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Promises not kept by India

Guys Iam hearing rumours that awami league is going to round up all rabble rousers and especially lawyers with pro-jehadist sympathies.Ill inform you with moreinfo later

This is the first time I have been described as a Jihadist.
Did GOI promise Visa for Barrister with hands in cookie jar? I guess it can break promise here so that Barrister can open new threads to vent grievince .
I know it gave Visa tor Taslima for sure.

Read my previous replies to know more about cookie Jar.

Coming back to thread topic I doubt GOI would break such promise I think it was Aid however India did announce 1 Billion loan to BD on favorable terms.
when did india Promises to give free rice to bangladesh , only export was opened..
On India, the Bangladeshi posters should listen to Perry Como's "Catch a Falling Star" and remember the words.

May help to blow away their blues!
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Another juicy tid bit and this is serious .The GoI is particularly pissed of on a particular publisher which was publishing vitriol on India
They have decided enquire on the publisher and authors and are doing a thorough background check on them to see if they are doing anti-india activities they are requesting the bangladeshi government to take action on these individuals
They have decided enquire on the publisher and authors and are doing a thorough background check on them to see if they are doing anti-india activities they are requesting the bangladeshi government to take action on these individuals

Please be more specific?
when did india Promises to give free rice to bangladesh , only export was opened

This was in 2007 after Cyclone Sidr. Pranab Mucketjee promised on behalf of the GOI to give 5 lakh tonnes of rice.
did he promise it free ?

It initially appeared as a humanitarian donation but later we found that we had to pay at high price. It is not the cost that is the issue but the deceitfulness of the GOI. Pakistan also sent us rice at the time which was delivered promptly and without hassle.
It initially appeared as a humanitarian donation but later we found that we had to pay at high price. It is not the cost that is the issue but the deceitfulness of the GOI. Pakistan also sent us rice at the time which was delivered promptly and without hassle.

Hey can Aid be demanded?
Why BS accept 1 Billion dollar loan to a country on its favorable its terms ?
Hey can Aid be demanded?
Why BS accept 1 Billion dollar loan to a country on its favorable its terms ?

Aid cannot be demanded but an offer should not be made if there is never an intention to deliver. After a humanitarian disaster to play politics like this is both despicable and callous. It just shows how low India can stoop.
As bangladeshis say india has millions of starving poor...
the S.M.Krishna would have realized this and decided not to give....

Man we have poor more than Bangladeshis,Bangladeshis are doing better than us...we should take care of ourselves first...
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