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Protests Spreading All Over India

I see, well in that case, join the club, take a number and get to back of the line - we were here first.

good one :). but sadly this is a bitter truth. We, many of the Asian nations are claimbing the corruption rank lader without failing even one time.

Irrespective of the nationality, whether it is Indians or Pakistanis, we should get rid of this cancer which is slowly killing our nation. Denouncing each other's good efforts is not going to help us in any way other than satisfying our ego.

Violent actions from anybody even for a good cause will invite equal and opposite reaction from the government. Every armed movement in this world is an example for this. and, their success rate is very very less. And, most of them has received the anger of publie for disrupting their normal life, like for ever.

Hope our peaceful protest will succeed and will teach those armed groups that peaceful protest is the right way to fight for a good cause. Let us support this movement and make it a huge success.
There is something rotten in the heart of India. Who exactly are Indians suppose to overthrow? Themselves?

I agree. India is rotten to the core with corruption. It's in the psychic of Indians. It's not a governmental problem. Everyone does it to gain an advantage. The officials of course more than happy to accommodate.
Abhishek Singhvi said the Lokpal bill is 80% modifiable. Now they are ready to involve PM under the purview of the bill.I hope Anna's team and govt finds a middle ground.
Corruption is a "symptom" and not a disease. Any effort to fight corruption will only work as a short term band-aid.

In fact you put more band-aid without doing anything about the disease will make the disease stronger with time.

So what is the disease?

-- Too much government controls,
-- Archaic ways of accounting and taxation
-- large monopolies
-- too much regulations,
-- too many subsidies in the name of poor that actually get used by the rich.

If a private consortium run by TATA/infosys was Anchorage of Delhi games, their officials will not syphon off money the way the dear "minister" did.

Similarly other government run departments are corrupt because they have no long term "share" in the profitability of their departments.

In the end smaller government overseeing and monitoring private run enterprises is the only way to treat the disease. However a small amount of corruption will alway be there.

Protest spreading all over India. The Indian Government cannot keep ignoring Indian people's voice.

Thats right.

This one time its not about the Govt but all Pol parties. They are all nervous.

With Anna's health taking a turn for the worse, the Govt needs to act very quickly.
Corruption is a "symptom" and not a disease. Any effort to fight corruption will only work as a short term band-aid.

In fact you put more band-aid without doing anything about the disease will make the disease stronger with time.

So what is the disease?

-- Too much government controls,
-- Archaic ways of accounting and taxation
-- large monopolies
-- too much regulations,
-- too many subsidies in the name of poor that actually get used by the rich.

If a private consortium run by TATA/infosys was Anchorage of Delhi games, their officials will not syphon off money the way the dear "minister" did.

Similarly other government run departments are corrupt because they have no long term "share" in the profitability of their departments.

In the end smaller government overseeing and monitoring private run enterprises is the only way to treat the disease. However a small amount of corruption will alway be there.


The disease I feel is the fact that the public does not question its reps on how they spend public money.

This has happened so long that Politicians have become a law unto themselves, living in ivory towers with no one to question them.

It was sad to see MMS address the nation on 15 Aug from within a bullet proof chamber with no protection to the masses wo face bullets & bombs daily.

This tribe only thinks of itself.
Should the US now invade India and bring about its values and peace in the country?
I agree. India is rotten to the core with corruption. It's in the psychic of Indians. It's not a governmental problem. Everyone does it to gain an advantage. The officials of course more than happy to accommodate.

Hah hah hah. So corruption spread to india too? I thought "durniti" originated in Bangladesh and by the time it reached Europe, the English termed it "corruption". Make BD your next tourist destination and I'll show you what corruption is. :D Well, back to the topic: all the best to the indian people; I hope we learn something from this.
lets see yesterday manmohan speech was clear answer they still don't care it lolz
lets see yesterday manmohan speech was clear answer they still don't care it lolz

Damn! I did'nt knew you ppl follow even our internal matter so closely :D:D

Btw...It is true! Congess ko power ka Nasha hai Nasha! They don't care! They know that they are gone after 2014 election so they showing there attitude and saying ! We don't give a damn!

They are enjoying last 2 years in center :agree:
Isn't this good thing, people of india are out im
Isn't this good thing, people of india are out in streets taking a stand against corruption,looking at the sorid state of affairs in pakistan, people of pakistan should have beaten us to it by a few years. Or are they content with their govts handling of affairs in pakistan?
Corruption is a "symptom" and not a disease. Any effort to fight corruption will only work as a short term band-aid.

In fact you put more band-aid without doing anything about the disease will make the disease stronger with time.

So what is the disease?

-- Too much government controls,
-- Archaic ways of accounting and taxation
-- large monopolies
-- too much regulations,
-- too many subsidies in the name of poor that actually get used by the rich.

If a private consortium run by TATA/infosys was Anchorage of Delhi games, their officials will not syphon off money the way the dear "minister" did.

Similarly other government run departments are corrupt because they have no long term "share" in the profitability of their departments.

In the end smaller government overseeing and monitoring private run enterprises is the only way to treat the disease. However a small amount of corruption will alway be there.


I agree with ur point, But we must know few things..
1. Govt can not run as corporate. In corporate world we drop/fire less capable entity, In govt we can't leave them to die.
2. Corporate run as profit unit while govt run as welfare state.

To curb the we can adopt two way.
1. Chinese way : Tough law , less transparency or
2. American way: More transparency and adequate law..

India is following American path, We already have transparency (RTI, CAG reports and so on), what we don't have the tough law. Jan Lokpal will fill this leak.

Anna's janlok pal is a draft version, His team agreed that each and every point will be throughout discussed. His team is agree to modify the peripheral, BUT the core of bill will not changed..
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