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Proof of Indian Involvement in Waziristan found: Army

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..and what does that mean?

that does not change the fact that when it came to the blame game india used some less than conclusive stuff and now that they are on the backfoot they are asking the same type of questions pakistani's were regarding mumbai!!

so if its good enough for india all of a sudden you raise the bar for pakistan? even before the evidence is put forward!!
You mean a living, breathing, walking, talking, eating, sh!ting human being is not conclusive enough.
Moaistan :sick::tdown::lol:
First off all,they are not fighting to make another country. they are fighting for 'revolution'.:wave:

Mao"istan" ???

If you appreciate, Maoists are not ....uddins and ......ullahs

Even in the wildest of my dreams, if maoist get to capture whole of India, still I think they would stick to the name "India", or maybe "Peoples republic of India", which would save them from the embaressment of living in a country having such a funny name as maoistan. :hitwall:

Maoistan...Dalitistan.....all funny names.

are Maoists seperatists or just communists wanting autonomy
What qualifiers?
The tone seems quite qualified to me. The general doesn't say whether it's smugglers or gov't action - and my interpretation is that he thinks it's more likely to be smuggling of weapons by non-government actors and aggressive patrolling of the sort the U.S. engaged in when it was afraid of Pancho Villa - but before Pershing went chasing after him.

After the US and India cease their unsubstantiated finger pointing, we might reassess the situation.
What makes you think you would allow yourselves to perceive such a thing when it happens? You did not even dispute my point that the Indians are (given the proofs) no more culpable than the Chinese.

Think carefully about this. Think about how many people who have lived under Pakistani rule choose to flee or rebel rather than submit to rule they consider unjust. Are you setting an example that would give people confidence in Pakistan's ruling class?
The tone seems quite qualified to me. The general doesn't say whether it's smugglers or gov't action - and my interpretation is that he thinks it's more likely to be smuggling of weapons by non-government actors and aggressive patrolling of the sort the U.S. engaged in when it was afraid of Pancho Villa - but before Pershing went chasing after him.

What makes you think you would allow yourselves to perceive such a thing when it happens? You did not even dispute my point that the Indians are (given the proofs) no more culpable than the Chinese.

Think carefully about this. Think about how many people who have lived under Pakistani rule choose to flee or rebel rather than submit to rule they consider unjust. Are you setting an example that would give people confidence in Pakistan's ruling class?


Paks are fools----they should have taken paragraphs from the american handbook of rules and implemented the solutions---wouldnot have been a problem.

Like mass executions of the american indian natives---taking over their lands and establishing white settlers---killing and total subjugation of mexicans and taking over mexican territories---black slavery---brutalizing the black people----shoot to kill first then ask questions later---these are all examples of how to establish a peaceful law abiding citizenry in our country---waco texas---the Koresh shows a bad attitude---burn him, his followers, children, men and women, all of them to kingdom come----set an example so that others dare not follow---should have done the same at Lal masjid---red mosque---al the men women, boys and girls who were saying that they would take revenge---should have been executed in the military action.

Bottomline is that when you start an action, don't stop till you are finished and all the dead bodies are mopped up and buried.

There are other players in the theatre as well---when you don't do your task at hand---the others will take advantage of the situation and milk the agenda to their own satisfaction.
I wish the Pakistani Army(or establishment) would allow free media access to the evidence. Let it enter the open domain.

So, far all we've seen is:-

1. One pic. Turns out part of the equipment is Korean(its not Chinese I hear) and the remaining has never been manufactured in India. And anyone claiming the 82mm HE rounds were custom built by the OFB(which is the only company in India that can) is giving the OFB far too much credit. The OFB's been bungling things far too long to be entrusted with something this covert.

2. Quoting an American diplomat who can't get her story straight.

Awaiting the rest with bated breath. I don't think the RAW(if it were involved) would have been stupid enough to ship labelled Indian stuff west. Especially weapons. Its my understanding there is no shortage of that in those regions.

With regard to the posts I've seen here with regard to Kasab. Well only a few hours after the Mumbai events concluded, the director of the NSA(I believe), stated that he believed that the attack was orchestrated from Pakistan. Why such a hasty statement by him(as well as the Indian govt.)? Well they had been monitoring LeT communications before and during the event and that was adequate enough for the NSA to come to a conclusion.

I don't believe any parallels can be drawn here.
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You clearly did not understand my post. What I said was that all the evidence of indian involvement has not been shown in that one picture, in fact only a small fraction of it.
You clearly did not understand my post. What I said was that all the evidence of indian involvement has not been shown in that one picture, in fact only a small fraction of it.

this is all good, let them talk, it shows indian logic, they are refuting something - they dont know what this something is but they are still refuting it.
I Awaiting the rest with bated breath. I don't think the RAW(if it were involved) would have been stupid enough to ship labelled Indian stuff west. Especially weapons. Its my understanding there is no shortage of that in those regions. .

no shortage of weapons sir! Alas!

I'm wondering --- would ISI or "State Apparatus" (as indians claimed) be so stupid to send meth-addict gunmen to mumbai on boats filled with "Pak soap" "Pak toothpaste" and "Nestle Milk Pak"

i also wonder why Kasab/Qasav (however you spell it) didn't commit suicide, knowing he was about to be caught.....he shot many civilians and then suddenly decided to surrender?

sorry to lead this in another direction...........but South Asia is full of questions and oh-so-few answers!

all the post which related India involvement in Pakistan here, all indians clams that we need proof and if there is raw involved in baluchistan and tribal area than Pakistan must gave proof and now they got their proof and all the Indians do n t expect the proof.
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