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PTI Azaadi March 2022: Updates and Discussion

general maryarm nani jinn
Please stop comparing TLP and PTI. Totally different end of spectrum. Generals are being criticizes because they are part of the conspiracy to keep Pakistan backwards.

TLP use religion for their personal gain.

Tlp asked the government to ban the blasphemous contents but people like Fawad Ch were saying we don't control the social media, but Pti banned all anti army contents.
Double standards.
Today Pti is where Tlp is, long march is fine, carrying sticks is fine, anti army statements are fine. Today police is shelling, making false cases on Pti, attacking buses but Pti is talking about injustice. The same happened to Tlp during protests. Tlp went for peaceful protests but Sheikh Rasheed and Fawad Ch provoked them and then blamed them for being anti state, arrested their leader without any charges for 6+ months.

Pakistanis need to stop having double standards.
Is it true Bajwa has secured his retirement in Belgium?

I keep reading comments from members here.
Godfather at the moment
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Perhaps the most hated army chief ever to have served in Pakistan. Earlier credit went Kiyani but this guy knew the art of fcuk up. He destroyed all gains made by General Raheel whether strategically or politically. Even now this piece piece of human garbage engages in peace talks with TTP. Same TTP which slaughtered 140 children in broad day light. This guy took being Khasi to an art form.
People literally saw Police Setting Fire all on Srinagar Highway LOL, We know who's behind this.
Videos are showing mostly protestors in that area and no presence of Police in that certain area, the shrubbery and debris are also piled as you can see from one of the videos. Most people blame police tear gas which doesn't make sense because the piles have clearly been created and in some instances.
Exactly during Tlp protests but Pti called them anti state. How will Pti defend this? Blame PMLN lol. I am for the march, we need to get rid of corruption and sellouts but why double standards.
Hooliganism is universal, ideally though some words of restraint on this type of behavior and condemning of it should be expected from PTI if they want to set a good example.
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