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Proposed new provinces for Pakistan, "need of the hour"?

Those Mahajir Sooba messages were not written by MQM or on orders of MQM. It's what the people seem to want
What people seems to want was chalked in just one night over the whole city?.....
What people seems to want was chalked in just one night over the whole city?.....
What MQM seemed to want was chalked in just one night over the whole city?
Whatever dude. It was the voice of the people
What MQM seemed to want was chalked in just one night over the whole city?
Whatever dude. It was the voice of the people
So voice of MQM is the voice of people? if thats what you're implying then with current statment is this also implied that the voice of people has suddenly taken 180 degree turn?
If Muslims can demand a whole country on the basis of religion due to alleged persecution then why can't Christians who are persecuted openly in Pakistan demand a province?
Then whats next? A province for every household? :lol:
PML-Q.MQM and PPP are mishandling a serious issue
All this is for a vote bank, the ruling coallation hasn't given anything to Pakistan otherthan problems, political dramas and economic despare. Now they need something for the next election and they think that this shosha can provide them another term regardless of the subsequent consequences on national integrity. Pakistan needs more provinces, IMHO, Punjab Needs 3, KPK needs 3, Balochistan needs at least 2 and Sind needs 2 administrative units. But the basis should be administrative.
Small states have both pros and cons
1.If it is based on geography, its easy to handle and run the state.
2. Its easy to implement civil reforms and benefit the people.
3. Law and order control become easy.

1. Beurocracy increases.
2. More politicians more corruption
3. Small states can not have enough resource,
4. Dependency on center increases.
5. Fight with neighobouring state become reality for resources (like water and forest)
Small states have both pros and cons
1.If it is based on geography, its easy to handle and run the state.
2. Its easy to implement civil reforms and benefit the people.
3. Law and order control become easy.

1. Beurocracy increases.
2. More politicians more corruption
3. Small states can not have enough resource,
4. Dependency on center increases.
5. Fight with neighobouring state become reality for resources (like water and forest)

The population of Scotland is 5 million. They seem to be getting along much better than Sindh at 60million+
new provinces are necessary but it is not right time for this
ppp govt just doing it for votes nothing more
if new provinces are required than 1st divide Baluchistan into 3 parts and Sindh into 2 parts Punjab into 3 parts
make fata as new province

There will never be a right time, there alway be corrupt politicians, they will play province card only to get votes, sometimes South Punjab province, Saraiki province, Hazara province and sometimes South Sindh province.
Sindh 3 provinces, Punjab 4 Provinces, KPK 2 Provinces, Balochistan 3 Provinces, Gilgit Baltistan 1 Province, must do it on Administrative lines sooner than later.
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