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Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

Don’t know about your credibility but that doesn’t matter.

You mentioned this Turk-Pak project. Is it by any chance related to the single engine TF-X ? And why would we even collaborate on a project with China when we have AZM on table ? Now, to be precise, you can better say “getting chinese assistance” in AZM as a non partner

You are correct.

Chinese are working with us on AZM and Pakistan is working on TF-X project with Turks.

Not only this, PAC is also engaged in collaboration with CETIC on a commercial airliner and an indigenous fast moving UCAV. A lot is happening at PAC. Stay tuned
You are correct.

Chinese are working with us on AZM and Pakistan is working on TF-X project with Turks.
But as i recall, Turkey scrapped the delta and single engine TF-X for a simple F-22 look alike dual engine TF-X design.

This doesn’t fit the equation !!!

youngman thus statement if your us nit very intelligent.

i have stated nany a times that the US has changed the gial posts fir the definition of victory.

it just goes in to annihilate the enemy.

the drums of victory, they leave it to whomsoever wants to beat them after the americans have decimated them.

listen and learn. No one is going to out on a limb and teach you something out of the norm because most pakidstanis are illiterate about the subject matter.
First off - and not that it matters - but I know of no one who labels me as a 'youngman'.

Moving on.

Begging your pardon, but, when was the last time (for the Record) did they go anywhere and annihilate anyone...?

Anyone can go & pick on the weak...& thump their chest as if they've achieved the highest goal. After that, they just follow in the Indians footsteps & end up making a Hollywood movie about with titles reading: Inspired by True Events.

Annihilate - Decimate - Uff, you really when the distance by bringing up the heavy duty words assuming most PDF Members are illiterate.

I rather take wisdom from an illiterate farmer (the cornerstone of our Nation) and a some-what illiterate Fauji stationed at LoC than from a two-bit hack in the US who thinks that his views are the Final Thoughts on every topic.
Is it wise to work on similar projects at the same time? How will they differ from each other? Maybe we should delay NGF and work on 6th gen.
You are correct.

Chinese are working with us on AZM and Pakistan is working on TF-X project with Turks.

Not only this, PAC is also engaged in collaboration with CETIC on a commercial airliner and an indigenous fast moving UCAV. A lot is happening at PAC. Stay tuned
Is it wise to work on similar projects at the same time? How will they differ from each other? Maybe we should delay NGF and work on 6th gen.
First US/Europe have to come out with a 6th Gen to define what a 6th Gen fighter constitutes. It's not child's play to make such massive technological leaps. Pakistan at present cannot design and build a 4.5 Gen fighter completely on its own with zero assistance and you are talking about making a 6th Gen.
First off - and not that it matters - but I know of no one who labels me as a 'youngman'.

Moving on.

Begging your pardon, but, when was the last time (for the Record) did they go anywhere and annihilate anyone...?

Anyone can go & pick on the weak...& thump their chest as if they've achieved the highest goal. After that, they just follow in the Indians footsteps & end up making a Hollywood movie about with titles reading: Inspired by True Events.

Annihilate - Decimate - Uff, you really when the distance by bringing up the heavy duty words assuming most PDF Members are illiterate.

I rather take wisdom from an illiterate farmer (the cornerstone of our Nation) and a some-what illiterate Fauji stationed at LoC than from a two-bit hack in the US who thinks that his views are the Final Thoughts on every topic.

1. Afghanistan

2. Iraq

3. Libya

4. Syria

5. Vietnam

These nations are known to the world to be destroyed and annihilated by the US---.

Only the pakistanis do not know about it---.

Nations like Russia, Iran and Pakistan put under sanctions and faced extreme hardships for decades.

Sanctions on Iraq were so sever that over 1 million children died after 1991 due to malnutrition lack of medicine---and I am not talking about war deaths yet.

Listen and learn---arrogance gets you nowhere---listen and learn---
You are correct.

Chinese are working with us on AZM and Pakistan is working on TF-X project with Turks.

Not only this, PAC is also engaged in collaboration with CETIC on a commercial airliner and an indigenous fast moving UCAV. A lot is happening at PAC. Stay tuned
I seriously wish this materializes quickly.
National carrier needs a huge fleet to Compete with the giants in the market and take the crown back !!
First US/Europe have to come out with a 6th Gen to define what a 6th Gen fighter constitutes. It's not child's play to make such massive technological leaps. Pakistan at present cannot design and build a 4.5 Gen fighter completely on its own with zero assistance and you are talking about making a 6th Gen.

From what I understand 6th gen will add more sensors, direct energy weapons, optional unmanned operations, more sensor fusion all these things can be added to 5th gen as well if there is space and power available. But what it will bring new technologies and processes that will simplify maintainance as our adversary will always have more assets than us we can naturalize their advantage of our assets require less down time during sorties. ACM did say that they are aiming for 5.5gen.

TFX will replace Turkey's F16s, if we are going the same route than it means NGF with deep strike and highly survivable ability will replace Mirages and JF17 will only replace F7s.
But as i recall, Turkey scrapped the delta and single engine TF-X for a simple F-22 look alike dual engine TF-X design.

This doesn’t fit the equation !!!
After the final case of the JSF project, things are about to get complicated. Who knows, maybe Turkey will also evaluate to involved in Pakistan's AZM project, in addition to MMU(aka TFX) project . So far we're talked about the opposite possibility.

Contrary to speculation in the Rusian-based media, Turkey's possibility of directly getting Russian aircraft is still in very low probability. The real problem is not political, but technical difficulties. As a LIFT project, Hurjet can become a 4++ fighter jet in advanced blocks if needed. However, although the MMU project is designed as a multi-role next-generation jet, TAF's platform needs are hard to limit with this scale.
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I think Turkey and US will find a way and Turkey will get F35. If not F35 what will Turkey use on it's LHDs? For better or worse Turkey is stuck with F35.
After the final case of the JSF project, things are about to get complicated. Who knows, maybe Turkey will also evaluate to involved in Pakistan's AZM project, in addition to MMU(aka TFX) project . So far we're talked about the opposite possibility.

Contrary to speculation in the Rusian-based media, Turkey's possibility of directly getting Russian aircraft is still in very low probability. The real problem is not political, but technical difficulties. As a LIFT project, Hurjet can become a 4++ fighter jet in advanced blocks if needed. However, although the MMU project is designed as a multi-role next-generation jet, TAF's platform needs are hard to limit with this scale.
From Sino Defence.
J-31 allegedly with a new power plant (WS-13E?).

I must say Pakistan should buy some of these J-31 OR J-22 along with its AZM project which will take time to be matured. This could be solid answer to any Indian Air Force Acquisition.
I must say Pakistan should buy some of these J-31 OR J-22 along with its AZM project which will take time to be matured. This could be solid answer to any Indian Air Force Acquisition.

J31 is a dead project, no one in PLAAF/PLAAN etc are interested in it, so no point wasting precious money on a dead end project like the J31. And, there is no such thing as J-22...

Lets not discuss J31 in the Azm thread !
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