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PTI Bahawalpur Jalsa

Sir ,

He said he will hang. like he said two days before he will dismiss the KPK assembly.

KPK assembly is dynasty of IK, good going PTI, no value of votes and voters.


For now that's just a threatening statement, hope Federal Govt won't lead us to actually implement this statement. What's the point of votes and assembly when entire elections were deemed bogus and fake?
For now that's just a threatening statement, hope Federal Govt won't lead us to actually implement this statement. What's the point of votes and assembly when entire elections were deemed bogus and fake?

If i will say i will kill you, then for you its just a threatening statement ! or you will report my statement to Police.
Secondly amazing argument about the bogus elections.

If you want to reform the elections process, then their is only one way that National assembly of Pakistan will amend the Elections process, then senate will pass that reform, and President of Pakistan will sign that reform order.

If you want that Assemblies will desolve because they are created because of bogus polling, then that bogus polling also took placed in sindh and Baluchistan, but ur leader not saying any word about that.

At last the problem of IK is NS ans SS. all other things are fine in other parts of Pakistan.

Good thinking captain, i wasted my vote captain in last elections, by casting my vote to your candidate, i fought with my father that IK is good leader, and my father keep says till today he is not a leader, he is just a star. sorry man you loss, your 1 year performance in KPK telling every thing.


Today i am feeling that i wasted my vote ,which is casted to PTI Because,

Imran khan u r making fool , because app iss he system ka tehat elections ko mantay nai, per iss he system mei new elections chahtay hoo kiu ka elections process mei reforms sirf our sirf National Assembly kar sakti ha, agar hakumat jati ha or National assembly khtam hoti tu reforms ho he nai sakti elections mei. Pir iss he system ka teht elections hongay or pir ho sakta ha app jeet jao, tu baqi parties app pe yahe ilzam lagay g, jo app NS pe laga rahay ho.

Secondly PTI failed in KPK, because no bi elections in 90 days, which is claimed by PTI .
NO educational Reforms till to date.
Name me one singal Hospital which is upgraded to International standards.
No Police reforms till yet.

Another Point, Imran Khan only criticizing NS and SS, its clearly means, that he have a agenda, otherwise sindh or Balushistan mei kia doodh ki nehren bah rahi ha.

sorry Imran my vote is no more yours.

Danish saleem

Seems you are not well informed

First PTI tried every single way to bring reform in electoral system including NA, but all in vein.

Second failing in KPK about education, no one ever did in history of Pakistan for education what he did, a single syllabus for all schools across the province and please look at the current education budget.

and third you made me laugh about ur ignorance about police reforms in KPK.

sorry to say our 60% population consist of peoples like you who don't know whats going on in country, don't be ashamed of IK we are ashamed of people like you.

Good thinking captain, i wasted my vote captain in last elections, by casting my vote to your candidate, i fought with my father that IK is good leader, and my father keep says till today he is not a leader, he is just a star. sorry man you loss, your 1 year performance in KPK telling every thing.

Agar Iski issi tarha key tamashay rahay to next elections will have even a bigger surprise for zananies.....Especially in Karachi and Punjab.
Seems you are not well informed

First PTI tried every single way to bring reform in electoral system including NA, but all in vein.

Second failing in KPK about education, no one ever did in history of Pakistan for education what he did, a single syllabus for all schools across the province and please look at the current education budget.

and third you made me laugh about ur ignorance about police reforms in KPK.

sorry to say our 60% population consist of peoples like you who don't know whats going on in country, don't be ashamed of IK we are ashamed of people like you.



Lo! the worst of beasts in Allah's sight are the deaf, the dumb, who have no sense Surah 8 Ayah 22.

Brother PTI appeals in 61 constituencies in Election commission against raging, out 61 ,49 already decided.
Brother about the Education in KPK, yes by adopting single syllabus, u achieved 100% attendance of children among the age of 7-18?
By adopting the single syllabus, building of all the schools will improve?
By adopting the single syllabus, quality of teachers improve?
By adopting the single syllabus, quality of education improve?
By adopting the single syllabus, examination Process will improve?

about your third point, i would like laugh on your thoughts, because u r saying that police system of KPK is improved, and nowi hope its upto the international standards, again hehehehehe on your stupid reply on that point. keep living in the heavens, and one day u will reached their Ins sha Allah.

U r saying that corruption in Police system is now end.
U r saying recording FIR is no problem,
U r saying courts start giving justice to innocent.
U r saying Police now not arrest innocent.
U r saying Police now not taking any bribe.
U r saying Police standards are now upto International standards,

and brother about 60% , of population, and u said i m among them and you consider your self in 40% right.
So brother i quoted a ayah of quran for you.

i will not support wrong, i voted for PTI , and i thought PTI is different. but brother i wasted my vote.
IK says " Najam sethi puncher eds 35 elections results."

Brother read the statement once again, if Najam sethi not punchured these 35 seats, then your seats will be around 60 in National assembly so on other hands you are accepting that you will get maximum 60 seats in NA, and i also hope that u know for formation of government 170+ seats required.


PTI walon kia Sindh our Baluchistan mei elections rig nai howay thay? rigging only in punjab.
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This almost sums up everything about the level at which you operate. How not allowing IDPs in Punjab is aplaudable? Are those IDPs less Pakistani than you and me or they don't have right to live. They have come after giving up their lands, houses and wealth and instead of giving them a helping hand, you impose ban on them from entering your province? Yea, right.
Fiinally here's a gift for you, take it with pinch of salt. I am sure you'll enjoy it.
I operate at the level of reality, got it. Other provinces already have their hands full on the security situation... you think that they can afford it?
Just like the fake picture your argument is also fake, please try to be sensible these below the belt acts don't suit you or at least don't try to fool me, keep fooling yourself though.
I operate at the level of reality, got it. Other provinces already have their hands full on the security situation... you think that they can afford it?
Just like the fake picture your argument is also fake, please try to be sensible these below the belt acts don't suit you or at least don't try to fool me, keep fooling yourself though.

You level of reality can only be judged here by your posts.

Other provinces have their hands full on security situation? My God. Are they more effected by terrorism than KPK who has longest border with FATA (war zone) and is directly effected by anything happening in FATA? Do you think KPK afford all this mess alone when two larger provinces and economic hubs (Punjab and Sindh) have imposed ban on IDPs. I don't understand what logic you are trying to prove here.
I operate at the level of reality, got it. Other provinces already have their hands full on the security situation... you think that they can afford it?
Just like the fake picture your argument is also fake, please try to be sensible these below the belt acts don't suit you or at least don't try to fool me, keep fooling yourself though.

bro go and take rest and have coffee, asking from others about sensible comments but your sense is also visible in your post.

who is having more security issue, KPK or punjab and sindh. think of the bold statement you gave, you are getting funny.

If i will say i will kill you, then for you its just a threatening statement ! or you will report my statement to Police.
Secondly amazing argument about the bogus elections.

If you want to reform the elections process, then their is only one way that National assembly of Pakistan will amend the Elections process, then senate will pass that reform, and President of Pakistan will sign that reform order.

If you want that Assemblies will desolve because they are created because of bogus polling, then that bogus polling also took placed in sindh and Baluchistan, but ur leader not saying any word about that.

At last the problem of IK is NS ans SS. all other things are fine in other parts of Pakistan.

Good thinking captain, i wasted my vote captain in last elections, by casting my vote to your candidate, i fought with my father that IK is good leader, and my father keep says till today he is not a leader, he is just a star. sorry man you loss, your 1 year performance in KPK telling every thing.


How many seats current federal govt bagged out of punjab in total? They are less than 25 I guess. The reason NS is at PM seat now is because massive rigging in Punjab via 35 punctures and God knows what else. So that is the reason focus is also on Punjab. Is it too hard for you to understand or comprehend?

Since forming govt in center, how many other province's CM Nawaz Sharif took at foreign visits except Punjab? That shows how much Noora cares for other provinces, so doing protests in other provinces with have no effect on them. Punjab is their playing ground and we have to put pressure there.

And you want debate on KP's 1 year performance? Bring it on. I can prove you that KPK's performance was miles ahead than any other province in 1 year in a lot of sectors. How about talking with proofs?

Tell you what? This world doesn't revolve around you, so if you say KPK govt hasn't done anything in 1 year then it means nothing, unless you prove it.
Lo! the worst of beasts in Allah's sight are the deaf, the dumb, who have no sense Surah 8 Ayah 22.

Lets keep religion out of it, a lot of verses can be applied on you too. We are indulged in political argument so better keep it political. No need to give fatwas.

Brother PTI appeals in 61 constituencies in Election commission against raging, out 61 ,49 already decided.

What's decided in 49 constituencies? Please elaborate.

By adopting the single syllabus, building of all the schools will improve?

KP govt have already started Tameer e School program to rebuild these schools, ever heard of it?
Also see this: Govt to rebuild schools destroyed by quake years ago - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

By adopting the single syllabus, quality of teachers improve?

PhD schoolteachers to be consulted on education reforms - Newspaper - DAWN.COM
KPK approves education reforms package
Corruption-free: Elementary education department begins training course for staffers – The Express Tribune

Also do check about TEVTA (Technical Education & Vocational Training Agency) at Home

By adopting the single syllabus, quality of education improve?

This is most stupid question. If quality of education doesn't improve by adopting uniform syllabus and improved contents, then please tell me what on earth is needed to improve quality of education? Do we have to pamper all kids 4 times a day to improve their quality of education? :lol:

By adopting the single syllabus, examination Process will improve?

KP govt to set up three model police stations to improve security and monitor cheating during exams via CCTV cameras - thenews.com.pk
Another Success story of KPK . I am feeling proud

about your third point, i would like laugh on your thoughts, because u r saying that police system of KPK is improved, and nowi hope its upto the international standards, again hehehehehe on your stupid reply on that point. keep living in the heavens, and one day u will reached their Ins sha Allah.

U r saying recording FIR is no problem,
U r saying courts start giving justice to innocent.
U r saying Police now not arrest innocent.
U r saying Police now not taking any bribe.
U r saying Police standards are now upto International standards,

Things have improved in just one year as far as police is concerned. No one claims that KP police is now at international standards like you said.

These are the things, KP govt have done for police dept in just one short year. Now compare this one year performance with other provinces and tell me your assessment. Ofcourse a massive institute like provincial province can't be complete restarted overnight. It takes time. And seeing above steps, I can say KP govt is at least on right track and is miles ahead of other provinces.

Brother read the statement once again, if Najam sethi not punchured these 35 seats, then your seats will be around 60 in National assembly so on other hands you are accepting that you will get maximum 60 seats in NA, and i also hope that u know for formation of government 170+ seats required.

Again, this is the most ridiculous argument I ever heard on PDF. Lets ignore those 35 seats which Najam Sethi punchured. Tell me if rigging is proved in one seat only, what does it mean? Sure it won't change the results in National Assembly nor will topple the govt. But it puts a big question mark on our electoral system and sends the credibility of entire elections and authenticity of current govt down the drain.

If rigging is proved in one constituency only, its enough to declare our system flawed and hence it needs to be fixed. Period.
... Since he said...
'If some policeman try to stop PTI follower by hand or open up fire, i will personally hang him. '
Which is same as i mentioned earlier, unless you have some other way in your mind where police can stop the croud to join the rally.

چوّلاں دى سركار اپنے كناں دا علاج كرا جا شاباش
تے نال اپنے بهيجے دا وى علاج كرا

Oye PML-Naseeboo Laal Braanch,
I know "تواڈے پيواں دى اُتّے دى كمائ" will stop if IK came in power so you'd resort to any lie. While you keep calling others as liars.

Watch from minutes 28:10+ He said if police resorted to violence (هاتۿ اٹهايا) or fired upon.

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There was massive rigging...no doubt.

People at this stage should realize that Pakistan is being run on ethnic lines currently...which is unfortunate. Federal government is only federal in name....right now the provincial government should really work for their provinces.....democracy is relatively new to Pakistan. However the next elections will be crucial.

PS. Politics of confrontation and strikes will absolutely reap no results in Pakistan.
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