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PTI | Imran Khan's Political Desk.


Found this interesting Propoganda picture on social networking site.
Poster claims that Abbottabad Jalsa was Photoshopped and shown to be larger than it was..
Abbottabad happens to be my city so i asked somebody there who actually attended the Jalsa to comment on the picture and here is the Reply.

i was there so i can comment on this. The picture on the left is when imran khan's speech was near. there were actually that many people in the ground, the ground was full plus people were on the roof tops.

The picture on the right was taken earlier in the day when there were less people and many ppl were still arriving

If you look at the sun and the brightness you can testify that both pictures are from different time in the day, the one on the left is from evening after 3 o clock maybe 4. the one on the right is from mid day like 12 or 1 pm."

like I posted those pictures in stupid and funny thread by Noon leaguers, saying that Quetta Jalsa picture given to media is photoshop....

this simply shows how panic these sick status quo people are !!

we got a chance to change the fate of our country after 66 years and they want to mislead us again from that Path ??? FU.CK THEM !!

This is coming straight from AQ Khan.

Pakistan Needs You Now: The coming elections will offer the best chance for a new, clean start and to put our country back on the road to self-respect. If we lose this opportunity, our situation will only worsen and nobody will come to our rescue. There will be even less gas, electricity, food and jobs and we will become no more than a colony of imperialist powers. Organise yourselves, work hard and honestly. Forget your differences on political or religious grounds. Just think of Pakistan – it needs you now. Dr. A Q Khan

Son of SM Zafar joins PTI today...
Lahore: Asim Zafar, a son of veteran Pakistani lawyer and Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid senior politician SM Zadar, has joined the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI).

He announced the decision during a press conference along with PTI chairman Imran Khan on Tuesday.

Khan welcomed Mr Zafar in his party. Addressing the press conference Khan criticized his political opponents, especially the government for defying the Supreme Court of Pakistan orders.

He said that if the prime minister would not implement the court order, how would a common man do so.

He said that the government was defying the court orders only to hide its corruption.

Meanwhile, commenting over the SC’s detailed judgment into contempt case against the prime minister, Imran Khan said that Gilani had no moral high ground and should immediately step down from the post.

He , however, said Gilani still has legal right to file an appeal against the court ruling.

Son of veteran lawyer and politician SM Zafar joins PTI | The News Tribe
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Watch at 42 seconds onwards.
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IMRAN.s somAmi ship, is in london!
On the most , important time ,in political arena, of pakistan, its his bad judgment, which makes, him work hard , & lose in the end?
IMRAN.s somAmi ship, is in london!
On the most , important time ,in political arena, of pakistan, its his bad judgment, which makes, him work hard , & lose in the end?

He needs to collect money for Namalcollege, SKMH, and PTI.

Alone from Manchester dinner he collected half a million st pounds for namal college.

as for losing the pie is concern, I dont think DPC can be a threat to PTI. PTI can only hope to turn things around in Elections till then everything will continue the way it is...

as far as PTI is concern all its top brass; SQM, JH Shereen, Cheema, Shafqat, Ijaz, and others are here... there is no moment being called in by parties in absence of ImranKhan that his struggle be hijacked
He needs to collect money for Namalcollege, SKMH, and PTI.

Alone from Manchester dinner he collected half a million st pounds for namal college.

as for losing the pie is concern, I dont think DPC can be a threat to PTI. PTI can only hope to turn things around in Elections till then everything will continue the way it is...

as far as PTI is concern all its top brass; SQM, JH Shereen, Cheema, Shafqat, Ijaz, and others are here... there is no moment being called in by parties in absence of ImranKhan that his struggle be hijacked
Thanks for the kind, reply!
Why was Imran in london, when floods were in pakistan?
Why does he allways, collects money, from england?
Why he don't go , anywhere else to collect money?
^ you should also state your intentions of posting pics of ik 'with' yada yada?
Just so you know, the champion of democracy, our very own convicted PM, was a minister for Zia. Nawaz Sharif was also propped up under the army nest.

He was a cricketer back then, with Zia and all, and some people are so desperate, they tie it to him politically.

And what's the friggin problem if he goes to London to collect charity for a charity organization. As if he goes fr

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