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PTI Azaadi March 2022: Updates and Discussion

:blink: :blink: :blink:
Where do you live

Pick up history

Army has numerous times fired on protestors in pakistan

Last time was few decades ago because it never came to it(no popular leader since bhutto, mujeeb, bacha khan)
I live in Karachi. Times have changed. I know of Rangers doing it but not mainstream army
Tbh, l wish there was a nuclear war

I want to die anyways, could care less if everyone else died
have your considered a placement with TTP? they offer several positions in the suicide bombing department.
you know, you can even achieve a lot of your goals that way.
Let things proceed as they will, it will all settle down in due course, guaranteed.

i don't think so, the incited crowd motivated by social engineering of conscience and extreme hatred will not settle down. this by your admission is just the start.

government is well advised to pack up and leave. at this point no one can stop this not even the instigators.
What will happen is not my concern as of now. Going back to your original comment.. can you still justify the barbarism of current government?

To me, how things are being handled leaves much to be desired. As you said above, there were better options that probably would have been more effective, but then again, it is up to the government and the people to work it all out. And they will, I am sure.
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