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Protesters at Shahbagh in Bangladesh backed by India

India even before election started interfereing in Bangladesh to bring Awami league to power as subservient regime.

India and Bangladesh- Embraceable you

NOT much noticed by outsiders, long-troubled ties between two neighbours sharing a long border have taken a substantial lurch for the better. Ever since 2008, when the Awami League, helped by bags of Indian cash and advice, triumphed in general elections in Bangladesh, relations with India have blossomed.

India and Bangladesh: Embraceable you | The Economist
Calling it a movememt is itself a sham. Ever hard of a "protest"/"movement" openly backed and supported by gov with all state apparatus available.:rofl: First of its kind in the world IMO.

Gov is openly financing and orchestrating it. Ever heard of such unique "protest" under police protection and backed by all state apparatus? And an Indian dalal regime will naturally have Indian support. What's the surprise in it?
Why don't you like government backed movements? Some instances of government backed movements.
The Bengal government declared a holiday on 'Direct Action' day to fight for a separate Pakistan despite the fact that half the population was against such a demand. And we all know what happened on that day. Look around to see the results.

Also read about something called Yaum-e-Ishq-e-Rasool.

As opposed to them, the Shahbagh protests seem to be peaceful and organized via social networking which the Islamists probably won't use because, well because they are still in medieval times. So they are surprised to see such big crowds asking for justice. Also look at the Islamists use funny names to the protesters, like 'fascists'. OK the Islamists at least came to mid-20th century and got stuck there. Or did they come there just to pick the name 'fascism' and retreat back to their Caliphate?
What we need is help from our Chinese friends to make our DGFI strong enough to retaliate RAW and for that we need to kick out BAL and its stooge newspapers first. AL is cunning though, they know how to utilize their media while BNP has failed to expose them, shame.

To retaliate we have to be stronger, any foreign tie up is good based on strategic decision....China is such strategic ally for us. Still, I don't think any foreign power can save us, it's our sole responsibility. 160 million peoples' strength is not a joke :).
I believe in secularism, i have nothing against hindus, in fact I have a very close Indian hindu friend, a nice chap. My problem is with the Bangladeshi hindus who are a threat to our national security and sovereignty. Hindus as a group cannot be trusted, their alliance can be with India, it is a big risk. So Hindus cannot be given high posts, just a couple of big posts through extensive screening for public relations and ceremonial issues. Just like Indian does with their muslim population.
his hindu indian interest, bro.

We muslims in Banlgadesh are in great peril! After they called for Islamic institutions to be outlawed and confiscated, Islami Bank, Ibn Sina Hospitals all over the country were attacked by pro-Shahbag terrorists. A computer training center owned by a Jamat member was set on fire and a girl student burnt to death. It reminds of Kristallnacht in Nazi Germany, when Hitler roused up the people to break all Jewish owned property.

:rofl:the hindu bangladeshi seeking for his master's approval.

Again? Seriously?

his hindu indian interest, bro.

We muslims in Banlgadesh are in great peril! After they called for Islamic institutions to be outlawed and confiscated, Islami Bank, Ibn Sina Hospitals all over the country were attacked by pro-Shahbag terrorists. A computer training center owned by a Jamat member was set on fire and a girl student burnt to death. It reminds of Kristallnacht in Nazi Germany, when Hitler roused up the people to break all Jewish owned property.

:rofl:the hindu bangladeshi seeking for his master's approval.

Again? Seriously?
Hindus cannot be trusted in Bangladesh, one or 2 in the top positions for public relations matters and the rest should be kept far away from from important governmental jobs or positions. Just like India does with muslims.

Yeah..Hasina, Khaleda, Ashraf, Gawhar Rizvi, Tareq all are Hindus :D ....kick them out of BD. Problem is mainly with Muslim people, we try to divert our failure pointing finger to other community.
I believe in secularism, i have nothing against hindus, in fact I have a very close Indian hindu friend, a nice chap. My problem is with the Bangladeshi hindus who are a threat to our national security and sovereignty. Hindus as a group cannot be trusted, their alliance can be with India, it is a big risk. So Hindus cannot be given high posts, just a couple of big posts through extensive screening for public relations and ceremonial issues. Just like Indian does with their muslim population.

Hindus will always stay in Bangladesh. You may stay outside if you will. Your kind is a threat to our sovereignty and should be expelled.
A big should be passed in the parliament after this awami league government leaves and destroyed for goodlike the 'patriot act' where influential hindus and influential hindu sympathizers are kept on surveillance with the court's order and the evidence gathered from them could be used in the court of law.traitors should be dealt accordingly.

Hindus will always stay in Bangladesh. You may stay outside if you will. Your kind is a threat to our sovereignty and should be expelled.

I have no problem with hindus remaining in Bangladesh...see post 104, hindus and hindu sympathizers should be tightly monitored.
A big should be passed in the parliament after this awami league government leaves and destroyed for goodlike the 'patriot act' where influential hindus and influential hindu sympathizers are kept on surveillance with the court's order and the evidence gathered from them could be used in the court of law.traitors should be dealt accordingly.

I have no problem with hindus remaining in Bangladesh...see post 104, hindus and hindu sympathizers should be tightly monitored.

lol . . . . not them. It's people like you who should be monitored and kept under surveillance. You are tying to promote communal division and religious fascism. You should be tried and put in jail.

EDIT: Even if you have Hindus living in Bangladesh, they will continue to live here peacefully and with religious harmony. You having a problem or not is insignificant.
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