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PTI Azaadi March 2022: Updates and Discussion

Well, the problem here is that there is conflicting witness testimony and reports, credible journalists (e.g Roohan Ahmed) and witnesses are saying a few protestors did it while others say Police so it's hard to determine it based on that (See Afghanistan).
(while writing this i just found a video of a protestor lighting a tree on fire)

My other issue is that there is so much video evidence of trees and shrubbery on fire while protestors are there, one could make the argument that it was because Punjab Police prevented so but i doubt this because i don't think the regular police are good at OpSec and given the frequency of videos coming out, hard to see why there wouldn't be videos of the incidents happening.

Note to others who may reply, i don't see them as representative of all the protestors, they are a few bad apples and are present in every group.
Reason I think these idiots are burning the trees is because of shelling. The carbon smoke limits the effectiveness of Teargas. That is the reason for the burn. Not a good move. But pales in comparison to the brutality from a sitting government.
This is going to escalate into a very serious situation if the army gets involved.
Oh Bhai, they will be there to protect VVIP buildings only . It was expected and right thing to do since in such situation, militants may take advantage to attack any sensitive place ...

Army deployment at specific areas doesn't mean they have been ordered to crush the march.
I take invoking Armed forces a good sign for two reasons:
- The brutality may stop as Armed forces wont act like PMLN hired thugs and police. When they arrive they are given control and authority then.
- They will only protect vital places. And I hope people get the space they rightly are entitled to for protest etc.
- Looks like Dharna 2.0 but at a bigger scale.

Anyway should this dispel the accusation that PTI was only propped up by ISI etc.?
Oh Bhai, they will be there to protect VVIP buildings only . It was expected and right thing to do since in such situation, militants may take advantage to attack any sensitive place ...

Army deployment at specific areas doesn't mean they have been ordered to crush the march.
Use police for that too. Army is to be used against external aggression only not internal
Imran Khan is not anarchist. Why are people here demanding chaos and blood?. PTI is not some regional ethnic party. Its the only party that have roots from Gilgit to Karachi.
IK is standing up fpr reforms to the system and throwing out imposters not Destroying the system. Still happy to see that People have kept there calm even against worst attrocities from authorities.
People have short memories. Anarchy looks like Syria Not like France.
Everyone should remain as calm and peaceful as possible.
See today people of Pakistan defeated Gullu butt police with sheer numbers and without being incited.
So proud of Khan sab and PTI workers. My Allah protect him and all Pakistanis out on streets for Azadi.

I take invoking Armed forces a good sign for two reasons:
- The brutality may stop as Armed forces wont act like PMLN hired thugs and police. When they arrive they are given control and authority then.
- They will only protect vital places. And I hope people get the space they rightly are entitled to for protest etc.
- Looks like Dharna 2.0 but a bugger scale.
No army should remain neutral just like they were during Ex PM Imran Khan govt
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