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Proposed new provinces for Pakistan, "need of the hour"?

yes ... yes ... yes...

I think Shehbaz Sharif is a very good chess player.

He slapped the PPP, MQM, Jamat -e-Islami etc. etc. ...

This issue can give them atleast Six seats of NA in Sindh ...

but wait for the next move ... there is a history of retreat
Pmln already has zero seats
His statement could get Pmln kicked out of Sindh forever :toast_sign:
PakiPatriot who wrote this article?

I did.. :)

Thank You PakiPatriot for posting my blog.

First of all i want to say that i have just given suggestion and better suggestion will not only be appreciated but also incorporated. Although i do agree that i do not belong to this field but i certainly have put lot of common sense in it.

This is just the first part and i have not covered all other aspects which i thought about while thinking over it.
Like none of the proposed province contains districts from more than 1 existing Province. The reason is that firstly if we go with Zaid Hamid like division than there will never be an agreement, Khyber Pakhtonkhuwa province may want to incorporate district from Balochistan and balochistan from punjab and so on. These type of stupid things will become the focus.

Secondly it will not be feasible as the new provinces are not only the division of the land but also about the divsion of reserves of the existing province, division of loans, so if a new province has land from two or more exisiting province then this will become very hard. How much provincial account go to one province who has more districts from other province.

Thirdly and more significant thing will be the water accord, already 4 province are always fighting over water accord. So i thought it will be easier if the proposed Provinces are within an existing province, then they might be able to agree over division of water among themselves.

Instead of fighting over the name of the province we should be discussing how to give more oppurtunity for common man to prosper, also how to tackle real economic issues of Pakistan (like kalabagh dam), how to increase homogenity. How to think for the whole of Pakistan. Now if Punjab is divided in 4 provinces, sindh most probably will not complain much about kalabagh dam.

So its not just like i learned some geography or graphcs that i have proposed this thing. :P i did put lot of mind into it. There are many other aspects i thought about too, but i will keep them for later post :) I also accept that there can be better ideas among you. That what i want that we should not act like our current politician, (like the one who are trying to impress kim, or trying to save their son, or pretending to be courageous while hiding in london or trying to save bank accounts), but rather not only face the problem head on but also have some elegant & smart solutions through a healthy discussion. After all we are a generation of 21st century and its time that we lead the way.

Once again these are just my opinion, and i do really appreciate your comments & suggestion.

btw I will be updating the blog with another entry tomorrow, InshaAllah after the statement of Punjab CM. That will be a well thought out article too, inshaAllah. :)

Lastly why i did it? because if we dont voice and show courage we might be seeing a Province on Hazara, which will be just 2 district and with very small population and very little economic viability.
all districts should be empowered at root something like local governments with authority of decision making in local affairs etc etc......more provinces are not in our interest

Many districs would not be financially and economically stronger to support themselves on their own. Secondly each district can not create a international standard hospital, university and other basic need for a healthy nation and consequently the pressure of the population inflow would be confined to Karachi and central punjab. That would again cause a polarization in the country. If we make make smaller provinces of multiple districts then the provinces would be able to provide good quality health and educational facilities as well as the economic zones at least in one city. Main focus is development of new urban centres to attract people from all over the country.
If Central Punjab must be made into a province then it should be named after Allama Iqbal because he was from Sialkot, Punjab.

Iqbalpur for central punjab would be same as Jinnahpur for Karachi. Allama Iqbal and Quaid e Azam are heroes of all the nation, Ravi is the name of river which used to flow in central punjab during ancient times (till Indus water treaty), if it looks indian then some other neutral name can also be suggested, that is not the big issue.
lol look at the names....ravi province :lol: the author sounds retarded.....he just learnt some graphics and now he is making this crazy stuff and look at uttar and dakshin thing..indian inclinations...;)
we dont need any more provinces...constitutional amendment is required and that means 2/3 majority which is impossible translating into no more provinces:cheers:

lets financially empower the districts and that would solve the problem:agree:

this is not ravi of ravi shastri, but is is ravi of ravi river in lahore and central punjab. Secondly uttar and dakshin are Sindhi words for north and south. No indian inclination is here
All of this is rubbish. Its stupidity to think that somehow by creating more provinces; we can reduce corruption and make a prosperous Pakistan.

-- In fact it is going to create more tensions between provinces.
Our neighboring country Afghanistan is half the size of Pakistan and it has 34 provinces, and it has always had more ethnic conflicts than Pakistan and was always less developed than Pakistan.

Afghanistan is under war for more than 3 decades, if u want to see the example, go for India. India and Pakistan started the journey at the same time and during 50's and 60's they created new provinces for various reasons. AhmedAbad, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Bhopal are few examples which were develaoped as they were made capitals of their respective provinces at the time of creation of that province. Now there is less load on Delhi, Culcutta and Bombay then on Karachi today because people have more choices in front of them to sattle in.
Our neighboring country Afghanistan is half the size of Pakistan and it has 34 provinces, and it has always had more ethnic conflicts than Pakistan and was always less developed than Pakistan.

Afghanistan is under war for more than 3 decades, if u want to see the example, go for India. India and Pakistan started the journey at the same time and during 50's and 60's they created new provinces for various reasons. AhmedAbad, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Bhopal are few examples which were develaoped as they were made capitals of their respective provinces at the time of creation of that province. Now there is less load on Delhi, Culcutta and Bombay then on Karachi today because people have more choices in front of them to sattle in.

boy you need to understand. How do you know that creating more provinces will be the right choice?? Political parties want to make more provinces so that who gets majority in Punjab does not becomes a pressure group. Don't expect anything good from them. .
I think you could have come up with a better name than "Ravi" for Central Punjab. Ravi is a name of every other kid in India. Then people will say your province is called ravi and you are indian :sick:

If Central Punjab must be made into a province then it should be named after Allama Iqbal because he was from Sialkot, Punjab.

It is a call for the ppl of Pak to take hence I consider myself an outsider on this forum with only a passing interest . Being a bit of a traditionalist I am in principle against division of states.

More than anything what needs to be improved is governance . If the standards remain the same making smaller states will not help. The main beneficiaries often are the Politicians & Babus - more Chief Ministers, more ministries ,more state level Sectaries, IG's et all. The common man remains where he was. Having more states also means more octroi ,taxes etc adding to the burden of the common man,

Also it is interesting to note the objection to the name Ravi ( pronounced as River Raavi ). The river still flows through Pakistan as it did for centuries ! Why has the name not been changed so far if it links to a hindu name ?

We could do better than this..surely.
there is Chaos everywhere in Pakistan ... I am in favor of new provinces but not until Pakistan is Stabilized
The demand by Mian Shehbaz Sharif to bifurcate Sindh seems hilarious. Shahbaz sharif, who does not have any representation in Sindh. Next time he will talk about creating a new province in Australia. It is time he should start paying attention to the voices and needs of the very province that he governs and stop wasting time over useless squabbling. There is no demand from Sindhis to divide the Sindh Provinces. r Punjab should be distributed in three namely, Seraiki, Pothar, and Punjab While Hazara should be a separate province. FATA should be included in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa province. This should be done for a stronger federation.
in some cases such bifurcation of provinces makes sense. i can give the example of uttarakhand being separated from UP. in that particular case, it made sense because Uttarakhand was all mountains and the rest of UP was all plains. so there was a disbalance in resource generation and allocation.
Uttarakhand did much better after being separated.

if such problems arise in provinces of pakistan, it might make sense to bifurcate them into more logical parts.
The demand by Mian Shehbaz Sharif to bifurcate Sindh seems hilarious. Shahbaz sharif, who does not have any representation in Sindh. Next time he will talk about creating a new province in Australia. It is time he should start paying attention to the voices and needs of the very province that he governs and stop wasting time over useless squabbling. There is no demand from Sindhis to divide the Sindh Provinces. r Punjab should be distributed in three namely, Seraiki, Pothar, and Punjab While Hazara should be a separate province. FATA should be included in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa province. This should be done for a stronger federation.

I think Shahbaz Sharif did this to release pressure from his party by saying that make Karachi separate provine as he knows that PPP would not accept it. 2ndly there had been calls for separate province in Sindh much before the call for saraiki province. During Ayub Khan era Karachiites had demanded a separate province for them when Capital was shifted to Rawalpindi. Nawab Muzaffar and Raees Amrohvi are few big names among the Urdu speaking community who demanded this during 70's and 80's when ruler urban quota was implemented by PPP government. MQM haqiqi is also proponent of Mohajir Suba.

By commenting on this doesnt mean that I am in favor of linguistic provinces , but to bring this to light that that there are aslo demands in sindh for separate province.

Regarding FATA point: GOvernment has asked leadesrs of FATA several times regarding their merger in neighbouring KP (then NWFP) and it was always refused by the people of tribal belt. The only significant voice regarding this merger is ANP in KP and Pakhtunkhwa milli awami party in Baluchistan, both ethinic centred parties in the pashtun belt.
The demand by Mian Shehbaz Sharif to bifurcate Sindh seems hilarious. Shahbaz sharif, who does not have any representation in Sindh. Next time he will talk about creating a new province in Australia. It is time he should start paying attention to the voices and needs of the very province that he governs and stop wasting time over useless squabbling. There is no demand from Sindhis to divide the Sindh Provinces. r Punjab should be distributed in three namely, Seraiki, Pothar, and Punjab While Hazara should be a separate province. FATA should be included in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa province. This should be done for a stronger federation.

It's all political gimmick. Except PML-N, all parties are demanding more provinces in Punjab, including ANP and MQM who have no representation in Punjab. This was just an answer in a political way.
I think Shahbaz Sharif did this to release pressure from his party by saying that make Karachi separate provine as he knows that PPP would not accept it. 2ndly there had been calls for separate province in Sindh much before the call for saraiki province. During Ayub Khan era Karachiites had demanded a separate province for them when Capital was shifted to Rawalpindi. Nawab Muzaffar and Raees Amrohvi are few big names among the Urdu speaking community who demanded this during 70's and 80's when ruler urban quota was implemented by PPP government. MQM haqiqi is also proponent of Mohajir Suba.

By commenting on this doesnt mean that I am in favor of linguistic provinces , but to bring this to light that that there are aslo demands in sindh for separate province.

Regarding FATA point: GOvernment has asked leadesrs of FATA several times regarding their merger in neighbouring KP (then NWFP) and it was always refused by the people of tribal belt. The only significant voice regarding this merger is ANP in KP and Pakhtunkhwa milli awami party in Baluchistan, both ethinic centred parties in the pashtun belt.

Hmmm.. but i think FATA should be given the status of a separate province. I don't think that they would like to join KP.
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