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PTI Azaadi March 2022: Updates and Discussion

Oh Bhai, they will be there to protect VVIP buildings only . It was expected and right thing to do since in such situation, militants may take advantage to attack any sensitive place ...

Army deployment at specific areas doesn't mean they have been ordered to crush the march.

Time will tell, I wouldn't trust the neutrals.
Abhay charyay burnol soongh raha hai kia?
Aby patwari ghas nhi khai tu na aaj ?

Use police for that too. Army is to be used against external aggression only not internal
Police cannot stop it in such situation. They always have an element of hesitation to open a fire for a longer period.

No - what I mean to say is - there was a reverse gear- but some people stuck in "neutral" and now there is no reverse gear without "conditions" being met! Pakistan belongs to Pakistanis not any holy cow(s).
Can you please elaborate your point a bit more please
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