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Proof that Israel is responsible for 911

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BTW guys why the hell those Osama's people attack the pentagon and world trade center??? What did we get from those disasters? Several innocent people from different cultural died those attack. American government got the chance to call us Muslim terrorist, invade Afghanistan, bomb Pakistan, invade Iraq. Murder millions of innocent lives...... do we feel proud of each other for sake of humanity, not culture, religion and nations etc?????
If it was Osama and his people then we don't care, history says American had business with them and this is your internal problem.
I don't support Osama at all, nor I like him neither I am proud of what he did to Muslim and American.
I am a human in other words and feel sorry for all innocent lives lost in fighting and cause of political shits.

For Muslim why do we need to prove or need proofs when we know Muslim don't do these???? Get a life and forget this media shits.
To young and old pakistanis who think it is a conspiracy-----,

You know what---you are the tragedy for the nation also known as pakistan----. Instead of arguing about how to have gotten out of this mess with minimum damage----you invited the wrath of god onto you and to your dear ones----.

You pakistanis are partially the cause---that there are a million muslims dead in afghanistan and a million and a half muslims killed in iraq by the americans----. Only if your generals had the vision to see beyong their thick heads and had the brains to look into the future---they would have snatched osama bin laden from afg and killed him and sent his head in a platter to George Bush----.

You people are so thick headed that the deaths of millions of muslims have no effect opn your thinking----. You can blame america all youi want to----but it is also yours to share----you were the biggest stake holder in the arena with the most influence----.

You people have no shame at all that your inactions / rhetoric has been the cause of these deaths----these were your generals who went to afg to advise Mullah Umar-----. How are you people going to face your God on the day of judgement----you have the blood of all these afghans and iraqis on your hands----but you have no clue what you have done.
osama accepted the responsibility for the 9/11 attacks dont know what else proof is needed,i dont think he was a mossad agent and i bet he hated israel like the rest of the arabs
those who still believe in such conspiracies, please do read Mastan Khan's post here on this thread.

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