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Proud Pakistani moment!!

Pakistani father of 35 aims for 100​

QUETTA:A Pakistani father of 35 is now searching for a fourth wife as he romps towards his goal of 100 children, a dubious ambition in the conservative Muslim country where polygamy is rare but still practiced.

Sardar Jan Mohammad Khilji, 46, says he believes it is his religious duty to have as many children as possible.

Insisting it is "very rare" that he mixes up his children's names, the medical technician said he juggles their affections by taking turns to attend family events with them and their mothers, such as weddings.

There's now a site specifically for people who want second wives

His three current wives support his procreational and matrimonial goals, he said, adding that they all live in harmony together -- though he would not allow AFP to speak with them.

Rights activists warn it is women and children who suffer most in polygamous marriages.

Pakistani men are permitted to take up to four wives under Islam, though to do so they must seek permission from their first wife and an arbitration council.

It remains rare for men to take multiple wives in the country, but when polygamy does take place, studies have shown it can result in "depression and despair" among wives, while children often struggle to know their father, said Rafia Zakaria, a women's rights activist.

The Quran, she told AFP, dictates that multiple wives may be taken only when a husband can do "perfect justice" among them.

"Well, perfect justice is impossible, and for this reason polygamy is never a good situation," said Zakaria, who campaigns against the practice.

"Someone always suffers and almost always it is the women and children," she added.

Family lawyer Mohammed Bilal Kasi, who deals with polygamy cases in Quetta agreed.

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"We lawyers are well aware of social problems surrounding polygamy," he said. "Women and children undergo mental agony due to these affairs."

The tension can lead to serious legal disputes over property and rights after the father's death, he said.

Denied his permission to speak, Jan's wives could not describe what life is like for his sprawling dynasty, who all live together in a five-bedroom mud hut in the outskirts of Quetta in restive Balochistan province.

At least two of his children appear to support his goals, however, including his eldest child Shagufta Nasreen.

"A large family is like Allah bestowing a case of mangoes," the 15-year-old explained, adding that she hopes to go into medicine like her father.

Jan's eldest son, 13-year-old Mohammed Esa, also wanted to emulate the patriarch -- but he has set his sights even higher, resolving that he will have more than 100 children.

Jan, who claims he is a qualified medical technician, runs an unregulated clinic where he treats people for minor ailments such as headaches, adding that as he is "serving humanity" he charges just 250 rupees ($2.30) per patient while providing his services to the poor for free.

He also runs a seminary funded by donations where nearly 400 students -- including four of his sons -- are studying the Quran, and says he pays for 20 of his 35 children to attend private school.

The household expenditures of his growing empire, however, can reach up to 120,000 rupees per month -- more than ten times Pakistan's average -- in a neighbourhood that lacks basic amenities such as tap water and sewage, he said.

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He insisted he has never faced any financial problems trying to care for his brood, but did not explain how he could cover all the expenses with just pay for his medical work.

Jan conceded that his needs may increase as his children grow and so is calling on the government to allocate funds for the food, education, and healthcare of his family -- a request that is unlikely to be fulfilled.

But Jan has faith. If the government does not listen, he said, he trusts in God to provide.

Pakistan has the highest birth rate in South Asia -- around three children per woman according to World Bank and government figures -- though an accurate census has not been conducted in more than 30 years.

Jan put his fertility down to daily doses of fresh and dry fruits, milk and meat; as well as reciting the Holy Quran and praying five times a day.

While his eldest child is 15, his youngest is just a few weeks old. At the beginning of March he was still a father of merely 33, but that month two more daughters were born within six days of one another, he says.

His marriages were all arranged by his parents. "I married the first one...when I was 26 years old, and the next year wedded the other two within a gap of five months," he told AFP.

His next wedding, however, could be arranged via Facebook: since his story aired in Pakistani media, he says, he has had a slew of marriage offers via the social network.

A large poster on the wall at Jan's house carries the symbol he used when he ran for provincial office in 2013: a double bed, which, he told AFP, "denotes special pleasure and meaning in my life".

That time at least, his ambition fell short: he garnered 980 votes, not nearly enough to win.

Every other month there are threads made like these. Its a constant cycle of propaganda aimed at one particular denominator.

Which is that denominator ?

It's a free country. Nobody is forcing vasectomy on the populace nor is anyone forcing people to reproduce.

But there's no political, social and socio-economic influence on people not to reproduce.
Since he is 46 nearing end of reproductive age, even with fourth wife it is almost impossible now for him to fulfill his dream of hitting a century, very few overs left and required run rate is way too high.
46 end of productive age.. lol

What a dumb ambit8on
You do know that this seraiki Khan has a kid himself.
A single kid its means 1% of furtility rate i wish whole pakistan have one kid so everyone can have job a better life education and human life have value . Today in pakistan cheapest thing is human .
A single kid its means 1% of furtility rate i wish whole pakistan have one kid so everyone can have job a better life education and human life have value . Today in pakistan cheapest thing is human .

Its cheap because people like you call others around you as animals and insects.
You do know that this seraiki Khan has a kid himself.

OK, @Imran Khan has a kid and may he develop into a gentle and contributing-to-humanity person since Imran bhai is generally a very sensible person. But I was talking about those whose marriages have been recent or about to happen and their dadis and chachis and phuppis and what not demanding "Good news kab ?". Add to that those males who are ten years of age even and will be in the marriage market in nine years.
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Since he is 46 nearing end of reproductive age, even with fourth wife it is almost impossible now for him to fulfill his dream of hitting a century, very few overs left and required run rate is way too high.

Inputs can be from other sources but Tagged with proper OEM label..

It will be helpful for him and good for input sources.. :enjoy:
Its cheap because people like you call others around you as animals and insects.
What you call them else ? Look around you under the bridges streets slums and roads . Do you see anything else them cheap humans ? Look our passport world is sick of us no body want us to come .why ? Whome is producing more babies in south asia ?

At 3.5, Pakistan's fertility rate is far from the highest—but because the country possesses limited resources and underdeveloped infrastructure, its rapidly growing population is still cause for alarm. Too-fast population growth is overwhelming schools, medical clinics, and poor communities across the country. Population overgrowth in Pakistan is typically attributed to a lack of family planning and birth control, among other religious and political influences.

OK, @Imran Khan has a kid and may he develop into a gentle and contributing-to-humanity person since Imran bhai is generally a very sensible person. But I was talking about those whose marriages have been recent or about to happen and their dadis and chachis and phuppis and what not asking "Good news kab ?". Add to that those males who are ten years of age even and will be in the marriage market in nine years.

You can practice this primitive fascism in India.
OK, @Imran Khan has a kid and may he develop into a gentle and contributing-to-humanity person since Imran bhai is generally a very sensible person. But I was talking about those whose marriages have been recent or about to happen and their dadis and chachis and phuppis and what not asking "Good news kab ?". Add to that those males who are ten years of age even and will be in the marriage market in nine years.
I have married since 2014 and i have no plan for more then one baby even my net wealth is crossing many crrores
What you call them else ? Look around you under the bridges streets slums and roads . Do you see anything else them cheap humans ? Look our passport world is sick of us no body want us to come .why ? Whome is producing more babies in south asia ?

At 3.5, Pakistan's fertility rate is far from the highest—but because the country possesses limited resources and underdeveloped infrastructure, its rapidly growing population is still cause for alarm. Too-fast population growth is overwhelming schools, medical clinics, and poor communities across the country. Population overgrowth in Pakistan is typically attributed to a lack of family planning and birth control, among other religious and political influences.

Passport ranking is a political and reciprocal policy. It has very little to do with other realities of life.

The fertility rate will come down as urbanization takes course. It needs not to go down drastically either to sustain the development course.

I have a simple question for you. Do you give the right to call you insect, termite, animal or a rat if he or she has more money than you?
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