
Them: "Holy crap did you call that!!!!"
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In theory ,

1- A Man , (with wealth ) who can look after his family and his wife can certainly wed again
from religious perspective? Yes of course they can

2- Is there ageism in Islam ? No there is no law which claims age is factor as long as the male and female are of certain "Adulthood"

3- Love is blind , and idealism is blind the media glitter further enhances a human

"If Amir Sahib is married again , Mashallah , May Allah give the Bride and Groom protection"

As a fellow Muslim I can't wish them negatively as it is a Legal Wedlock by consent of two adults (It is not my place to judge here)

World Wide
  • Older Men (wealthy) often court younger women
  • Sometimes the womens never get the status of a wife
  • Women generally have a odd perspective when it comes to men

"A part from some harmless jokes I did not meant he was a bad person , a Muslim person can marry someone legally , it is not for me to judge."
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In America a wife can wipe you clean off your assets. The best you could hope for would be 50-50 split. And if you are proven an abuser or an adulterer, then kiss every dime goodbye! But in Pakistan... not so. While Islamic laws guarantees something for wives but the husbands get to keep most of their possessions despite whatever the crap they do. And the generous treatment to wives is, I think, limited to only western countries.
it is heavily lopsided in favor of women here in the west where she is divorcing a good man. but if she's divorcing a bad, crooked, womanizing man then she's fcked, the system here rigged to help that perverted crooked man.

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