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Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

If you are considering salary and perks are the scale for your motivation then Pakistan is no place for your type. If you are considering fairness, honesty and justice is the scale for your motivation then probably you may not find any place on this earth suitable for you, not even USA.

IMO civilian induction in AvRid is for white collar work - office job.

Actual research and development is being carried out somewhere else.

If you really want to work in aviation industry in Pakistan, you may explore companies who are working drone technologies. I am not sure about salary package for young graduates with some or no experience, however it will be definitely much lesser than the offer from US companies.

If you have some investment available, then it is better to start your own venture. Carry out a business feasibility study and make out a smart business plan and implement it. Start your pilot project first. Learn from it. Then slowly expand it by securing the market.

Wherever and whatever you do, be honest and fair to yourself instead of expecting honesty and fairness from others.

Our country need young people to invest their efforts and achieve success not only for themselves but for their community and their country.

Valid point in order to Work in Pakistan , we need special Branch for R&D which works on Advance concepts , and that is where your PHD experience will come in to play. For such institute to exist , we need annual budget or grant of 25 Million to 100 Million per year , and sufficient objective for Engineering problems which need to be solved

a) Engines
b) Transmission
c) Structural Design
e) New Concepts
f) Avionics
g) Robotics (New emerging class)

Since we don't have a single Auto Giant in Country , who gets revenue from Car Sale , and later expands into R&D for heavy machinery the department can only be run by Government or Military Special Budget


People > Buy Cars from Local Manufacturer > Local Company Gets Rich > Starts own Defense Project Offerings > Hires local PHD or Engineers

  • Assembling parts from overseas is not Auto Engineering without having skills for core components
  • Buying used cars from Japan is also not Auto Engineering

This mechanism does not exist in Pakistan

Boeing and Airbus generate majority of their CASH for defensive projects from

a) Commercial Airplane Sales , so they make QA process so hard only their planes can pass quality checks
  • 1 plane sells for 300 Million to 2-3 Billion Dollars
b) They also get top up funding for special projects form their Governments

  • While Pakistan can't be Boeing or Airbus overnight , we can still setup a local Company which manufactures own Cars so it can be sold to 200 Million Pakistani Population , if such company is sustained for 10-15 years we may some day develop capacity to lure in foreign Pakistani PHDs back to join locally
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I’m not a Phd student, but rather a masters one. I’d love to come and contribute to AvRID some day, but from my perspective, there’s nothing to gain from it for me, the only motivation I’d have is patriotism and that doesn’t pay the bills. I have a lot of Pakistani aerospace engineers at my uni, I once brought up the conversation about working for firms in PK and it was rubbished off completely, with them looking at the US instead, then when I told them how I’d actually be open to working in Pak, they looked at me all weird. There’s no shortage of talent like you say, but we just don’t have any motivation to come back really
In the HR retention / advancement curve, we seriously lag. Hopefully, with new blood being injected, we might see a change in a decade or two, but by then your wife would have successfully killed your patriotism. :lol:
Brother, my understanding is that we are in no position to make an NGFA all on our own. The max we have been able to achieve till now, is a Medium Altitude Long Endurance UAV, aka MALE UAV.

On the NGFA side, max we will do, is produce some sub systems.

The Turkish TAI TF-X is what we are leaning towards, although their engine issue is a thorny one.

For now they are claiming to be able to build one, with Rolls Royce as back up. In all probability neither will they be able to build one on time, or buy from Rolls Royce given RR's American interests. This void, in all probability will be filled by Russia.

Until this happens, 10 to 15 yrs down the road, we are actively looking towards China to fill the gap, a heavily customized J-35 is a serious contender.

Note: Just my Opinion!
AZM on our own would be a dream that is too far away, even Turkey cannot accomplish this, they are also looking for collaboration with other countries including Pakistan. AZM would be based to collaboration with Turkey and China.
I got a strange email from support@brightspyre.com regarding opportunities in National Aerospace Science & Technology Park. I have never uploaded my profile on brightspyre and I think they got my email from this forum (I have excluded university outreach as I use a different email there). LinkedIn is a possibility but I would expect they would have contacted me via LinkedIn although brightspyre is not added as a connection. Did anyone else got any emails regarding NASTP from brightspyre ?
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In the HR retention / advancement curve, we seriously lag. Hopefully, with new blood being injected, we might see a change in a decade or two, but by then your wife would have successfully killed your patriotism. :lol:
How’s AZM progressing ? When can we expect an initial concept/design ?
How’s AZM progressing ? When can we expect an initial concept/design ?
Brother, my understanding is that we are in no position to make an NGFA all on our own. The max we have been able to achieve till now, is a Medium Altitude Long Endurance UAV, aka MALE UAV.

On the NGFA side, max we will do, is produce some sub systems.

The Turkish TAI TF-X is what we are leaning towards, although their engine issue is a thorny one.

For now they are claiming to be able to build one, with Rolls Royce as back up. In all probability neither will they be able to build one on time, or buy from Rolls Royce given RR's American interests. This void, in all probability will be filled by Russia.

Until this happens, 10 to 15 yrs down the road, we are actively looking towards China to fill the gap, a heavily customized J-35 is a serious contender.

Note: Just my Opinion!
What if We participate in the Uae-Russian JV ?

Will UAE be enough to convince Russia AS WELL AS India ?
Brother, my understanding is that we are in no position to make an NGFA all on our own. The max we have been able to achieve till now, is a Medium Altitude Long Endurance UAV, aka MALE UAV.

On the NGFA side, max we will do, is produce some sub systems.

The Turkish TAI TF-X is what we are leaning towards, although their engine issue is a thorny one.

For now they are claiming to be able to build one, with Rolls Royce as back up. In all probability neither will they be able to build one on time, or buy from Rolls Royce given RR's American interests. This void, in all probability will be filled by Russia.

Until this happens, 10 to 15 yrs down the road, we are actively looking towards China to fill the gap, a heavily customized J-35 is a serious contender.

Note: Just my Opinion!

Will we be able to make the other things that are part of project Azm like HALE drone or indigenous bvr missile or wvr missile?
Also tfx could be a joint venture between Pakistan and Turkey? Or are we just going to purchase it when it’s complete?
Will we be able to make the other things that are part of project Azm like HALE drone
That is the plan. No point in talking about it till something concrete happens.

or indigenous bvr missile or wvr missile?
There is already a missile program, that is all I can say.

Also tfx could be a joint venture between Pakistan and Turkey? Or are we just going to purchase it when it’s complete?
It will be a proper JV.
The lack of meritocracy... total favorism.. coupled with ppl at the helm since stone age with an outdated and the same stone age mentality is across the board.
Not only defence.. but also in health.. commerce and many other ministries and sectors.
Unlike most .. Defence or engineering is not my field.. but I have been to enough official meetings... conferences and government ministries and offices..usually being run by narrow minded.. self centered..inept and pompous ppl that I eventually bailed out of Pakistan.
So when people say that they bailed out or do not want to come back then I get this. And its totally understandable.
Having said tht.. for me.. since leaving Pakistan, I have earned a few degrees over the last few years and i am in the process to start another one... probably the last one for a while.. now I plan to be back in Pakistan inspite of everything and every obstacle that's out there for me. I have given myself 2 years to do that.. as i believe that we have to put in our individual drops to make it an ocean eventually. I know I won't get the financial renumeration for doing this.. nor will I get the peace of mind at work or ease of life there.. but I don't want to end up like the dozen and dozens out there in West (including my loved ones) who in their 60s and 70s look at the past and how they could or should have tried and then talk of "what ifs".
Sir are referring Aviation city to Fazia colony and air university being planned between new Attock road and kamra ? Then oh boy do I have bad news for you....
Would love to hear more. I have the following data points:
1. There's a huge disconnect in the "planned" infrastructure, and what has been constructed so far:
Air University Aviation City Kamra:
View attachment 657739

Feeling like a Raj47 but I had always wondered where exactly this was going to be:
View attachment 657738

View attachment 657740
2. Some money was demanded for construction in 2021 budget:

3. Jobs were posted through brightspyre (29 jobs):
Looking at the jobs they are either very low-tech or administrative.

So in my opinion this looks like a grand plan struggling to get off the ground because there is little planning, just grand visions. But I would love to hear your opinion since you seem to know something that I probably don't.
Would love to hear more. I have the following data points:
1. There's a huge disconnect in the "planned" infrastructure, and what has been constructed so far:

2. Some money was demanded for construction in 2021 budget:
View attachment 776450
3. Jobs were posted through brightspyre (29 jobs):
View attachment 776452Looking at the jobs they are either very low-tech or administrative.

So in my opinion this looks like a grand plan struggling to get off the ground because there is little planning, just grand visions. But I would love to hear your opinion since you seem to know something that I probably don't.

It is pathetic our leaders are not leveraging our huge experience in developing missiles/jets/drones/etc.. to come up with a roadmap/vision.

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