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Protests breakout across Iran over downing of airliner

The coward brain dead Basij and bache mullaha in this forum do not have the intellect or the backbone to debate an opposing view because they know that the BS they peddle has no merit. Instead, they cry to mods and request posts deleted because they can't have a rebuttal.

To the people outside of Iran in this forum, the people are fed up with this regime because they have no hope. If you are young college graduate or any one trying to raise a family in Iran, your future is grim because of this regime's ideological infringements in the neighboring countries, their continuous meddling in people's private lives( under the false pretense of prevention of Western corruption), their oligarchy economy where only the regime's men and their families can prosper, and their forcing of a 6th century backward ideology in the 21st century not because they do what they preach, but only to rule the masses by persecution and fear. Just recently, The US Empire sanctioned the entire Iranian economy. It is a significant blow and the final nails in the coffin of the regime are happening as we speak.

Have you ever notice why the mulla never says " Marg Bar Engelees" ( Death to the UK) ? have you noticed why they do not burn the English flag or they do not walk over the Union Jack? because under the robe of every mulla is the Union Jack. They never disobey the master. In reality the English and Russian have acted and voted to Iran's detriment more than any other country including the US. From English's assassination of Nader Shah to the disgraceful Turkmanchai treaty, which was recently topped by the Islamic occupiers in which they signed away all of Iran's rights under Turkamchai 2.0 AKA new Caspian Sea agreement.

Something significant happened the last couple days and that was the arrest of English ambassador. The English scum are very calculating and cunning. They know that the regime's days are numbered and they pulled this stunt to show the people that they are with them opposing this regime. You can bet your *** that this orchestrated at the highest levels of the MI6 and without an official order, the ambassador would never get involved.

I recently made a post ( which was deleted because the losers could not handle the truth and cried foul) regarding this regime stating that is ideologically, morally, and economically bankrupt. I mentioned perfect comparison would have between Iran, Israel, and South Korea the past 4 decades to the present . The Pahlavi regime if it was in power and what Iran would have been across the broad spectrum including living standards v. the Islamic regime occupiers. Lo and behold, Khamenei's office released a post on his site comparing the regime's accomplishments v. Pahlavi's accomplishments.

The fallacy in the regime's argument is that Pahlavi regime with all its faults, was starting from scratch. They were taking a semi backward disastrous state and transforming it. The mulla took over Iran's economy was strong, she was well accepted in the world economy, and when Iran's rial was 60 to the dollar; today were are competing with Zimbawae and soon it will $1 to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. rial.

The reality is that with the advent of technology and proliferation information and knowledge easily accessible to the entire planet, all countries have transformed and grown. If you compare Iran to other developing nations, Iran lacks significantly. Yes we all know we top the world in producing scientific research theory but how much has that improved Iranian living standard.

In the declassified operation Ajax files, you realize why Mossadegh was a true patriot who loved Iran and was for Iran and how the cunning mulla back stabbed him. There is no doubt the Pahlavi regime had its faults but could it have really stood up to the UK and their gun boat diplomacy? Maybe it was because they were smart enough and had the foresight that this was a gradual process which took decades. Trump recently threatened Iraq with sanctions that make the Iran sanctions look like a walk in the park.

The Pahlavi's short comings and stupidity was their lack of proliferation of literacy and illumination of detriments of superstition and stupidity. if the population of Iran in 1979 did not lack illiteracy in most of the rural areas, no one in their right mind would have wanted this disastrous outcome for the nation. People were stupid enough that they believed the so called Imam's picture was on the moon.

In reality, if Khamenei and his cronies are really defenders of Islam, then why do not they criticize China for its repression and imprisonment of 2 million muslims? Instead they pick a fight against world Jewry the most powerful and influential ethnic group in the world. The blind hatred toward the fake Ashkenazi Jews has brought nothing but trouble for Iran under the false pretense of defending Palestinians. The POS Arafat was with Saddam firing the first rounds of artillery at the beginning of Iran-iraq war.

Majority of Iranians do not give a shit about Palestine and Syria ( you could hear it in their chants), they care about Iran and food on the table. Why should we hate Israel, in reality we have more in common with Israelis than the Arab, or I should say majority of Iran excluding the foreign ideology loving idiots. Take a referendum in Iran today, and 90% of the population do not want this regime. All police states are experts at showing fake support by bussing in people at rallies. Just look at the twitter feeds with people burning and tearing down Soleimani's pictures.

The incompetent Sepah showed their lack of military skill under a real war scenario with the tragic downing of a civilian airliner. The more this regime kills and the more people they imprison, the faster the end will come. Soon, even the two faced Europeans will not back them under the false notion of moderates. What exactly is regime moderate one without bullets? The next faze of this popular revolt will be the killing of the coward Basij one by one, the killing of mullas in the streets one by one.The regime's days are numbered.

Screen Shot 2020-01-12 at 9.05.23 PM.png
The coward brain dead Basij and bache mullaha in this forum do not have the intellect or the backbone to debate an opposing view because they know that the BS they peddle has no merit. Instead, they cry to mods and request posts deleted because they can't have a rebuttal.

To the people outside of Iran in this forum, the people are fed up with this regime because they have no hope. If you are young college graduate or any one trying to raise a family in Iran, your future is grim because of this regime's ideological infringements in the neighboring countries, their continuous meddling in people's private lives( under the false pretense of prevention of Western corruption), their oligarchy economy where only the regime's men and their families can prosper, and their forcing of a 6th century backward ideology in the 21st century not because they do what they preach, but only to rule the masses by persecution and fear. Just recently, The US Empire sanctioned the entire Iranian economy. It is a significant blow and the final nails in the coffin of the regime are happening as we speak.

Have you ever notice why the mulla never says " Marg Bar Engelees" ( Death to the UK) ? have you noticed why they do not burn the English flag or they do not walk over the Union Jack? because under the robe of every mulla is the Union Jack. They never disobey the master. In reality the English and Russian have acted and voted to Iran's detriment more than any other country including the US. From English's assassination of Nader Shah to the disgraceful Turkmanchai treaty, which was recently topped by the Islamic occupiers in which they signed away all of Iran's rights under Turkamchai 2.0 AKA new Caspian Sea agreement.

Something significant happened the last couple days and that was the arrest of English ambassador. The English scum are very calculating and cunning. They know that the regime's days are numbered and they pulled this stunt to show the people that they are with them opposing this regime. You can bet your *** that this orchestrated at the highest levels of the MI6 and without an official order, the ambassador would never get involved.

I recently made a post ( which was deleted because the losers could not handle the truth and cried foul) regarding this regime stating that is ideologically, morally, and economically bankrupt. I mentioned perfect comparison would have between Iran, Israel, and South Korea the past 4 decades to the present . The Pahlavi regime if it was in power and what Iran would have been across the broad spectrum including living standards v. the Islamic regime occupiers. Lo and behold, Khamenei's office released a post on his site comparing the regime's accomplishments v. Pahlavi's accomplishments.

The fallacy in the regime's argument is that Pahlavi regime with all its faults, was starting from scratch. They were taking a semi backward disastrous state and transforming it. The mulla took over Iran's economy was strong, she was well accepted in the world economy, and when Iran's rial was 60 to the dollar; today were are competing with Zimbawae and soon it will $1 to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. rial.

The reality is that with the advent of technology and proliferation information and knowledge easily accessible to the entire planet, all countries have transformed and grown. If you compare Iran to other developing nations, Iran lacks significantly. Yes we all know we top the world in producing scientific research theory but how much has that improved Iranian living standard.

In the declassified operation Ajax files, you realize why Mossadegh was a true patriot who loved Iran and was for Iran and how the cunning mulla back stabbed him. There is no doubt the Pahlavi regime had its faults but could it have really stood up to the UK and their gun boat diplomacy? Maybe it was because they were smart enough and had the foresight that this was a gradual process which took decades. Trump recently threatened Iraq with sanctions that make the Iran sanctions look like a walk in the park.

The Pahlavi's short comings and stupidity was their lack of proliferation of literacy and illumination of detriments of superstition and stupidity. if the population of Iran in 1979 did not lack illiteracy in most of the rural areas, no one in their right mind would have wanted this disastrous outcome for the nation. People were stupid enough that they believed the so called Imam's picture was on the moon.

In reality, if Khamenei and his cronies are really defenders of Islam, then why do not they criticize China for its repression and imprisonment of 2 million muslims? Instead they pick a fight against world Jewry the most powerful and influential ethnic group in the world. The blind hatred toward the fake Ashkenazi Jews has brought nothing but trouble for Iran under the false pretense of defending Palestinians. The POS Arafat was with Saddam firing the first rounds of artillery at the beginning of Iran-iraq war.

Majority of Iranians do not give a shit about Palestine and Syria ( you could hear it in their chants), they care about Iran and food on the table. Why should we hate Israel, in reality we have more in common with Israelis than the Arab, or I should say majority of Iran excluding the foreign ideology loving idiots. Take a referendum in Iran today, and 90% of the population do not want this regime. All police states are experts at showing fake support by bussing in people at rallies. Just look at the twitter feeds with people burning and tearing down Soleimani's pictures.

The incompetent Sepah showed their lack of military skill under a real war scenario with the tragic downing of a civilian airliner. The more this regime kills and the more people they imprison, the faster the end will come. Soon, even the two faced Europeans will not back them under the false notion of moderates. What exactly is regime moderate one without bullets? The next faze of this popular revolt will be the killing of the coward Basij one by one, the killing of mullas in the streets one by one.The regime's days are numbered.
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I do hate to put a crimp in your fanatasies there m8,but have you actually ever stopped for a second to consider what you would actually replace the "mullahs" with.....I mean apart from some very vague nebulous notion of something "better" obviously.
Heres a radical thought how about instead of focusing so much on the warm fuzzies of "the regimes days are numbered" you instead focus on the very unpleasant cold hard reality of what may very well come after it,think libya or perhaps syria,perhaps somalia or former yugoslavia,not such a nice thought is it?
Anyway you can go back to your fantasizing now.....:smart:
I do hate to put a crimp in your fanatasies there m8,but have you actually ever stopped for a second to consider what you would actually replace the "mullahs" with.....I mean apart from some very vague nebulous notion of something "better" obviously.
Heres a radical thought how about instead of focusing so much on the warm fuzzies of "the regimes days are numbered" you instead focus on the very unpleasant cold hard reality of what may very well come after it,think libya or perhaps syria,perhaps somalia or former yugoslavia,not such a nice thought is it?
Anyway you can go back to your fantasizing now.....:smart:

of course! These are not real people, they are just hollywood actors. Iran is not some fake made up country by the colonial powers before and after WWI. It has 5000 years of history and culture. That is what will come after the mulla occupiers. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was very confident of his security apparatus as well when he had his party at the tomb of Cyrus The Great. His famous words were" To Khab bash Ke ma bidareem" . He is gone. King Khamenei is very confident of his Basij thugs who stab and kill unarmed people. He will be gone too.We will see who is fantasying. The millions who despise the regime, or a bache mulla Basij loser like you.
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Another brilliant PR Victory

Iran's only female Olympic medalist says she has defected

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran’s only female Olympic medalist has said on social media she had left her homeland because she had had enough of being used by its authorities as a propaganda tool.

Taekwondo champion Kimia Alizadeh, who won a bronze medal at the 2016 Rio Olympics, implied in an Instagram post that she had moved to Europe. She wrote on an account she has used for some time, but it was not immediately possible to verify her location.

“No one has invited me to Europe and I haven’t been given a tempting offer. But I accept the pain and hardship of homesickness because I didn’t want to be part of hypocrisy, lies, injustice and flattery,” she said.

Mahin Farhadizadeh, a deputy Iranian sports minister, said: “I have not read Kimia’s post, but as far as I know she always wanted to continue her studies in physiotherapy,” the semi-official ISNA news agency reported.

Alizadeh said the Islamic Republic’s authorities had attributed her success to their management and the fact that she wore the Islamic veil, which is obligatory in Iran.

“I am one of the millions of oppressed women in Iran whom they’ve been playing for years... I wore whatever they told me and repeated whatever they ordered. Every sentence they ordered I repeated,” she wrote.

“None of us matter for them, we are just tools.”

She said that while the government exploited her medals politically, officials would humiliate her with remarks such as “It is not virtuous for a woman to stretch her legs!”

Alizadeh said at the time of her medal in the 57kg category that it had made her happy for Iranian girls.

On Sunday she appeared torn by her decision.

“Should I start with hello, goodbye or condolences? Hello oppressed people of Iran, goodbye noble people of Iran, my condolences to you people who are always mourning,” she wrote.

In the past week, 176 people, many Iranians with dual citizenship, were killed when the Iranian military mistakenly shot a Ukrainian airliner down, and at least 56 died in a stampede at the funeral for an Iranian military commander killed by a U.S. air strike.

Alizadeh is the third top Iranian sports person to stop representing the country in recent months.

Slideshow (4 Images)
In December, Iran’s Chess Federation said top rated chess champion Alireza Firouzja had decided not to play for Iran over its informal ban on competing against Israeli players.

Three months earlier, the International Judo Federation said Iranian judoka Saeid Mollaei had refused to return home over fears for his safety after he ignored orders from his national federation to pull out of fights to avoid a potential final meeting with an Israeli.
of course! These are not real people, they are just hollywood actors. Iran is not some fake made up country by the colonial powers before and after WWI. It has 5000 years of history and culture. That is what will come after the mulla occupiers. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was very confident of his security apparatus as well when he had his party at the tomb of Cyrus The Great. His famous words were" To Khab bash Ke ma bidareem" . He is gone. King Khamenei is very confident of his Basij thugs who stab and kill unarmed people. He will be gone too.We will see who is fantasying. The millions who despise the regime, or a bache mulla Basij loser like you.

I don’t think you understood what he said. Most people here will agree with you that a better form of government should happen.

The reality is if this Republic falls, it will lead to civil war (Kurds want there own country, Ahvazi want there own, Balouchis want their own) at the same security will drop and terrorists will infiltrate Iran all over again (communists, ISIS, Al-Queda, etc).

And what will replace it? Don’t tell me the Shah’s loser son or crazy Maryam Rajavi. Even if you go back to parliamentary model all the candidates will just be corrupt individuals backed by Saudi Arabia, Israel, US, UK, China, etc. there will be no true Patriot in that majlis.

Look at Iraq, 17 years after Saddam and unemployment is very high and corruption is rampant. This is with no sanctions and US/Europe developing their oil fields. Don’t think just because one government leaves another that comes will make everywhere paradise.

Iraqi Parliamentary officials are either loyal to US or Iran, not to Iraq. Same will happen to Iran because Iran is a very important country in the Middle East and every major player will want a piece. Nobody will leave Iran alone and say “oh Bande khoda hope you guys develop your country”. No like a lion they will pounce on Iran and use it for their own gain. After all in the history of mankind, what country has not done this?

At the same time the West will force Iran to disarm and renounce missiles and scrap its nuclear program.

Look at Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc Iran will be set back DECADES upon DECADES. It will take Iran another 50 years to re-emerge as a somewhat stable country.

So yes, Iran’s government should improve. But what comes next will surprise you. When Iranians overthrew the Shah they thought what would come next would be even better.
of course! These are not real people, they are just hollywood actors. Iran is not some fake made up country by the colonial powers before and after WWI. It has 5000 years of history and culture. That is what will come after the mulla occupiers. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was very confident of his security apparatus as well when he had his party at the tomb of Cyrus The Great. His famous words were" To Khab bash Ke ma bidareem" . He is gone. King Khamenei is very confident of his Basij thugs who stab and kill unarmed people. He will be gone too.We will see who is fantasying. The millions who despise the regime, or a bache mulla Basij loser like you.
So in other words you have no clue,you`re just pleased with the idea of the destruction of the government,as for what if anything will come later,well que sera sera.....,right?:tsk:
You`re an IDIOT!:suicide:

I don’t think you understood what he said. Most people here will agree with you that a better form of government should happen.

The reality is if this Republic falls, it will lead to civil war (Kurds want there own country, Ahvazi want there own, Balouchis want their own) at the same security will drop and terrorists will infiltrate Iran all over again (communists, ISIS, Al-Queda, etc).

And what will replace it? Don’t tell me the Shah’s loser son or crazy Maryam Rajavi. Even if you go back to parliamentary model all the candidates will just be corrupt individuals backed by Saudi Arabia, Israel, US, UK, China, etc. there will be no true Patriot in that majlis.

Look at Iraq, 17 years after Saddam and unemployment is very high and corruption is rampant. This is with no sanctions and US/Europe developing their oil fields. Don’t think just because one government leaves another that comes will make everywhere paradise.

Iraqi Parliamentary officials are either loyal to US or Iran, not to Iraq. Same will happen to Iran because Iran is a very important country in the Middle East and every major player will want a piece. Nobody will leave Iran alone and say “oh Bande khoda hope you guys develop your country”. No like a lion they will pounce on Iran and use it for their own gain. After all in the history of mankind, what country has not done this?

At the same time the West will force Iran to disarm and renounce missiles and scrap its nuclear program.

Look at Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc Iran will be set back DECADES upon DECADES. It will take Iran another 50 years to re-emerge as a somewhat stable country.

So yes, Iran’s government should improve. But what comes next will surprise you. When Iranians overthrew the Shah they thought what would come next would be even better.
Well said sir,very well said indeed.:enjoy:
Another brilliant PR Victory

Iran's only female Olympic medalist says she has defected

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran’s only female Olympic medalist has said on social media she had left her homeland because she had had enough of being used by its authorities as a propaganda tool.

Taekwondo champion Kimia Alizadeh, who won a bronze medal at the 2016 Rio Olympics, implied in an Instagram post that she had moved to Europe. She wrote on an account she has used for some time, but it was not immediately possible to verify her location.

“No one has invited me to Europe and I haven’t been given a tempting offer. But I accept the pain and hardship of homesickness because I didn’t want to be part of hypocrisy, lies, injustice and flattery,” she said.

Mahin Farhadizadeh, a deputy Iranian sports minister, said: “I have not read Kimia’s post, but as far as I know she always wanted to continue her studies in physiotherapy,” the semi-official ISNA news agency reported.

Alizadeh said the Islamic Republic’s authorities had attributed her success to their management and the fact that she wore the Islamic veil, which is obligatory in Iran.

“I am one of the millions of oppressed women in Iran whom they’ve been playing for years... I wore whatever they told me and repeated whatever they ordered. Every sentence they ordered I repeated,” she wrote.

“None of us matter for them, we are just tools.”

She said that while the government exploited her medals politically, officials would humiliate her with remarks such as “It is not virtuous for a woman to stretch her legs!”

Alizadeh said at the time of her medal in the 57kg category that it had made her happy for Iranian girls.

On Sunday she appeared torn by her decision.

“Should I start with hello, goodbye or condolences? Hello oppressed people of Iran, goodbye noble people of Iran, my condolences to you people who are always mourning,” she wrote.

In the past week, 176 people, many Iranians with dual citizenship, were killed when the Iranian military mistakenly shot a Ukrainian airliner down, and at least 56 died in a stampede at the funeral for an Iranian military commander killed by a U.S. air strike.

Alizadeh is the third top Iranian sports person to stop representing the country in recent months.

Slideshow (4 Images)
In December, Iran’s Chess Federation said top rated chess champion Alireza Firouzja had decided not to play for Iran over its informal ban on competing against Israeli players.

Three months earlier, the International Judo Federation said Iranian judoka Saeid Mollaei had refused to return home over fears for his safety after he ignored orders from his national federation to pull out of fights to avoid a potential final meeting with an Israeli.
So Iranian government suppressed her so that she could be a sad world champion! lol.
these traitors have no shame.

Now she can stretch her legs wide open for Europeans!
I don’t think you understood what he said. Most people here will agree with you that a better form of government should happen.

The reality is if this Republic falls, it will lead to civil war (Kurds want there own country, Ahvazi want there own, Balouchis want their own) at the same security will drop and terrorists will infiltrate Iran all over again (communists, ISIS, Al-Queda, etc).

And what will replace it? Don’t tell me the Shah’s loser son or crazy Maryam Rajavi. Even if you go back to parliamentary model all the candidates will just be corrupt individuals backed by Saudi Arabia, Israel, US, UK, China, etc. there will be no true Patriot in that majlis.

Look at Iraq, 17 years after Saddam and unemployment is very high and corruption is rampant. This is with no sanctions and US/Europe developing their oil fields. Don’t think just because one government leaves another that comes will make everywhere paradise.

Iraqi Parliamentary officials are either loyal to US or Iran, not to Iraq. Same will happen to Iran because Iran is a very important country in the Middle East and every major player will want a piece. Nobody will leave Iran alone and say “oh Bande khoda hope you guys develop your country”. No like a lion they will pounce on Iran and use it for their own gain. After all in the history of mankind, what country has not done this?

At the same time the West will force Iran to disarm and renounce missiles and scrap its nuclear program.

Look at Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc Iran will be set back DECADES upon DECADES. It will take Iran another 50 years to re-emerge as a somewhat stable country.

So yes, Iran’s government should improve. But what comes next will surprise you. When Iranians overthrew the Shah they thought what would come next would be even better.

Iraq is not a real country. The same as the rest of the Middle East Saudi, Jordan, UAE, Modern Syrian boudoirs. Of course they do not work because they were designed by the British so they can control them. You can not have people that hate each Sunni Iraqi and Shia Iragi and expect them to live together under some fake country created after WWI. You can't reform Iraq to be Belguim. It will never happen. They are tribal people.

I am not a fan of the Pahlavi's as you can see in my post. The MK cult is zombie joke. Iran will never partition and these assholes are not the reason it has not happened. Who do you think controls these goons. The Chinese, Russians, and the English.

We do not need outsiders choosing for Iran. If you hold a national referendum, this regime will get embarrassed and voted out. There needs to be changes within the country. The end result at the pace that is unravelling will be war. US bombing campaign which will devastate the country.

So Iranian government suppressed her so that she could be a sad world champion! lol.
these traitors have no shame.

Now she can stretch her legs wide open for Europeans!

She should. What is between her legs is hers.

So in other words you have no clue,you`re just pleased with the idea of the destruction of the government,as for what if anything will come later,well que sera sera.....,right?:tsk:
You`re an IDIOT!:suicide:

You are a genius! We should say status quo because we love:
A devastated economy
Mulla Oligarchy
Worthless currency
Perpetual hostility with virtually every neighbor
Rouge nation status
Useless involvement in regional conflicts
Starting and fanning sectarian divisions
Meddling in neighboring countries affairs
Oppression of any voice for reform
Harsh and arbitrary prison sentencces
High unemployment
High drug addiction
Massive brain drain
The grand finally of virtual complete sanctioning of the entire economy
That is because china isnt facing a potential situation where the entire country could wind up in chaos or worse,nor in chinas case is there much chance of outside forces being involved as in libya or syria who are seeking regime change or national collapse ie a failed state,interestingly tho when the Chinese government did genuinely think that it was under threat back in 89 they sent in the tanks and crushed it brutally.......
I`ve never yet seen iran have to do that.

Yes true, however if they do crush the protests, they will be labeled this and that for manipulation purposes and so that HK still is linked to west etc. Iran has been labeled a this and that for 40 years

funny thing is when Khomeini came to power the west called him the “Ghandi“ of Iran.
Yes true, however if they do crush the protests, they will be labeled this and that for manipulation purposes and so that HK still is linked to west etc. Iran has been labeled a this and that for 40 years
Sadly very true.

funny thing is when Khomeini came to power the west called him the “Ghandi“ of Iran.
Considering how some people in the west saw gandhi that might not`ve necessarily been meant as a compliment[lol!]

"It is alarming and nauseating to see Mr Gandhi, a seditious Middle Temple lawyer, now posing as a fakir… striding half-naked up the steps of the Vice-regal Palace"
Winston Churchill

Regarding defection---note that CIA usually likes to recruit champions and sportsmen and then use their defections for propaganda purposes.
Yes,sadly sport and politics are intimately linked.They have been ever since the 36 berlin olympics showed the propaganda potential and this has continued even after the end of the cold war.
I don’t think you understood what he said. Most people here will agree with you that a better form of government should happen.

The reality is if this Republic falls, it will lead to civil war (Kurds want there own country, Ahvazi want there own, Balouchis want their own) at the same security will drop and terrorists will infiltrate Iran all over again (communists, ISIS, Al-Queda, etc).

And what will replace it? Don’t tell me the Shah’s loser son or crazy Maryam Rajavi. Even if you go back to parliamentary model all the candidates will just be corrupt individuals backed by Saudi Arabia, Israel, US, UK, China, etc. there will be no true Patriot in that majlis.

Look at Iraq, 17 years after Saddam and unemployment is very high and corruption is rampant. This is with no sanctions and US/Europe developing their oil fields. Don’t think just because one government leaves another that comes will make everywhere paradise.

Iraqi Parliamentary officials are either loyal to US or Iran, not to Iraq. Same will happen to Iran because Iran is a very important country in the Middle East and every major player will want a piece. Nobody will leave Iran alone and say “oh Bande khoda hope you guys develop your country”. No like a lion they will pounce on Iran and use it for their own gain. After all in the history of mankind, what country has not done this?

At the same time the West will force Iran to disarm and renounce missiles and scrap its nuclear program.

Look at Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc Iran will be set back DECADES upon DECADES. It will take Iran another 50 years to re-emerge as a somewhat stable country.

So yes, Iran’s government should improve. But what comes next will surprise you. When Iranians overthrew the Shah they thought what would come next would be even better.

Let me tell you what the problem is

Liberal or Islamic they don't want a strong Iran

Sure they want access to your state and resources

Sure they want Uber liberalism to take hold of Iran

But what they don't want is a rich, successful or powerful iran regardless of the path it takes

Look at Iraq, 20 years and it's a divided humiliated wasteland
Is it honestly better than when under Saddam
Sure Saddam was a murderous moron but the chaos was limited under him, now it's just everywhere

Iran has its own divisions
The idea of THE PEOPLE is a lie
The people aren't one mass

You have millions of regime supporters
The regime controls the state
The military
The civil service
Etc etc
These people know the consequences for them and their families should they be disposed, so do you think they will sit idle?

You are also right about the ethnic groups from Kurds to Baloch who may see it as a get out clause

The bottom line is this, the mullahs aren't perfect and they could have even been very successful if the powers of the world didn't try to sanction and stop you
But a sudden collapse won't lead to a new liberal Iran but chaos chaos chaos and possibly decades of divisions and slaughter
Let me tell you what the problem is

Liberal or Islamic they don't want a strong Iran

Sure they want access to your state and resources

Sure they want Uber liberalism to take hold of Iran

But what they don't want is a rich, successful or powerful iran regardless of the path it takes

Look at Iraq, 20 years and it's a divided humiliated wasteland
Is it honestly better than when under Saddam
Sure Saddam was a murderous moron but the chaos was limited under him, now it's just everywhere

Iran has its own divisions
The idea of THE PEOPLE is a lie
The people aren't one mass

You have millions of regime supporters
The regime controls the state
The military
The civil service
Etc etc
These people know the consequences for them and their families should they be disposed, so do you think they will sit idle?

You are also right about the ethnic groups from Kurds to Baloch who may see it as a get out clause

The bottom line is this, the mullahs aren't perfect and they could have even been very successful if the powers of the world didn't try to sanction and stop you
But a sudden collapse won't lead to a new liberal Iran but chaos chaos chaos and possibly decades of divisions and slaughter

Liberal Iran was strong before the revolution, no one wanted to destroy it. Liberal Iran gifted Pakistan sabres during '65 war... many squadrons.

The then leader should've dealt with Mullahs with an ironfist, no exceptions. And so should Pakistan.

These mullahs are the cancer which rots a system from the inside out.
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