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PTI goes to SC over Daska polling & asks ECP to withhold notification of Gillani

Agreed zillion times over. Pakistan is dead. People should realise and come out in support of honesty, openness and credibility, corruption free Pakistan. Otherwise say goodbye to
-your freedom
-your economics
-your state as it exists now.
-your nuclear weapons
-your security

What kind of Chief of Army Staffs Provide NRO to some political leaders!!

It is not that NRO was figment of anyone's imagination. It was challenged in the SCP and was declared null and void and against the constitution and the laws of Pakistan. That's all good. But.
-Why those Generals namely Mushrraf and Kiyani who were involved were left unpunished!! What part of Army ACT allows them to offer NRO to corrupt thugs!!! Were they not in breach of their oaths!!! If they were why were they are not court martialed!!!

I keep repeating here. Pakistani nation has forgotten the necessity of straight thinking. Unless they start to think straight and take actions against culprits, Pakistan is doomed. It cannot progress.

Who in their right mind would trust people like Nawaz, Shahbaz, Maryam, Hamza, Zardari, Bilawal and Diese etcl!!! The Answer is Pakistani generals AKA "Establishment".

Don't believe me!! Think straight. Were they not aware that these people looted Pakistan!! Why NRO was offered!! How these people despite passing of decades of lot are still allowed and able to stand in the elections!! Where were Pakistani agencies!! Are they incompetent!! Answer is no. They have all the proofs needed to hang these crooks. But they don''t use those proofs. Why!!

Why was Nawaz allowed to leave. Why there is pressure on PM IK to let Maryam go to the UK!!
Why Maryam was given bail!! On the ground of being a woman!!! Why all other women are still in Pakistani jails, why were they not released!! Why there is nobody to look in to this matter!!
Why Maryam is still out of the jail!! What are the terms of her bail!! Has she flaunted those terms!! Why she is not arrested!!

You see when you start to think logically and straight, you realised that Pakistani generals have lot to answer for. They are openly getting blackmailed by Maryam, but cannot do jack shit, instead they are pushing to let her leave, thinking by doing so, they would shift the troubles to some other times.

But bigger question is , who are they to do all these things!!! Do they have any legal reasons!! Rights!! Duties in these matters!!! Answer is simply no.

What kind of army it is that it is protecting the looters of the nation rather than protecting the nation from the looters!!!

This has to be answered by all Pakistanis. Sit down, calm down and think logically and straight, you will get all the answers.

All good and valid points
All good and valid points

Bajwa is turning out to be a liability with every passing day. There is a reason why you are supposed to go home when you retire. He is an old tired man and the corrupt mafia knows this very well.
Nothing is going to happen.
Hope attorney General of pk recovers from covid soon because he can make ECP and PDM cry. He roasted ECP so hard in SC that ECP issued notice to him

Good move by PTI. Take on ECP legally after humiliation of ECP by IK.

@Norwegian - theory!
PTI has a great legal team
Attorney General pk
Babar awan
Faroogh naseem
Farrukh habib
Shahzad akbar
Barrister Ali zafar
Agreed zillion times over. Pakistan is dead. People should realise and come out in support of honesty, openness and credibility, corruption free Pakistan. Otherwise say goodbye to
-your freedom
-your economics
-your state as it exists now.
-your nuclear weapons
-your security

What kind of Chief of Army Staffs Provide NRO to some political leaders!!

It is not that NRO was figment of anyone's imagination. It was challenged in the SCP and was declared null and void and against the constitution and the laws of Pakistan. That's all good. But.
-Why those Generals namely Mushrraf and Kiyani who were involved were left unpunished!! What part of Army ACT allows them to offer NRO to corrupt thugs!!! Were they not in breach of their oaths!!! If they were why were they are not court martialed!!!

I keep repeating here. Pakistani nation has forgotten the necessity of straight thinking. Unless they start to think straight and take actions against culprits, Pakistan is doomed. It cannot progress.

Who in their right mind would trust people like Nawaz, Shahbaz, Maryam, Hamza, Zardari, Bilawal and Diese etcl!!! The Answer is Pakistani generals AKA "Establishment".

Don't believe me!! Think straight. Were they not aware that these people looted Pakistan!! Why NRO was offered!! How these people despite passing of decades of lot are still allowed and able to stand in the elections!! Where were Pakistani agencies!! Are they incompetent!! Answer is no. They have all the proofs needed to hang these crooks. But they don''t use those proofs. Why!!

Why was Nawaz allowed to leave. Why there is pressure on PM IK to let Maryam go to the UK!!
Why Maryam was given bail!! On the ground of being a woman!!! Why all other women are still in Pakistani jails, why were they not released!! Why there is nobody to look in to this matter!!
Why Maryam is still out of the jail!! What are the terms of her bail!! Has she flaunted those terms!! Why she is not arrested!!

You see when you start to think logically and straight, you realised that Pakistani generals have lot to answer for. They are openly getting blackmailed by Maryam, but cannot do jack shit, instead they are pushing to let her leave, thinking by doing so, they would shift the troubles to some other times.

But bigger question is , who are they to do all these things!!! Do they have any legal reasons!! Rights!! Duties in these matters!!! Answer is simply no.

What kind of army it is that it is protecting the looters of the nation rather than protecting the nation from the looters!!!

This has to be answered by all Pakistanis. Sit down, calm down and think logically and straight, you will get all the answers.
You need to ask whether giving NRO was supported by public or not

Answer is yes

The president has powers of clamency because people give them power

It wasnt that this was unpopular decision

Even today educated people think corruption is right of politicans

70% people are educated in pakistan and still PPPP and PMLN(two major players of NRO) are hugely popular and their leaders hugely respected
Hope attorney General of pk recovers from covid soon because he can make ECP and PDM cry. He roasted ECP so hard in SC that ECP issued notice to him

PTI has a great legal team
Attorney General pk
Babar awan
Faroogh naseem
Farrukh habib
Shahzad akbar
Barrister Ali zafar
Doesnt matter if judges are biased
You need to ask whether giving NRO was supported by public or not

Answer is yes

The president has powers of clamency because people give them power

It wasnt that this was unpopular decision

Even today educated people think corruption is right of politicans

70% people are educated in pakistan and still PPPP and PMLN(two major players of NRO) are hugely popular and their leaders hugely respected

Doesnt matter if judges are biased

Ahaan, Ahaan. 70% people are educated in Pakistan!! I say less than 5% are educated to the standard it needed to understand the complex issues and texts.
Rest are those who can read a simple text in Urdu , they are classed as educated under the current system.

Going by this argument, if majority of people in the country becomes thieves , President of Pakistan can declare stealing permissible!!

President has power of "Clemency" on mass scale!! Where!!
Let the thieves become eligible to steal again from the poor people of Pakistan is classed as "clemency" for you!!

Secondly, can President has power to forgive thieves in mass!!
Why then President's legal team didn't presented those arguments in the SCP!!
Ahaan, Ahaan. 70% people are educated in Pakistan!! I say less than 5% are educated to the standard it needed to understand the complex issues and texts.
Rest are those who can read a simple text in Urdu , they are classed as educated under the current system.

Going by this argument, if majority of people in the country becomes thieves , President of Pakistan can declare stealing permissible!!

President has power of "Clemency" on mass scale!! Where!!
Let the thieves become eligible to steal again from the poor people of Pakistan is classed as "clemency" for you!!

Secondly, can President has power to forgive thieves in mass!!
Why then President's legal team didn't presented those arguments in the SCP!!
What i see the more people are educated the more likey are they going to vote fot mafia

In all my relatives and people i know only the uneducated support imran khan due to anticorruption stance, middle and high school are confused and anyone above metric support PMLN
Ahaan, Ahaan. 70% people are educated in Pakistan!! I say less than 5% are educated to the standard it needed to understand the complex issues and texts.
Rest are those who can read a simple text in Urdu , they are classed as educated under the current system.

Going by this argument, if majority of people in the country becomes thieves , President of Pakistan can declare stealing permissible!!

President has power of "Clemency" on mass scale!! Where!!
Let the thieves become eligible to steal again from the poor people of Pakistan is classed as "clemency" for you!!

Secondly, can President has power to forgive thieves in mass!!
Why then President's legal team didn't presented those arguments in the SCP!!
PML AND PPPPP won more votes combined as compared to PTI
Meaning majorities of people want NRO

Khata hey tu lagata be hey
In all my relatives and people i know only the uneducated support imran khan due to anticorruption stance, middle and high school are confused and anyone above metric support PMLN

They support him because he offers fantasies. Return of hundred billion in weeks. A new Medina. Jobs for all with westerners queuing at their embassies looking to land well paid jobs in Pakistan. Cheap housing and free medical facilities . An economic miracle that will surpass all in Pakistan's history. Absolutely no corruption. The world in awe of the Naya Pakistan etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
The educated know this is all hot air.
Westerners who claim to be Pakistani and who spend all their lives in the West support him because they buy into these fantasies and do not have to face the reality that IK has created. They also admire the Glamour of a famous handsome cricketer who speaks good English and looks dashing overseas with his braggadocio.
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They support him because he offers fantasies. Return of hundred billion in weeks. A new Medina. Jobs for all with westerners queuing at their embassies looking to land well paid jobs in Pakistan. Cheap housing and free medical facilities . An economic miracle that will surpass all in Pakistan's history. Absolutely no corruption. The world in awe of the Naya Pakistan etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
The educated know this is all hot air.
It’s a pipe dream because it is unachievable with the current average Pakistani. Corruption is a part of life, socially acceptable even if like Voldemort from Harry potter never mentioned.

So long as corruption is acceptable and thriving, Pakistanis deserve no better than Asif Zardari.
They support him because he offers fantasies. Return of hundred billion in weeks. A new Medina. Jobs for all with westerners queuing at their embassies looking to land well paid jobs in Pakistan. Cheap housing and free medical facilities . An economic miracle that will surpass all in Pakistan's history. Absolutely no corruption. The world in awe of the Naya Pakistan etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
The educated know this is all hot air.
Westerners who claim to be Pakistani and who spend all their lives in the West support him because they buy into these fantasies and do not have to face the reality that IK has created. They also admire the Glamour of a famous handsome cricketer who speaks good English and looks dashing overseas with his braggadocio.
How is this any different than your Chai Wala Modi?
It’s a pipe dream because it is unachievable with the current average Pakistani. Corruption is a part of life, socially acceptable even if like Voldemort from Harry potter never mentioned.

So long as corruption is acceptable and thriving, Pakistanis deserve no better than Asif Zardari.
Corruption and functioning economy can't co exist
They support him because he offers fantasies. Return of hundred billion in weeks. A new Medina. Jobs for all with westerners queuing at their embassies looking to land well paid jobs in Pakistan. Cheap housing and free medical facilities . An economic miracle that will surpass all in Pakistan's history. Absolutely no corruption. The world in awe of the Naya Pakistan etc etc etc etc etc etc etc
The educated know this is all hot air.
Westerners who claim to be Pakistani and who spend all their lives in the West support him because they buy into these fantasies and do not have to face the reality that IK has created. They also admire the Glamour of a famous handsome cricketer who speaks good English and looks dashing overseas with his braggadocio.
Western supporters him because they see the same miracle happening else where
Korea and europe were worse then pakistan in 1950s

Uneducated support jim because they wash cars and cant do much corruption

But educated people are so corrupt them selve that they openly say what will we eat if we become clean be it doctor who eats comission, a judge who take rishwat or a clerk who takes extra on side 99% educated people in pakistan are corrupt..i havent seen a clean person doctor in pakistan..that hasnt skipped duty or skipped taken comission

Never seen a single patwari not taking money i mean never..

Never seen a single session judge clerk not asking for side for moeny for getting case bumped up ..

Not seen a single police SP that will do anything unless you pay them off or that will skip skimming money..

But i have seen plenty of uneducated honest people..

Thus i believe corruption will end if we stop education in pakistan..

How ironic

Now i remeber there was only one doc who was honest in all hospital ..and people that he was crazy...and use to laugh at him and treat him like he is an idiot or dirty guy..
We will get through this. Let us face the facts, Imran Khan changed everything on its heels. The youth who were disenfranchised and pessimistic are no longer this way. There is genuine hope. Distant regions like KPK, GB, AJK, Balochistan, Karachi now are genuinely running the government, along with Punjab.

For the first time since inception, Pakistan has a nationalistic party, whose goals are betterment for all Pakistanis, whose leader is not trying to build a dynasty.

Pakistan has changed for the better, and some people are afraid of these changes. However the tide of history will keep moving forward.

Imran Khan is here to stay and has proven himself, and now he will be even more popular. Everyone on the fence has now realized that they cannot any longer take this situation for granted. Imran Khan will bring us emancipation as a nation, in sha Allah.
How is this any different than your Chai Wala Modi?
Oh I share your view. Not much different except he is moderately competent and the Indian system functions after a fashion.

Corruption and functioning economy can't co exist
Oh contraire mon ami , Korea is corrupt. The Chaibols have bought and sold politicians for generations. India is corrupt and functions after a fashion. China is totalitarian corrupt nation where state politicians enjoy immense wealth and undisputed power. China pays corrupt Politian's across the world buying favours for China and their companies. They have corrupted whole generations of African politicians. Russia is run by Oligarchs that bought up state industries for pittance through corruption. These multi multi billionaires have bought up the best properties in London, New York . Putin whose salary is $302,000 has a $20 million mansion and is reputed to be worth $ 200 BILLION. Yes someone earning a salary of about 350,000 per year is worth 200 BILLION and has a 20 million palace that he he uses a few weeks a year. And in the US the politicians are almost all BOUGHT and paid for by lobbyists and multi nationals.
Pakistan politicians in comparison are nickle and dime merchants
Western supporters him because they
I was typing fast as you see I have edited it to mean Pakistani's living in the west and enjoying the full benefits of living in a democracy they can endlessly spit at without repucussions.
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