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Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

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To top it up no country is so naive that they will give weapons to terrorist to be found by Army of enemy. I also read Maoist have Chinese weapons in India, but India is not blaming Chinese government for that.

That makes no sense. If a country provides terrorists weapons, how can they be sure that they will never get caught? So an implication of what you said would be that no country gives weapons to terrorists.
Please, we do not know much about that picture to make certain claims. I am by no means claiming that what I am saying is a reality. However, I trust my army, and knowing how deeply ISI has infiltrated india, their claims are not something that can be brushed aside just based on public information.

---------- Post added at 07:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:56 PM ----------

I believe there was a picture on one of the earlier pages of some equipment only produced in india.

Both side Army claims things which are contradictory to each others stand. So then how to come to truth, every proof given has to be analyzed, your belief in your Army cannot substitute for proof. Same applies to us, I do not believe on everything that our Army says, they are also human beings and can make error. Also it is not impossible they do not lie, sometime it is done to garner public support. There are many instances in past of such thing happening.
Right, so how are Taliban getting it then? And they seem to have got it only recently. Clearly PA is not giving as many indian members would claim just so as that would be like buying another person a gun to kill you.

Global arms black markets. Whichever place they get rest of their weapons from.

It's intelligence agency dude.. covert opertion. They don't wanna get caught.

Lets assume that's true. The Pakistani security agencies still need to provide evidence of the origins of the weapons.

Personally I feel, had they claimed that these were weapons purchased with Indian money, it would have been a more legitimate argument, than saying that the weapons were made in India.
Ultimately, until they dont go public with proof, I can't expect indian involvement to become proven and undeniable. I know for a fact that proof exists, but they will have to go public with it. Until then, people can believe what they want to believe, and RAW will continue doing terrorism. These drone government of PPP won't change anything so I dont expect the proof to become public for another 3 years at least unless there is a coup.
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Ultimately, until they dont go public with proof, I can't expect indian involvement to become proven and undeniable. I know for a fact that proof exists, but they will have to go public with it. Until then, people can believe what they want to believe, and RAW will continue doing terrorism. These drone government of PPP won't change anything so I dont expect the proof to become public for another 3 years at least unless there is a coup.

So to sum up.
1) You have the proofs but cannot show to world as your govt is stooge to USA.
2) You want others to believe you just on your beliefs.

Can you care to clarify how do you know that proof exists.

Why is Army silent on govt inaction. Are they also become stooge.
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You don't have to believe me. What I argue against is indians coming in here and telling me your mental or something and try to point out how we are wrong. I actually couldn't care less if indians dont believe their country's invovlement.

The existance of proof is confirmed from people within the army or ISI.

Why is army silent - I don't really know, but I doubt they would want to do a coup as Kiyanni is apolitical and it would only hurt army if a coup happens. They don't have much option but to be silent. Whatever noise they could create, they did, as this topic shows. So the ball is in GoP's court.
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You don't have to believe me. What I argue against is indians coming in here and telling me your mental or something and try to point out how we are wrong. I actually couldn't care less if indians dont believe their country's invovlement.
I am no way saying you are mental or something, but I believe you will allow me to have equal rights. When India gave proof's we were also questioned about the proof's and same thing will apply to Pakistan.

About getting news from Military I heard your Naval chief saying Kasab never traveled from Pakistan, but your government accepted Indian version. So the point is, even people sitting at top level in military not always speak truth, and they do it for a reason, sometime they do not want to accept it in public. It is not very uncommon for them to give a spin and that is done world over.
Why is army silent - I don't really know, but I doubt they would want to do a coup as Kiyanni is apolitical and it would only hurt army if a coup happens. They don't have much option but to be silent. Whatever noise they could create, they did, as this topic shows. So the ball is in GoP's court.

The army if it has proof can easily do a press conference and give the proofs. They don't need civilian govt's permission for everything. After mumbai attack the govt backtracked on sending ISI chief on army request/pressure.There was no army coup.You are assuming that to make its point clear army has to do a coup. No offense but this is a very silly argument.

The civilian govt has also blamed India for terrorism in Pakistan.Recently Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit spoke about indian involvement.So the point of govt is weak,US puppet don't make sense. If they can accuse India they can also very well give proof.
They give the proof to government - simple as that. The mumbai attack analogy is apples and oranges comparison. The pressure was from army AND from political parties. And it was a different matter altogether to top it off.

As for your last paragraph, they haven't done any formal press conferences for giving any proof or talking about indian invovlement. This is where US comes in.
They accuse india in response to questions asked from journalists. Additionally, since they are in government, they would speak very carefully about what they say. If they didn't have proof, they wouldn't go over it again and again. All they need to do is go public with the proof now.

indians are big fans of musharraf. He has said several times about proof being given to india and the existance of proof.
They give the proof to government - simple as that. The mumbai attack analogy is apples and oranges comparison. The pressure was from army AND from political parties. And it was a different matter altogether to top it off.

As for your last paragraph, they haven't done any formal press conferences for giving any proof or talking about indian invovlement. This is where US comes in.
They accuse india in response to questions asked from journalists. Additionally, since they are in government, they would speak very carefully about what they say. If they didn't have proof, they wouldn't go over it again and again. All they need to do is go public with the proof now.

indians are big fans of musharraf. He has said several times about proof being given to india and the existance of proof.

Why is it apples and oranges? Is it because India provided basket full of undeniable evidence to pakistan of its involvement and in return pakistan coudnt? In that case maybe yes.

But I think we are talking here about is the involvemnt of elements of a state to destabilize neighbouring state. And the Endeavor of the state in highlighting and countering this hostile involvement, by means of solid proof and swift action. So In my view the case of 26/11 and the recent allegation aginst Indian involvement must be treated with equal parity.

BTW, Indians are big fans of musharraf not because they are supportive to his views and doings. In that case, his doings are much more horrible and his views are often bizzare, viz a viz India. He is a craze here exactly for the same reason why Lalu in popular in pakistan and that is not because of his deeds but sheer charm. :smitten:
In Indian masses, He is liked as being a great statesman, but most importantly not endorsed by anyone. Well, if he said he had evidence and he shared it with India then we must remember that he also said that he diverted american aid meant for WOT against India. Charming Jacka$s thats it.....
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I did not see my post as attacking any poster. If it came across that way I apologize.

What I was trying to say was - the reasoning given by Pakistani posters so far for Pakistan not showing the evidence of Indian involvement is because according to them Pakistan is an incompetent, untrustworthy American puppet.

So for Indians to prove their innocence to Pakistanis they have to show Pakistan is not always incompetent and sometimes can be trust worthy and not an American puppet or else she is guilty of involvement.

hmmmm interesting conundrum :coffee:
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As all can see the hoopla is dying as its difficult to accept proof provided to accuse India, As far as some members claim special 82 mm mortars were made in India and then supplied then they should know that these can be easily done by Pakistan itself easily just as to divert attention towards India as culprit for all the mess of its own doing.
I did not see my post as attacking any poster. If it came across that way I apologize.
You were generalizing and attacking all Pakistani members as subscribing to the opinions you made in your post. If the opinion you criticized is that of a poster(s) here, address your criticism to that poster(s), not all Pakistanis.
What I was trying to say was - the reasoning given by Pakistani posters so far for Pakistan not showing the evidence of Indian involvement is because according to them Pakistan is an incompetent, untrustworthy American puppet.
That is incorrect - those voicing that particular criticism are directing it at the current GoP, not Pakistan, and specifically at the current President, Zardari.
As all can see the hoopla is dying as its difficult to accept proof provided to accuse India, As far as some members claim special 82 mm mortars were made in India and then supplied then they should know that these can be easily done by Pakistan itself easily just as to divert attention towards India as culprit for all the mess of its own doing.

More than the alleged Indian origin weapons, I think the statement of 'pumping money into Baluchistan', along with the views of former Indian government and intelligence officials, the existence of Indian consulates from which this money is being 'pumped into Baluchistan, which obviously have little to do with reconstruction in Afghanistan, more indicative of Indian subversive activities in Baluchistan.
More than the alleged Indian origin weapons, I think the statement of 'pumping money into Baluchistan', along with the views of former Indian government and intelligence officials, the existence of Indian consulates from which this money is being 'pumped into Baluchistan, which obviously have little to do with reconstruction in Afghanistan, more indicative of Indian subversive activities in Baluchistan.

Aren't we diverting a bit here from the topic ?
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