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Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

Right you're talking about Bilal Siddique I think. I hope he succeeds and paves the way for more of us. I keep an idea journal too. I am an optimist that someday I will get to do something on some of those ideas.

The Woot Tech founder, he’s a very good guy I meet him in 2016 during a business trip in Pakistan. But even he said he needs funding to expand and he’s been in talks with military establishment and working on joint projects for drones and their has been no solid nudge and interest. Their surviving on civilian application drones at the moment. Inside word is, he’s getting some good offers to wind up and come to Canada or UK and he might make the move and Pakistan will lose him soon.

It was this trip that made me lose heart in Pakistan on doing business. We sold a plastics factory the family owned and adjacent empty plots. We found out several of the plots can’t be sold as a gunda named Tolu from Gujranwala claimed them his real name is probably Shabbir Maher (not 100% confirmed either as police and court ain’t straight forward). It’s been six years and court is just giving new dates and not doing anything.
The Woot Tech founder, he’s a very good guy I meet him in 2016 during a business trip in Pakistan. But even he said he needs funding to expand and he’s been in talks with military establishment and working on joint projects for drones and their has been no solid nudge and interest. Their surviving on civilian application drones at the moment. Inside word is, he’s getting some good offers to wind up and come to Canada or UK and he might make the move and Pakistan will lose him soon.

It was this trip that made me lose heart in Pakistan on doing business. We sold a plastics factory the family owned and adjacent empty plots. We found out several of the plots can’t be sold as a gunda named Tolu from Gujranwala claimed them his real name is probably Shabbir Maher (not 100% confirmed either as police and court ain’t straight forward). It’s been six years and court is just giving new dates and not doing anything.

i had a similar discussion with him also. I brought up the possibility of military use drones and he mentioned it was something that was being looked in to, but yeah, they’re now relying on their civilian stuff. It’s pretty sad really. I’m hopeful that he will be around in a few years from now and will be taken seriously.
The Woot Tech founder, he’s a very good guy I meet him in 2016 during a business trip in Pakistan. But even he said he needs funding to expand and he’s been in talks with military establishment and working on joint projects for drones and their has been no solid nudge and interest. Their surviving on civilian application drones at the moment. Inside word is, he’s getting some good offers to wind up and come to Canada or UK and he might make the move and Pakistan will lose him soon.
That would be very unfortunate.
i had a similar discussion with him also. I brought up the possibility of military use drones and he mentioned it was something that was being looked in to, but yeah, they’re now relying on their civilian stuff. It’s pretty sad really. I’m hopeful that he will be around in a few years from now and will be taken seriously.

Hope so bhai it’s sad when I read these things. Their is a Pakistani guy that lives in the city next to mines a client of mines who’s a MA in Mechanical Engineering worked on the Tomahawk CM something to do with its GPS Technology. I asked him why you didn’t work in Pakistan he told me he was tossed aside and none showed any interest in his work. A friend of his at MIT sponsored him and rest is history.
That would be very unfortunate.

Indeed. But an individual can only take so much after all he has a family to feed. When an individual isn’t appreciated he’ll find some place else where he can be appreciated.
Hope so bhai it’s sad when I read these things. Their is a Pakistani guy that lives in the city next to mines a client of mines who’s a MA in Mechanical Engineering worked on the Tomahawk CM something to do with its GPS Technology. I asked him why you didn’t work in Pakistan he told me he was tossed aside and none showed any interest in his work. A friend of his at MIT sponsored him and rest is history.

cant really blame the guy, I’ve had kinda a similar experience, so he’s definitely not wrong, though, I’m rather new to the field so that may be why, I’m definitely going to give it another go down the line once I’m more experienced, but honestly, the guy is probably making a decent living, with a decent job, decent progression and job security, none of which would be available to him in Pakistan really.

heh, writing this, it came to my mind that it might even be easier to get into the Pakistani defence industry by setting up a firm elsewhere lol.

I can’t wait to try and convince people in a few years that they should join me in my magical venture to set up shop in Pakistan, I’m sure I’m going to get a few questions.
All countries change and progress & once you return and find you are out of time & place and the country has moved along, you become irrelevant. God bless you. Take care.
My opinion of myself is irrelevant. The issue is whether or not Pakistan can attract talent or not. If I point out the deficiencies of that system and you and @messiach take that personally and make it ego ko masla then please welcome to my ignore list. Zindigi or bohat masail hai, I cant spend my time in pissing contests, my point is about institutions and policy.
those have talent and skills they don’t need government job or contacts (show ur talent n cash it)but medicore phd ppls needs security for growth.
We have good netwroks for helping each other for pursuing jobs and academics. May be we need national database of our foreign workforce so that Govt can recruit easily.
The thing you have described is done by consultancy firms in west. That is very important thing for industry for recruiting workforce, machine and legal advice.
@Trango Towers Check scholarship network on fb if you are seeking higher education or job.
Bhai...I have a masterd and finished with all that. But thank you very much. Most kind of you.
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@Blacklight sir whts ur take on azm project
where are we headed and whts new
Brother, my understanding is that we are in no position to make an NGFA all on our own. The max we have been able to achieve till now, is a Medium Altitude Long Endurance UAV, aka MALE UAV.

On the NGFA side, max we will do, is produce some sub systems.

The Turkish TAI TF-X is what we are leaning towards, although their engine issue is a thorny one.

For now they are claiming to be able to build one, with Rolls Royce as back up. In all probability neither will they be able to build one on time, or buy from Rolls Royce given RR's American interests. This void, in all probability will be filled by Russia.

Until this happens, 10 to 15 yrs down the road, we are actively looking towards China to fill the gap, a heavily customized J-35 is a serious contender.

Note: Just my Opinion!
I’m not a Phd student, but rather a masters one. I’d love to come and contribute to AvRID some day, but from my perspective, there’s nothing to gain from it for me, the only motivation I’d have is patriotism and that doesn’t pay the bills. I have a lot of Pakistani aerospace engineers at my uni, I once brought up the conversation about working for firms in PK and it was rubbished off completely, with them looking at the US instead, then when I told them how I’d actually be open to working in Pak, they looked at me all weird. There’s no shortage of talent like you say, but we just don’t have any motivation to come back really
If you are considering salary and perks are the scale for your motivation then Pakistan is no place for your type. If you are considering fairness, honesty and justice is the scale for your motivation then probably you may not find any place on this earth suitable for you, not even USA.

IMO civilian induction in AvRid is for white collar work - office job.

Actual research and development is being carried out somewhere else.

If you really want to work in aviation industry in Pakistan, you may explore companies who are working drone technologies. I am not sure about salary package for young graduates with some or no experience, however it will be definitely much lesser than the offer from US companies.

If you have some investment available, then it is better to start your own venture. Carry out a business feasibility study and make out a smart business plan and implement it. Start your pilot project first. Learn from it. Then slowly expand it by securing the market.

Wherever and whatever you do, be honest and fair to yourself instead of expecting honesty and fairness from others.

Our country need young people to invest their efforts and achieve success not only for themselves but for their community and their country.
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