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PTI Boycott Erdogan's Speech at Parliament

love for people and leadership of Turkey will remain no matter what regardless of Erdogan or nawaz sharif... 2ndly boycotting of the address is embarrassing for pmln because it has a corrupt leader 3rd and the most is that we should learn from history about taking stand against corruption and the best example i can give of Syedna Imam Hussain (R.A) when he took stand against yazid against his corruption and refused to accept yazid as leader...
They are a public platform... hence they get judged by us. Otherwise they are irrelevant... just admit it... another retarded move by baby Imran.
How is public judging PMLN these days?
How is public judging PMLN these days?

The topic is PTI boycott of Turkish president... not PMLN judgement. We are analyzing PTIs response to the issue.

Are people also judging PMLN??... yes there are those, and other who are probably not.... But that is not the issue.

I am politically agnostic.... It's whoever whatever is best for Pakistan. Why are Pakistanis so prone to personality worship?

It is such a typical Pakistani trait to deflect and not take personal responsibility. Every time you corner a Pakistani in a corner with logic, saying ABC is wrong... they in turn say that but XYZ is also wrong!! But the topic isn't about XYX!... take personal reposibility and realize the finger is pointed at you... not others! :)

This is also more true of Pakistani women... wifes ...etc. No concept of personal responsibility... always the other persons fault! :)
The PTI is not boycotting Erdogan's speech, they are continuing their boycott against the Parliament.
This might be a big insult/humiliation for President Erdogan, might refrain from visiting Pakistan in the future
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