PakiPatriot who wrote this article?
I did..
Thank You PakiPatriot for posting my blog.
First of all i want to say that i have just given suggestion and better suggestion will not only be appreciated but also incorporated. Although i do agree that i do not belong to this field but i certainly have put lot of common sense in it.
This is just the first part and i have not covered all other aspects which i thought about while thinking over it.
Like none of the proposed province contains districts from more than 1 existing Province. The reason is that firstly if we go with Zaid Hamid like division than there will never be an agreement, Khyber Pakhtonkhuwa province may want to incorporate district from Balochistan and balochistan from punjab and so on. These type of stupid things will become the focus.
Secondly it will not be feasible as the new provinces are not only the division of the land but also about the divsion of reserves of the existing province, division of loans, so if a new province has land from two or more exisiting province then this will become very hard. How much provincial account go to one province who has more districts from other province.
Thirdly and more significant thing will be the water accord, already 4 province are always fighting over water accord. So i thought it will be easier if the proposed Provinces are within an existing province, then they might be able to agree over division of water among themselves.
Instead of fighting over the name of the province we should be discussing how to give more oppurtunity for common man to prosper, also how to tackle real economic issues of Pakistan (like kalabagh dam), how to increase homogenity. How to think for the whole of Pakistan. Now if Punjab is divided in 4 provinces, sindh most probably will not complain much about kalabagh dam.
So its not just like i learned some geography or graphcs that i have proposed this thing.
i did put lot of mind into it. There are many other aspects i thought about too, but i will keep them for later post
I also accept that there can be better ideas among you. That what i want that we should not act like our current politician, (like the one who are trying to impress kim, or trying to save their son, or pretending to be courageous while hiding in london or trying to save bank accounts), but rather not only face the problem head on but also have some elegant & smart solutions through a healthy discussion. After all we are a generation of 21st century and its time that we lead the way.
Once again these are just my opinion, and i do really appreciate your comments & suggestion.
btw I will be updating the blog with another entry tomorrow, InshaAllah after the statement of Punjab CM. That will be a well thought out article too, inshaAllah.
Lastly why i did it? because if we dont voice and show courage we might be seeing a Province on Hazara, which will be just 2 district and with very small population and very little economic viability.