Basically. STEM students from eligible universities and programs can apply to become commissioned officers in the 'R&D bureau.' But even though they are technically COs, they operate within the specific rules and culture of the R&D entity. So, the R&D entities are military, but they operate at arm's length from the 'ops' side. The ones in charge of said bureaus should come from within (i.e., senior R&D officers), not from outside. The Chiefs and HQs give the strategic direction, goals, outcomes, etc, but the R&D bureaus literally handle the rest.
The issue I see is that the inherent inequality. The R&D bureaus are (by their nature) going to get the most human resource investment, e.g., the undergrad-level officers will need higher learning for masters and PhDs. Likewise, their pay-grades will go up, and their lifestyles will be a bit different from the rest. The generals who emerge from R&D will be the ones heading up all of those valuable posts at PAC, HIT, KSEW, etc, not the old ops guys from other parts of the military. Eventually, some idiot is going to see a golden goose and shoot it (without realizing why said goose is gold).
It always boils back to the same problem. The wrong people want access to certain posts.