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Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

I apologise if this is off-topic, but, I love the role Turkey is playing, leading but collective leadership, taking everyone along, I hope it leads to greater things, beyond the realms of technology.
IMO, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkiye and all other friendly countries with close cultural/historical people-to people ties need to learn to come together and create engineering works on a global scale. This is not something we can say whether it happens or not; we have to do it. Many of our countries have great industrial capabilities, and each country has a lot of potential. If we can articulate these structures, we can compete tooth and nail with western counterparts.

So I think what needs to be emphasized here is not leadership. Right now TAI has a lot of projects in its hands, but tomorrow PTDI will have a lot of projects in its hands, and companies from Pakistan or Malaysia will have indigenous projects in their hands. Our goal should be to bring each of our companies to the champions league without losing their talented workforce and by building on it.
IMO, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkiye and all other friendly countries with close cultural/historical people-to people ties need to learn to come together and create engineering works on a global scale. This is not something we can say whether it happens or not; we have to do it. Many of our countries have great industrial capabilities, and each country has a lot of potential. If we can articulate these structures, we can compete tooth and nail with western counterparts.

So I think what needs to be emphasized here is not leadership. Right now TAI has a lot of projects in its hands, but tomorrow PTDI will have a lot of projects in its hands, and companies from Pakistan or Malaysia will have indigenous projects in their hands. Our goal should be to bring each of our companies to the champions league without losing their talented workforce and by building on it.

I really want to contribute more along the same lines, but I won't in fear of derailing an existing beautiful discussion.
But, I'll say this much, my reference to leadership was not to put someone at a higher pedestal or emphasis a specialness, but rather that whoever is stronger in a given field or sector shouldn't be afraid to lead and others should accept that role, whilst encouraging each other, especially considering the points you highlighted regarding the shared heritage.

There's certainly a strong bond, our leaders are only just becoming brave enough to acknowledge those bonds in public. Might I add, Bangladesh is another large country that we should not ignore, it has a lot to contribute. Iran being another, but somehow I feel Arabs will get extremely touchy, extremely quick.
Nothing will happen on the NGAF front wrt PAF for now and won't until India announces plans to acquire the same and even then nothing will be announced until India actually acquires a bunch. That has been the history that keeps repeating itself.

- PAF lacks real resources/funds to support such programs and efforts other than studies and creating some models
- Current funds and resources will continue to focus on J-10 and JF-17 programs
- The most PAF will collaborate with TAI will be on JF17 subsystem components as revealed by the recent contract

As when (and if) India acquires a 5 gen plane, PAF will evaluate options at that time and based on options and financial resources will most likely go with J-35 (if allowed by the Chinese).
J-31/J-35 is the best option for PAF...
I think, we perhaps started over ambitious project. We could have aimed for near 5th gen capabilities.
How about we focus more on JF-17 block 4, add Radar-absorbing material (RAM) , do smaller / practical changes on design that could help reducing RCS. Obviously it will not be a stealth fighter but can reduce its RCS.
AZM looks like like 10-20 years project, JF-17 block 4 or even 5s can come as interim solutions
Extremely impressed with both the pace and design quality of #Türkiye TFX next-generation indigenous fighter aircraft program, which has put the first prototype of the 5th generation fighter on the final assembly line today! They expect a prototype rollout in 2023, maiden flight in 2025, limited production in 2028 and serial production of 24 units annually starting 2030!
Many of us have said in the past that Pakistan does not have the technical or industrial base to create a 5th gen foghter on its own anf that likely this wod trickle down to joining TFX or J-35. Looks like this is right. The thing Pakistan should focus on acutely is that if they plan on joining the TFX program, they need to modify the design to take an ITAR safe poweplant. Pakistan needs to get the bluprint and focus on its end to fit the WS-10 in the TFX. This will likely need to be done without chinese technical assistance (im sure the turks dont want china's fingers in its projects). Otherwise this will be a no go from the beginning
Its very brief article. What components Pak can or will contribute ? At what level NUST is involved?

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) Is it there any chances that AZM project may transform into TFX ? but, looks to me TFX already have gone much ahead.

AZM is dead and has been dead for a longtime let's not bring it up because it'll go nowhere. TFX or Chinese option would be standalone.
A lot of people are suggesting we will buy TFX or partner with them but I don't think so.

Chinese will probably pressure Pakistan into buying their product by adding it as leverage to gain access to something else, loans or whatever it may be. You will likely see J-35.

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