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Promises not kept by India

It has been nearly a year since India agreed to export 5 lakh metric tons of rice to Bangladesh. The rice never arrived.

Four years ago Pranab Mukherjee, a powerful minister, came to Bangladesh to see the damages caused by cyclone Sidr along the coast. He announced that India will rebuild one of the devastated villages, a goodwill gesture Bangladesh gladly accepted.

Since then Pranab has been transferred from External Affairs Ministry to the Finance Ministry. But his promise to Bangladesh remained unfulfilled.

It hardly pleased the veteran politician when a group of visiting Bangladeshi journalists reminded Pranab of these commitments during a recent meeting in New Delhi.

“Commitments will remain as mere words if they are not reflected in our actions,” Pranab said shaking his head.

In many cases India's promises to Bangladesh have remained as just words, and this should not have happened, according to Indian government leaders, civil society members and columnists who talked to the Bangladeshi journalists during the 9-day tour.

Pranab was candid when he admitted that the delay on the Indian side could create mistrust among the people about such commitments. “I was shown the model of the planned houses. I'll have to check it now why it has not been implemented.”

About the botched rice export, he said the food grains could not be exported as an Indian court issued injunction on exporting agency STC.

He assured that if the government could not vacate the court injunction it will look for other agencies to export the grains.

Pranab, however, said relations between Bangladesh and India will improve and move on.

He assured the Bangladeshi journalists that Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will make “substantial announcements” on certain longstanding issues with Bangladesh including sharing of the Teesta waters during his planned visit to Dhaka some time this year.

“We have special relations with Bangladesh and we're fully aware of Bangladesh's concerns…We have to take steps expeditiously to resolve those concerns,” Pranab said.

The cross-section of Indian people who met Bangladesh journalists blamed the Indian bureaucracy more than the politicians in slow implementation of political decisions.

The Indian bureaucrats are not on the same wavelength as with the politicians and civil society members.

While civil society members and journalists wanted New Delhi to fulfill its commitments to Bangladesh, the bureaucrats replied that things are on track and referred to various committees and sub-committees set up to deal with the issues.

But top ranking politician like Pranab Mukherjee and Foreign Secretary Nirupama Rao admitted delay from the Indian side regarding non-realisation of Indian commitments.

Indian journalists sounded pleased with whatever Bangladesh has done or doing in fulfilling its part of the deal.

It also appeared that Indian civil society and media are interested in improving ties with Bangladesh and want to see both the countries fulfill commitments given to each other in the 51-point Joint Communiqué issued during Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's visit to India in January 2010.

However, even some Indians admitted the Indian bureaucracy is still following old strategy to delay in resolving the longstanding bilateral issues, mostly border related irritants and trade imbalance.

It emerged during the talks that the issues concerning Bangladesh have been shelved within the cover of many technical committees, sub-committees, joint working groups, but issues relating to Indian interests are realised on priority basis.

The discussions centered around sharing of the common river water, demarcation of 6.5kms border and transfer of enclaves and adversely possessed lands, trade imbalance, non-tariff barriers to Bangladesh export products and unabated killing of Bangladesh nationals by Indian border guards.

The much-talked “Tin Bigha” corridor, non-ratification of Mujib-Indira Land Boundary Agreement also came up in the conversations. Bangladesh parliament ratified the agreement in 1974 but the Indian parliament has not.

Promises not kept by India

The problem is dealing with India is waste of time and money because India is famous for violating even singed accords including trade agreements.

never trust India
Why do we continue to tolerate the Indian Government? It should be dissolved and regional government's created and new Nation States. I think we may start with Tamil Nadu as a new country and then .........


You are most welcome to India, if you can help us bring change, as we are alreday feedings millions of your brother & Sister, one more will make no problem.

Welcome Once again.

Mumbai is waiting for you.
Why do we continue to tolerate the Indian Government? It should be dissolved and regional government's created and new Nation States. I think we may start with Tamil Nadu as a new country and then .........

Cant say about India..But a certain country is surely on path of division yet again...:lol:

You are most welcome to India, if you can help us bring change, as we are alreday feedings millions of your brother & Sister, one more will make no problem.

Welcome Once again.

Mumbai is waiting for you.

I doubt the GOI would welcome me with open arms.
I doubt the GOI would welcome me with open arms.

Yeh, I remembered you are on the watch list of RAW.

Raw has once hacked your computer.

But then who know you may be staying in my city near my house also.
I doubt the GOI would welcome me with open arms.

You are that much of an important man?!

Only those who are on the Wanted List may have problems.

I don't think red carpets and State Banquets are laid out for all and sundry.
You are that much of an important man?!

Only those who are on the Wanted List may have problems.

I don't think red carpets and State Banquets are laid out for all and sundry.

He is wanted by RAW.
@ "Commercial Puffs" is a term basically used in legal system which I learnt when I used to study "The Law of Contract". Well in the commercial market, there are lot of product which are competing, say for example "Tibet Snow". Now as per the advadisement if you use "Tibet Snow" continously for 15 days you would be brighter and beautiful.

@ Now if some ugly and black looking girl uses it continously for 15 days and does not become beautiful, can she sue to the "Tibet" company for getting the compansation ? The answer is no . It was commercial a "puff". Similarly India is behaving with us like commercial "Puff".

@ Once "Beru Bari" was handed over to India in turn they were supposed to hand over "Tin Bigha Corridor" but not handed over to us. Immediately after signing the agreeement, a man like Tiki Tam Tam sued against the Indian Govt so it was not ratified in the Parliament. But we ratified it 37 years back and implemented it.

@ India promised to give rice but again Tiki Tam Tam sued against the govt due to inflation and food crisis "Govt should not export rice". There were many many !!!!!!!!!!!! We are fed up with Tiki Tam Tam and his govt.

Puff is an English word, that is understood and so is the meaning.

In Bangladesh, it may not be possible for anyone to sue a company for false advertisement, but in India we have the consumer courts and none can be so lax as you make it out for whatever is 'Tibet Snow'.

If there is a contract, anyone can be sued.

There was no contract.

Basically India's promise was a mere puff. There was no real intent and India didn't want to deliver so the question of money never arose.

Just too bad that you were left to eat crow so to say.

Why do we continue to tolerate the Indian Government? It should be dissolved and regional government's created and new Nation States. I think we may start with Tamil Nadu as a new country and then .........

Any other options open but to tolerate?

Of course, that you are a dreamer is well established and you love maps since it is appears to be your lifeblood and sole preoccupation and meaning to your life. Remember the Economist map that upset your daily rote.

Please go ahead and re-draw the Map of India.

You imagine you are the One Man Army?


Get a meaning to life!

You are that much of an important man?!

Only those who are on the Wanted List may have problems.

I don't think red carpets and State Banquets are laid out for all and sundry.

A visa would do but I doubt I would get that .......
Yeh, I remembered you are on the watch list of RAW.

Raw has once hacked your computer.

But then who know you may be staying in my city near my house also.

When did RAW hack my computer??????
I doubt the GOI would welcome me with open arms.

Lots of people have ill feelings about India and India does not take the trouble to document mediocre hate mongers. Sorry, you are not that important that we will include in any list for special treatment.
Guys Iam hearing rumours that awami league is going to round up all rabble rousers and especially lawyers with pro-jehadist sympathies.Ill inform you with moreinfo later
India I last heard is particulary intrested in individuals who are disseminating wrong inform of books,pamphletes and jehadi 7eeches
i am fed up with these! India really is evil country!
@MBI MUNSHI-we need great leaders like you to clear the injustices in this world.
@INDIANS-lets pack our bags and go to mars! or pluto?
Lots of people have ill feelings about India and India does not take the trouble to document mediocre hate mongers. Sorry, you are not that important that we will include in any list for special treatment.

How do you know? Do you work for RAW?
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