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PTI Haqeeqi Azadi March Oct 2022 - News and Updates

It seems ik has decided to go all the way. First time, no pacifism. But I now fear for his life.
“Know that if the nation were to gather together to benefit you with something, they would not benefit you except with that which Allah has already recorded for you. If they gather to harm you by something, they would not be able to harm you by anything except what Allah has already recorded against you."
all is good and well, but didnt IK come to Power himself with the support of the same Establishment he is now supposedly fighting against?
What is the assurance, in case of sucess, he wont join the Establishment again?

IK doesn't need establishment. If free and fair elections were held he would win by a landslide. Only bootlickers like @Signalian will tell you otherwise.
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It seems ik has decided to go all the way. First time, no pacifism. But I now fear for his life.
He has just stepped up 1 level up the escalation ladder.

There are still a few steps up. But yes, he is moving up.
Haqeeqi Azadi March Objectives:

- To attain civilian rights and uphold justice as prescribed in the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan
- Empower Pakistani institutions & civilian and military establishment through meritocracy. End feudalism, dynastic politics and extrajudicial killings, torture and kidnappings.
- To get rid of Brown colonials (puppets of imperialism) who become an obstacle in forming/deploying an independent foreign policy of Pakistan. So that Pakistan makes its policy for benefit of its citizens and not fight 3rd party wars in which Pakistan has already lost 90,000 lives, 20 million people displaced homeless, $200+ billion USD losses on economy.
- To spread justice in society so it becomes a backbone of growing economy as per the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). Weak and powerful men will have to follow same law without discrimination.
- To get rid of Western planted regime which was done through organized and orchestrated regime change operation.
- To introduce Electronic Voting machines in Pakistan to prevent corrupt officials from meddling/rigging in electoral voting.
- To make Election System (ECP) an independent institute, stop it from being lapdog of certain corrupt political parties.
- To bring a legitimately elected government by 220 million Pakistanis through free and fair elections, and stop repeat of 1970 fiasco elections also known as Fall of Dhaka when East Pakistan (right arm) was separated because of stolen election victory.

Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Movement for Justice) Imran Khan's message for the nation:

Coverages areas:

- Bol TV --- [channel link: https://www.youtube.com/c/BOLNewsofficial ]
- PTI Official YouTube Channel --- [ https://www.youtube.com/c/PTIOfficialChannel ]
- PTI Twitter --[ https://twitter.com/PTIofficial ]
- Imran Khan official channel - [ https://www.youtube.com/c/ImranKhanOfficialChannel ]

PTI Exclusive Live Transmission

Note: the stream might go offline at regular intervals for breaks, you can check the PTI's channel for the live/ongoing stream.

In memory of Arshad Shareef Shaheed (1973-2022)

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The top Pakistani journalist Arshad Shareef who attained martyrdom (assassinated) while fighting against forces behind regime change operation in Pakistan. He had to fled the country because he exposed the wrongdoings of powerful men, he was determined and never compromised on his principals.

Just like Arshad Shareef, the Chairman PTI Imran Khan also has threats on his life. In Pakistan 75 years history, many political leaders were assassinated in same manner, starting from Liaqat Ali Khan, Fatima Jinnah, Zulfiqar Bhutto, etc. In this video Imran Khan tells people about who conspired to kill him and he has recorded a video naming them.

PTI's Leadership Press Conference, highlighting the goals and objectives of this True Independence March in Detail:

Here's the route map of Haqeeqi Azadi March, starting on Friday, 28th October, 2022 from Liberty Chowk, Lahore

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Live coverage of PTI's Haqeeqi Azadi March from a somewhat unbiased/patriotic media (BOL TV)

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Seems nber is less then 2000 and it just mini high and buy thing
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