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Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

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May 21, 2006
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Today on Geo tv, Pak army recovered huge cache of Indian made weapons, explosive and medical supplies . Now situation is kind of getting serious. Army transfer all evidence of Indian heavy involvement to Pakistan foreign office.
Indian arms seized from SWA

ISLAMABAD: The security forces have found substantial evidence of Indian involvement in South Waziristan, Director General ISPR Major General Athar Abass said.
“Indian literature and weapons under the use of terrorists have been recovered from South Waziristan and more evidence is being gathered,” he said addressing a joint media briefing with Information Minister Qamar Zaman Kaira on Operation Rah e Nijat here Monday. “We have sent all the proofs of Indian involvement to the Foreign Office for their onward presentation at the appropriate forum,” he said.

On the army operation, Abbas said the troops had taken full control of Kanigurram, one of the biggest towns in South Waziristan and formerly a key Taliban operational centre. "Kanigurram area has been completely cleared of terrorists."

"After house to house search, the complete area has been cleared of mines and IEDs (improvised explosive devices). We have recovered five truck-loads of ammunition, arms and explosives," he added.

Kanigurram is one of the biggest towns where Pakistani ground and air forces have concentrated their operations in the forbidding mountains on the Afghan border. US officials say Al-Qaeda is using the area to plot attacks on the West.

None of the details can be verified because communication lines are down and journalists and aid workers are barred from the area.

An ISPR statement said security forces are extending their perimeter of security and closing in towards Sararogha. Expansion of positions held on the ridges from different directions towards Sararogha is in progress.

Sporadic Mortar and Small Arms fire is being received by security forces from different areas of the town. During exchange of fire with terrorists 4 terrorists have been killed while 6 soldiers got injured. Security forces conducted search operation in areas Shin Sar and Guru Sar and recovered 1000 rounds of SMG.

Security forces secured point 7121 and Mangora Sar. During engagements 8 terrorists have been killed. Security forces are consolidating their positions on the ridges along road Razmak - Makeen. The important village of China just adjacent to Makeen has been secured.

Huge cache of arms and ammunition have been recovered from different huts, caves and compounds. Security forces neutralized 20 IEDs during clearance of China.

Security forces also secured Kam Narakai located 2 kilometers west of China village and recovered huge cache of ammunition.

Since the commencement of Operation Rah-e-Nijat on 17 October 2009 to date, following weapons, ammunition and equipment has been recovered from different areas along all three axes.

Meanwhile In last 24 hours, 22 suspects have been apprehended from different areas of Swat and 2 terrorists have voluntarily surrendered. During search operation at Piochar, a tunnel has been discovered with 20 APM mines, 2 Kilograms explosive, 4 bottles of liquid chemicals, 250 grams gun powder, 2 directional mines and 1 x detonator box. -Agencies
DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Proof of Indian hand South Waziristan: army

ISLAMABAD: The security forces have found substantial evidence of Indian involvement for assisting terrorists in South Waziristan Agency, Director General ISPR Major General Athar Abbas said.

‘Indian literature and weapons under the use of terrorists have been recovered from South Waziristan and more evidence is being gathered,’ he said addressing a joint media briefing on Operation Rah-e-Nijat here Monday.

Minister for Information and Broadcasting Qamar Zaman Kaira, Secretary Information Suhail Mansoor and Principal Information Officer Ch Rashid Ahmed were also present.

‘We have sent all the proofs of Indian involvement to the Foreign Office for their onward presentation at the appropriate forum,’ he said.—APP
Going public with evidence!!!

US emmbassy in Islamabad owns Pakistan media and illegitimate govt. plus friendly opposition.

Going public means uncoverign indo-US nexus and complicity of Pakistan civilian govt.

People are allowed to bring in wepons on charterd planes and Pakistan police provide esscort services.

IMO, TTP should be granted same rights in Pakistan as illegal americans enjoy.

If americans carrting US wepons can be set free by IG of Islamabad than TTP elements carrying indian wepons should also be treated by same generosity.
Until unless we feel proud by getting killed by american bullets and feel insulted for getting killed by indian explosives.
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True. The puppet government keeps falling into US pressure and does not go public with the evidence. Very likely it will happen again this.
I know the yankees will still act blind to this evidence provided . And the indian lobyist and AIPAC will come to rescue their Indian counterparts in this game . This inturn will have a drastic blow to their interests in Pakistan.
Obviously India alone cannot do this solely on its own initiative , There are some other Major players involved also who would have ensured NewDelhi for their full support once being cought red handed in covertly fueling insurgency in Pakistan.

Having said that its time the ISI should launch covert ops against all indian interests in Afghanistan at Full throttle . Hire Hikmatyar or any body to vapourise the Indians in Afghanistan .
They had the evidence for a while now. The important thing is that they go public with it full out this time.

Is this really the time? How the items got there etc needs to be investigated that would be easier if the people involved do not go to ground.

Second now is not the time to be throwing accustations at india ( justified or otherwise) and raising tensions. Nothing would suit the taliban more than skirmishes breaking out with India and pulling troops away from the current opperation to deal with that.

Gather the information investigate but finish one job before worring about the next.
India is the West's bet against China and Pakistan , hence the denials about india's involvement.

Just like we are attacking the mules that do the dirty work for the enemy we MUST DESTROY the hand that is feeding these mules.
India is applying the same methods it did during '71. creating, training and funding mukti bahni's against Pakistan. Once again they have adopted the same strategy, funding anti-Pakistan groups, providing them weapons, tools, medicine and of course money.
Unfortunately, just like the last time, our political system is in a disarray at the time and we we're fighting a huge war against terrorists. That is the reason GoP is avoiding going public with the evidence which is aplenty. But the time is coming very soon, Indian involvement is going to be exposed.
General Abbas was saying,

"We have seized records of several travels of so-and-so TTP leaders to India, we have arrested 6-7 Indian nationals, Indian literature, Indian medicines, lots of Indian explosives, Indian arms and Indian currency, there has never been before so conclusive evidence of India's direct involvement in sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan. Since Wazirastan's operation is far faster than predicted, Indians never got the chance to pull back their assets"





But i am not surprised like many of you my friends.
We should send these proofs to Hilery Clinton to show her the reall face of these Indians.

ISI must kick in and first of all Assasinate all of the major Indian assets in Afghanistan.

Once we are done with TTP then we would have to deal with Indians too.
Sooner or later we would have to respond these problems such as water issue , Kashmir issue by eighter ways.

Long live Pakistan:pakistan:
i am just waiting for my Indian friends to Comment before i do:angry:
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