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PTI Leadership Has No Clue What It’s Doing

PTI VOTERS - In your view, are you satisfied with the direction of the PTI party?

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Mar 15, 2023
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They went from absolutely not….to embarrassing themselves like this.

1. Flaunting your dirty laundry in public - immature politics
2. Approaching the very same people you accused of interfering in our politics - hypocrisy
3. Welcoming dubious characters to the party like Elahi and Ijaz-ul-Haq - devolving

What exactly is the end game here?

No vision…no optics….no ability to read the room whatsoever with this PTI leadership. The hypocrisy and arrogance is just too much.
absolutely not to allow base in Pakistan.

Stop making crap threads

says by those who were and will be beneficiary of pmln corrupt system

What was all that foreign interference about? Why are some PTI supporters unable to comprehend the hypocrisy?

Wake up please. The US is the biggest human rights violator in the history of human history and you’re approaching them to save Pakistan?

That’s laughable to say the least…

What was all that foreign interference about? Why are some PTI supporters unable to comprehend the hypocrisy?

Wake up please.
Dont change now, show me where pti said they will not dialogue or make friendship with usa?

Looks like you know nothing about what had happened and what been said in interviews by imran khan who is actually behind the inteference.
Dont change now, show me where pti said they will not dialogue or make friendship with usa?

Do you even know what dialogue means? It’s when two or more groups sit down to discuss a problem.

All I see here is senior PTI leaders crying in front of American House Representatives….not even member of the current American government…but House Representatives.

wILL yOu fRaaNship Me won’t work here buddy.

Have some self respect.
Well PTI were always going to engage US. It will be idiotic not to.

PTI engaging Elahi. Well Moonis did not give PTI a danda in vote of confidence and they have completely amalgamated into PTI.

Discussions with PDM, this I have qualms with. They should not. They are in a position of strength. If the PDM and Establishment do not want to give elections, then the decisions will need to be made on the streets.

These randi ke bachays deserve to be continuously exposed. The PTI made an idiotic decision engaging them. It only serves to legitimise them. I hope the deal breaks down.
Well PTI were always going to engage US. It will be idiotic not to.

Then engage them on equal footing….why is a former sitting PM taking phone calls from American House Reps?

This would be akin to like President Trump taking phone calls from an MNA in the National Assembly.

Crying and complaining won’t do anything. Engaging the US for what exactly? I don’t understand….
Do you even know what dialogue means? It’s when two or more groups sit down to discuss a problem.

All I see here is senior PTI leaders crying in front of American House Representatives….not even member of the current American government…but House Representatives.

wILL yOu fRaaNship Me won’t work here buddy.

Have some self respect.
There are clear measage from pti

" Dosti sab se ghulami kisi ki nahi"

While PDM

" You keep attacking drone, we will keep condemning it"

You know nothing kid
There are clear measage from pti

" Dosti sab se ghulami kisi ki nahi"

While PDM

" You keep attacking drone, we will keep condemning it"

You know nothing kid

Yes keep begging for fraanship….who said the Americans wanted to be your friends? They have no friends…they have interests.

Learn politics kid.
They went from absolutely not….to embarrassing themselves like this.

1. Flaunting your dirty laundry in public - immature politics
2. Approaching the very same people you accused of interfering in our politics - hypocrisy
3. Welcoming dubious characters to the party like Elahi and Ijaz-ul-Haq - devolving

What exactly is the end game here?

No vision…no optics….no ability to read the room whatsoever with this PTI leadership. The hypocrisy and arrogance is just too much.
I actually don't get point of knee jerk reaction threads.

Absolutely not was for bombing inside pak not talking to american politicians.

Imi has few allies getting some US politicians to listen puts indirect pressure on PDM and its corrupt practises. If you enter politics you need to be ready to get dirty. I mean why should PTI not talk to Americans or anyone else for that matter. The whole corrupt state apparatus is against them, people are not exactly out on the streets on strike, pti has very few options left.
Absolutely not was for bombing inside pak not talking to american politicians.

Talking to American politicians does what for us. Explain.

Imi has few allies getting some US politicians to listen puts indirect pressure on PDM and its corrupt practises.

Please explain to me how that puts pressure on PDM.

If you enter politics you need to be ready to get dirty. I mean why should PTI not talk to Americans or anyone else for that matter. The whole corrupt state apparatus is against them, people are not exactly out on the streets on strike, pti has very few options left.

So explain to me how speaking to lowly American House Representatives is supposed to help.

So far nobody has been able to explain this one to me.
Talking to American politicians does what for us. Explain.

Please explain to me how that puts pressure on PDM.

So explain to me how speaking to lowly American House Representatives is supposed to help.

So far nobody has been able to explain this one to me.
You don't get politics and want explanations. Allot gos on in the background outside of the public eye. Whether it will lead to any change remains to be seen, but not talking is essentially isolating yourself which is a bad move.
You don't get politics and want explanations. Allot gos on in the background outside of the public eye. Whether it will lead to any change remains to be seen, but not talking is essentially isolating yourself which is a bad move.

Again, what does PTI gain from talking to American House Reps since you’re a PhD in politics.

This time try to answer the question instead of claiming I don’t understand politics.
Again, what does PTI gain from talking to American House Reps since you’re a PhD in politics.

This time try to answer the question instead of claiming I don’t understand politics.
I'm not privy to the conversations but if I was to guess they could be talking about the need to protect democracy in pak, could be to do with coordinating a joint initiative with support from the US embassy, could be about aid for education, social programmes the list is endless.

I say again not talking is a bad move.

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