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Psychological Damage: Why IAF is standing hands up!

Mangus Ortus Novem

Jun 7, 2008
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The Book of Five Rings is so simple yet so difficult.

Should be a pillowbook along with The Art of War for any armchair or uniformed general.
The book of Void is the key!

A battle is won before it starts. It is the Spirit that dominates even before the sword is drawn.

Pulwama Drama:

Modi desperately needed a Pearl Harbour with immaculate timings.

He needed an event which could tie up many things neatly, namely: winning election, establish regional hegemony, send a message to China and of course, label Kashmiri struggle for Freedom into terrorism. #FreeKashmir

The calculus was to achieve all the above through 'teaching Pakistan a lesson'.

This had been coming out of Indian establishment and politicos for sometime well before Pulwama Drama.

Just whem MBS was coming to Pak drama plotters struck... the rest we all know.

The Game opened....

We will not think about retaliation, we well retaliate!

For the first time Pak did not react!

It was against the expected response that India and her masters had calculated.

Pak went on with MBS tour and ignored Indians with disdain...unimpressed.

Indian media went full retard with its attack plans, warroom sudios and dreamweaving generals...keeping the indian masses high on total victory against Pak... this time Pak was going to be totally wiped was the dream all indians went to bed with.... Modi's ratings went up!

Then the famous speech of PMIK.... this was a dare...and Indians fell for it!

From Balakot to Tea is Funtastik:

The journey from jubilations of 350 terrorists killed to Abi's famous slurp... took far lesser than all the jumping up and down on indian TV screens... All those Modi rally speeches went dud.

Then came the merciless digital analysis and international press declaring Indian armed forces Vintage...

The lament of not having Rafael started with Modi and is still going on....

To F16 or not F16 is the question:

Despite being proven otherwise by the US ... IAF/Modi/Indians have NO choice but to keep on repeating to themselves and their hyped up public that F16 was shot down by valiant superhero Abi who went down in flames after the kill... (Where is dear Abi btw?)

A Liar's Paradox emerges:

If a Mig-21 shot down an F16 then why do you need a Rafael?

Then why is IAF talking about gaining supriority first in tech before engaging PAF in battel again?

Regardless, when a linguistic analys is performed on all of the indian statements after the #FeelingTheThunder we come to the conclusion of IAF telling its political masters... Sorry, we aren't going to do anymore fighting for you to win elections.

It was a disgraceful sight how Modi regime forced its three chiefs to conduct a press conference with a piece of tin in their hands as a proof of F16 shotdown. Mighty indian army surrouned by jurnos...and no answer to give. Sad.

350 terrorists killed went out of statements as quickly as it came.. now nothing to show but an imaginary F16.

The Weapon that wounded IAF and defeated Modi:

Indians wannted #BadlaLo . Modi went: there will be payback... and all that indian jazz on the indian media... Super Power India was going to destroy Pak.

Indians came, droped bombs..killed trees and a crow...went home safely. Surgical Strik 2.0 super success. Indian media jumping from branch to branch....

Not quite...sorry Indians!

We all know the day after #DaylightThuder and sparing of life of indian army chief. PAF did a splendid job no doubt about it. Made us proud.

But this battle was not won by PAF. PAF was an implement not the weapon.

The weapon which won this battle was The Decision without doubt that if Indians cross the redline then response will be strong and without any deniability.

This was the decision of the Pak State i.e. armed forces and political leadership as one.

The victory is not downed indian Mig/Su/Mirage... the victory is that a common Pak in the street was saying the same as the armed forces and political leadership of Pak:

We want Peace, but if the war is imposed on us then we shall take no prisoners!

Even the #MarasiMedia in Pak swallowed broken glass and uttered positive soundbites...

The IAF is wounded, psychologically damaged and it needs to recover from this trauma.

Trolling aside.. we need to expect an Atlantique type action from them if they cann't take on PAF in the air.

#DGISPR is doing a spledid job... perhaps not dropping Truth bombs all the time might also be a better strategy...for wisdom of war is to give room for escape to a cornered enemy.

The most interesting thing is the disblief of even Pak posters that #OurThunder did the killing...

Anyhow, Indians/IAF shall go on uttering fantasies...providing us chance to release tension here on PDF... trolling has never been so easy!

Please, do remember that The Greatest Game is being played here. SL was not just any terrorist attack.

The battel ground of this Greatest Game remains Pak. We need to meditate on this....
The Book of Five Rings is so simple yet so difficult.

Should be a pillowbook along with The Art of War for any armchair or uniformed general.
The book of Void is the key!

A battle is won before it starts. It is the Spirit that dominates even before the sword is drawn.

Pulwama Drama:

Modi desperately needed a Pearl Harbour with immaculate timings.

He needed an event which could tie up many things neatly, namely: winning election, establish regional hegemony, send a message to China and of course, label Kashmiri struggle for Freedom into terrorism. #FreeKashmir

The calculus was to achieve all the above through 'teaching Pakistan a lesson'.

This had been coming out of Indian establishment and politicos for sometime well before Pulwama Drama.

Just whem MBS was coming to Pak drama plotters struck... the rest we all know.

The Game opened....

We will not think about retaliation, we well retaliate!

For the first time Pak did not react!

It was against the expected response that India and her masters had calculated.

Pak went on with MBS tour and ignored Indians with disdain...unimpressed.

Indian media went full retard with its attack plans, warroom sudios and dreamweaving generals...keeping the indian masses high on total victory against Pak... this time Pak was going to be totally wiped was the dream all indians went to bed with.... Modi's ratings went up!

Then the famous speech of PMIK.... this was a dare...and Indians fell for it!

From Balakot to Tea is Funtastik:

The journey from jubilations of 350 terrorists killed to Abi's famous slurp... took far lesser than all the jumping up and down on indian TV screens... All those Modi rally speeches went dud.

Then came the merciless digital analysis and international press declaring Indian armed forces Vintage...

The lament of not having Rafael started with Modi and is still going on....

To F16 or not F16 is the question:

Despite being proven otherwise by the US ... IAF/Modi/Indians have NO choice but to keep on repeating to themselves and their hyped up public that F16 was shot down by valiant superhero Abi who went down in flames after the kill... (Where is dear Abi btw?)

A Liar's Paradox emerges:

If a Mig-21 shot down an F16 then why do you need a Rafael?

Then why is IAF talking about gaining supriority first in tech before engaging PAF in battel again?

Regardless, when a linguistic analys is performed on all of the indian statements after the #FeelingTheThunder we come to the conclusion of IAF telling its political masters... Sorry, we aren't going to do anymore fighting for you to win elections.

It was a disgraceful sight how Modi regime forced its three chiefs to conduct a press conference with a piece of tin in their hands as a proof of F16 shotdown. Mighty indian army surrouned by jurnos...and no answer to give. Sad.

350 terrorists killed went out of statements as quickly as it came.. now nothing to show but an imaginary F16.

The Weapon that wounded IAF and defeated Modi:

Indians wannted #BadlaLo . Modi went: there will be payback... and all that indian jazz on the indian media... Super Power India was going to destroy Pak.

Indians came, droped bombs..killed trees and a crow...went home safely. Surgical Strik 2.0 super success. Indian media jumping from branch to branch....

Not quite...sorry Indians!

We all know the day after #DaylightThuder and sparing of life of indian army chief. PAF did a splendid job no doubt about it. Made us proud.

But this battle was not won by PAF. PAF was an implement not the weapon.

The weapon which won this battle was The Decision without doubt that if Indians cross the redline then response will be strong and without any deniability.

This was the decision of the Pak State i.e. armed forces and political leadership as one.

The victory is not downed indian Mig/Su/Mirage... the victory is that a common Pak in the street was saying the same as the armed forces and political leadership of Pak:

We want Peace, but if the war is imposed on us then we shall take no prisoners!

Even the #MarasiMedia in Pak swallowed broken glass and uttered positive soundbites...

The IAF is wounded, psychologically damaged and it needs to recover from this trauma.

Trolling aside.. we need to expect an Atlantique type action from them if they cann't take on PAF in the air.

#DGISPR is doing a spledid job... perhaps not dropping Truth bombs all the time might also be a better strategy...for wisdom of war is to give room for escape to a cornered enemy.

The most interesting thing is the disblief of even Pak posters that #OurThunder did the killing...

Anyhow, Indians/IAF shall go on uttering fantasies...providing us chance to release tension here on PDF... trolling has never been so easy!

Please, do remember that The Greatest Game is being played here. SL was not just any terrorist attack.

The battel ground of this Greatest Game remains Pak. We need to meditate on this....

Very well written :tup:
The Book of Five Rings is so simple yet so difficult.

Should be a pillowbook along with The Art of War for any armchair or uniformed general.
The book of Void is the key!

A battle is won before it starts. It is the Spirit that dominates even before the sword is drawn.

Pulwama Drama:

Modi desperately needed a Pearl Harbour with immaculate timings.

He needed an event which could tie up many things neatly, namely: winning election, establish regional hegemony, send a message to China and of course, label Kashmiri struggle for Freedom into terrorism. #FreeKashmir

The calculus was to achieve all the above through 'teaching Pakistan a lesson'.

This had been coming out of Indian establishment and politicos for sometime well before Pulwama Drama.

Just whem MBS was coming to Pak drama plotters struck... the rest we all know.

The Game opened....

We will not think about retaliation, we well retaliate!

For the first time Pak did not react!

It was against the expected response that India and her masters had calculated.

Pak went on with MBS tour and ignored Indians with disdain...unimpressed.

Indian media went full retard with its attack plans, warroom sudios and dreamweaving generals...keeping the indian masses high on total victory against Pak... this time Pak was going to be totally wiped was the dream all indians went to bed with.... Modi's ratings went up!

Then the famous speech of PMIK.... this was a dare...and Indians fell for it!

From Balakot to Tea is Funtastik:

The journey from jubilations of 350 terrorists killed to Abi's famous slurp... took far lesser than all the jumping up and down on indian TV screens... All those Modi rally speeches went dud.

Then came the merciless digital analysis and international press declaring Indian armed forces Vintage...

The lament of not having Rafael started with Modi and is still going on....

To F16 or not F16 is the question:

Despite being proven otherwise by the US ... IAF/Modi/Indians have NO choice but to keep on repeating to themselves and their hyped up public that F16 was shot down by valiant superhero Abi who went down in flames after the kill... (Where is dear Abi btw?)

A Liar's Paradox emerges:

If a Mig-21 shot down an F16 then why do you need a Rafael?

Then why is IAF talking about gaining supriority first in tech before engaging PAF in battel again?

Regardless, when a linguistic analys is performed on all of the indian statements after the #FeelingTheThunder we come to the conclusion of IAF telling its political masters... Sorry, we aren't going to do anymore fighting for you to win elections.

It was a disgraceful sight how Modi regime forced its three chiefs to conduct a press conference with a piece of tin in their hands as a proof of F16 shotdown. Mighty indian army surrouned by jurnos...and no answer to give. Sad.

350 terrorists killed went out of statements as quickly as it came.. now nothing to show but an imaginary F16.

The Weapon that wounded IAF and defeated Modi:

Indians wannted #BadlaLo . Modi went: there will be payback... and all that indian jazz on the indian media... Super Power India was going to destroy Pak.

Indians came, droped bombs..killed trees and a crow...went home safely. Surgical Strik 2.0 super success. Indian media jumping from branch to branch....

Not quite...sorry Indians!

We all know the day after #DaylightThuder and sparing of life of indian army chief. PAF did a splendid job no doubt about it. Made us proud.

But this battle was not won by PAF. PAF was an implement not the weapon.

The weapon which won this battle was The Decision without doubt that if Indians cross the redline then response will be strong and without any deniability.

This was the decision of the Pak State i.e. armed forces and political leadership as one.

The victory is not downed indian Mig/Su/Mirage... the victory is that a common Pak in the street was saying the same as the armed forces and political leadership of Pak:

We want Peace, but if the war is imposed on us then we shall take no prisoners!

Even the #MarasiMedia in Pak swallowed broken glass and uttered positive soundbites...

The IAF is wounded, psychologically damaged and it needs to recover from this trauma.

Trolling aside.. we need to expect an Atlantique type action from them if they cann't take on PAF in the air.

#DGISPR is doing a spledid job... perhaps not dropping Truth bombs all the time might also be a better strategy...for wisdom of war is to give room for escape to a cornered enemy.

The most interesting thing is the disblief of even Pak posters that #OurThunder did the killing...

Anyhow, Indians/IAF shall go on uttering fantasies...providing us chance to release tension here on PDF... trolling has never been so easy!

Please, do remember that The Greatest Game is being played here. SL was not just any terrorist attack.

The battel ground of this Greatest Game remains Pak. We need to meditate on this....

A beautifully articulated piece of writing. Congratulations.

Now, not only Indian hands, but their legs as well, are in the air, in a very complicated Yoga posture. See, what comes out of it.
Hazrat u sum up too either by Alama Iqbal Poetry or by any Noor Jahan songs saw your posts you are master in both :)

Thanks, Sir, for your compliment. A Noor Jahan song is coming into mind, with reference to the title of the thread; but that is quite vulgar and I don't want a negative rating from the Moderators.
Sir risk lain agar hasb e haal hai tu :) still trying to find your that post when u commenting on IAF 2-3 days ago quoting Noor Jahan song something like """maine mana kiya sohniya nahi mana """ quite hilarious and perfectly fitted on IAF ranting situation its make my day :rofl: Please sent it again
Thanks, Sir, for your compliment. A Noor Jahan song is coming into mind, with reference to the title of the thread; but that is quite vulgar and I don't want a negative rating from the Moderators.
Sir risk lain agar hasb e haal hai tu :) still trying to find your that post when u commenting on IAF 2-3 days ago quoting Noor Jahan song something like """maine mana kiya sohniya nahi mana """ quite hilarious and perfectly fitted on IAF ranting situation its make my day :rofl: Please sent it again

Thanks again. The one you are referring is:

IAF on February 26 & 27:

"Man amb choopan layi gayi, baagh wich pharhi gayi
Man tay barha rola paaya, mahi baaz na aaya"
(A song by Noor Jahan)

The other one, which comes into mind, with reference of IAF performance, is:

"kujh phis gayi ae, thorhi paat gayi ae
Mairi wael di qameez aj paat gayi ae"
(A song by Noor Jahan)
A equally valuable extract from the article is that Pakistan has set the response pattern for Indian agression. India knows what will happen back to it if it conducted a similar operation against Pakistan in the future.

Thus Neuton's 3rd law has found a new place, the minds and hearts of Indian strategists and game planners.
For every action, there will be an equal and opposite reaction!
The Book of Five Rings is so simple yet so difficult.

Should be a pillowbook along with The Art of War for any armchair or uniformed general.
The book of Void is the key!

A battle is won before it starts. It is the Spirit that dominates even before the sword is drawn.

Pulwama Drama:

Modi desperately needed a Pearl Harbour with immaculate timings.

He needed an event which could tie up many things neatly, namely: winning election, establish regional hegemony, send a message to China and of course, label Kashmiri struggle for Freedom into terrorism. #FreeKashmir

The calculus was to achieve all the above through 'teaching Pakistan a lesson'.

This had been coming out of Indian establishment and politicos for sometime well before Pulwama Drama.

Just whem MBS was coming to Pak drama plotters struck... the rest we all know.

The Game opened....

We will not think about retaliation, we well retaliate!

For the first time Pak did not react!

It was against the expected response that India and her masters had calculated.

Pak went on with MBS tour and ignored Indians with disdain...unimpressed.

Indian media went full retard with its attack plans, warroom sudios and dreamweaving generals...keeping the indian masses high on total victory against Pak... this time Pak was going to be totally wiped was the dream all indians went to bed with.... Modi's ratings went up!

Then the famous speech of PMIK.... this was a dare...and Indians fell for it!

From Balakot to Tea is Funtastik:

The journey from jubilations of 350 terrorists killed to Abi's famous slurp... took far lesser than all the jumping up and down on indian TV screens... All those Modi rally speeches went dud.

Then came the merciless digital analysis and international press declaring Indian armed forces Vintage...

The lament of not having Rafael started with Modi and is still going on....

To F16 or not F16 is the question:

Despite being proven otherwise by the US ... IAF/Modi/Indians have NO choice but to keep on repeating to themselves and their hyped up public that F16 was shot down by valiant superhero Abi who went down in flames after the kill... (Where is dear Abi btw?)

A Liar's Paradox emerges:

If a Mig-21 shot down an F16 then why do you need a Rafael?

Then why is IAF talking about gaining supriority first in tech before engaging PAF in battel again?

Regardless, when a linguistic analys is performed on all of the indian statements after the #FeelingTheThunder we come to the conclusion of IAF telling its political masters... Sorry, we aren't going to do anymore fighting for you to win elections.

It was a disgraceful sight how Modi regime forced its three chiefs to conduct a press conference with a piece of tin in their hands as a proof of F16 shotdown. Mighty indian army surrouned by jurnos...and no answer to give. Sad.

350 terrorists killed went out of statements as quickly as it came.. now nothing to show but an imaginary F16.

The Weapon that wounded IAF and defeated Modi:

Indians wannted #BadlaLo . Modi went: there will be payback... and all that indian jazz on the indian media... Super Power India was going to destroy Pak.

Indians came, droped bombs..killed trees and a crow...went home safely. Surgical Strik 2.0 super success. Indian media jumping from branch to branch....

Not quite...sorry Indians!

We all know the day after #DaylightThuder and sparing of life of indian army chief. PAF did a splendid job no doubt about it. Made us proud.

But this battle was not won by PAF. PAF was an implement not the weapon.

The weapon which won this battle was The Decision without doubt that if Indians cross the redline then response will be strong and without any deniability.

This was the decision of the Pak State i.e. armed forces and political leadership as one.

The victory is not downed indian Mig/Su/Mirage... the victory is that a common Pak in the street was saying the same as the armed forces and political leadership of Pak:

We want Peace, but if the war is imposed on us then we shall take no prisoners!

Even the #MarasiMedia in Pak swallowed broken glass and uttered positive soundbites...

The IAF is wounded, psychologically damaged and it needs to recover from this trauma.

Trolling aside.. we need to expect an Atlantique type action from them if they cann't take on PAF in the air.

#DGISPR is doing a spledid job... perhaps not dropping Truth bombs all the time might also be a better strategy...for wisdom of war is to give room for escape to a cornered enemy.

The most interesting thing is the disblief of even Pak posters that #OurThunder did the killing...

Anyhow, Indians/IAF shall go on uttering fantasies...providing us chance to release tension here on PDF... trolling has never been so easy!

Please, do remember that The Greatest Game is being played here. SL was not just any terrorist attack.

The battel ground of this Greatest Game remains Pak. We need to meditate on this....

I don't see the mention of Darth Vedic the doogling doval anywhere! I see Emperor moohdhi ji riding the waves named in his honour.
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