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Prophet Mohammad (Pbuh) movie will be released on August 26th

So every time Prophet is being shown light blocks his face?
according to me they will not deict even the voice of The Great PROPHET (SAW) cos it cant be depicted.
watch this movie (THE MESSAGE 1977), AND then make up your mind.
I really want to see a production about Abu-Muslim the Persian.. his story was genuinely tragic.
I know , after 1979 revolution many youths are becoming more nationalism , some religious others like me have both 50-50.
As i mentioned previously we should not mixed them together both are different topics.
Muhammad is our prophet and Cyrus the great our beloved king both will always remains in our heart. Not just Cyrus the great but khosro parviz , babak khoramdin , shah ismail and many more.

You are revering PerVEZ Khusro? the king that tore the letter of the GREAT PROPHET(SAW)?
"Khosrow II tore up Muhammed's letter, and commanded Badhan, his vassal ruler of Yemen, to dispatch two valiant men to identify, seize and bring this man from Hijaz(Muhammad) to him."

Islam is the only Identity that can be revered for a Muslim, not your race, or nationality that you take birth with.
I revere and respect all the Muslim figures that ever lived, whether they were ARAB, TURK, ANDLUSSIAN, CENTRAL ASIN, OR PUNJABI. cos this is the only thing that binds us together
Islam is the only Identity that can be revered for a Muslim, not your race, or nationality that you take birth with.

Fortunately, 95%+ of Iranians don't think in this way. Iranians already have their own rich cultural heritage, what you said only applies to groups of people who lack any historical/cultural background.
i am not trolling but i got curious. i did log in to ask this question.

Posters of prophet are prohibited but movies is ok ?
His face is not shown.. that is what is prohibited

we and the world dont need movies:angry::angry::angry: to know about Hazrat Muhammad SAW
You need ISIS.
Fortunately, 95%+ of Iranians don't think in this way. Iranians already have their own rich cultural heritage, what you said only applies to groups of people who lack any historical/cultural background.

Exactly, only people with no/little history and culture use religion as their primary source of identity. Iranians have one the richest and oldest culture on the planet. A culture and even religion (Zoroastrianism) which pre dates Islam by thousands of years. The vast majority of Iranians are Iranians first before anything. I doubt there are any peoples out there whom are more in touch and bonded to their culture than us Iranians.
As long as his face is not shown and there is focus on realism in dress.. it would be good to have the greatest human being ever shown for the benefit of Non-Muslims and Muslims alike before he set out on the most difficult task of his life.

Exactly, only people with no/little history and culture use religion as their primary source of identity. Iranians have one the richest and oldest culture on the planet. A culture and even religion (Zoroastrianism) which pre dates Islam by thousands of years. The vast majority of Iranians are Iranians first before anything. I doubt there are any peoples out there whom are more in touch and bonded to their culture than us Iranians.

And that reason is why the clash today happens. The whole Shia Sunni thing is just a drama for the need to Iran(and ipso facto) Arabia play out their regional rivalry. Create ideals and dramatics for religion just out of the need to stand apart and create ownership for something they know very well has no ownership.
The movie depicts the life of Muhammad from prior to his birth to 12th year of his life...I lost interest there itself..it is not a historical movie..no accounts of Muhammad's life are present until he became a prophet for some people...this is going to be a film with all fairy tales that were made up after Muhammad's death.

To Muslims: it is better off for you people to not show life of Muhammad as it is.
Why? 1400 years ago there was no cinematography no DVD may be VHS (Betamax). How did they come up with such ideas!

Correction: There was no Betamax either! just googled it! probably Super 8! ...

Using logic about these religious laws usually does not give you any acceptable explanation. BTW, the whole "not showing face" law is ridiculous itself, let alone "not making any movies about Mohammad" law of some sunnis.

You surly know better than me. The way I see it however, is that most Persian Iranians seem to be far less religious than even Anatolian Turks or Lebanese. All Persians I have seen abroad are anything, but religious.
You apparantly have some problem with Persians. As far as what you said is concerned, it's not just about Persians. More or less, almost all Iranians have such mindsets. If you go to north of Iran, like Gilan, you would see the most secular approach.
Big numbers of them are literally filled up with hatred towards Islam, and they may even blame the Arabs of the 21st century for their country's problems.
One could also argue that agnosticism and atheism are gaining considerable grounds in Iran, even among those who haven't immigrated yet.
i am not sure abt the movie there is music
and also there is a statue with a hill near sea
i am not sure if the movie is totally accurate

my opinion but hats off to iran they are making a lot of good movies like that
last one was abt Mary
good going
Why? 1400 years ago there was no cinematography no DVD may be VHS (Betamax). How did they come up with such ideas!

Correction: There was no Betamax either! just googled it! probably Super 8! ...
You know people could draw portraits 1400 years ago. Or is this something you just came to terms with (people being able to draw portraits)!
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