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Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

Not AI as such. A bit of ML that is learning statements by picking key words and matching to stored responses for keywords.
I mean, there is no true general ai, and ML is probably the closest thing we have currently...at least in the civilian market, and publicly available.
There's been a lot of discussion about AI in warfare in this thread, but what about designing and manufacturing?

I know this is a bit off topic, but AI is already being used to build motor vehicles (high performance ones afaik) so why do we not let a computer AI completely build a fighter jet? We feed in design parameters, materials, RCS requirements, existing flight data and let the AI build a highly detailed CAD? We would need to teach it how to make airframes etc... But it's all doable.

We can then use another AI to essentially design jigs and whatnot for our aircraft to rapidly manufacture it.
PAF is already working on AI so this could be possible too.

An example of an AI built car:


PS, We dont have to 3d print stuff, we can set those things in our hypothetical IA
I don't think at present technology AI can do all of what you have mentioned. AI can only make decisions of things it has seen before and been trained on. Train an AI system on 1000 pictures of roses and jasmine flowers and ask it to classify a tulip and it will fail.
I don't think at present technology AI can do all of what you have mentioned. AI can only make decisions of things it has seen before and been trained on. Train an AI system on 1000 pictures of roses and jasmine flowers and ask it to classify a tulip and it will fail.

hopefully you have become more optimistic and confident cause I recall last time we spoke you had no ambitious thoughts for Pakistan
Pakistan Airforce chief visited Turkish Aerospace industries for the possible talks on 5th Generation Fighter jet program with Turkey.
Pakistan Airforce chief visited Turkish Aerospace industries for the possible talks on 5th Generation Fighter jet program with Turkey.
View attachment 758124

should use the TFX engine for AZM and also the opportunity to field both TFX and Azm would be awesome at the same time despite being an overkill but nonetheless could be awesome
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should use the TFX engine for AZM and also the opportunity to field both TFX and Azm would be awesome at the same time despite being an overkill but nonetheless should be the target
Initially TFX will use US engine for testing (F 110) , than Turkish Indigenous engine will be ready for production
I was entirely refering to the indigenous one..
Then it will come in later development stages of TFX, and AZM will come lot later than TFX because we have no research institutes/industries like Turkey and China have major hurdle for AZM will be Engine and AESA as well as Fly by wire system developments for AZM, but i think project AZM is like research and training project for Pakistan with a help of Turkey/China, that's will develop Pakistan Aviation industrial base
Then it will come in later development stages of TFX, and AZM will come lot later than TFX because we have no research institutes/industries like Turkey and China have major hurdle for AZM will be Engine and AESA as well as Fly by wire system developments for AZM, but i think project AZM is like research and training project for Pakistan with a help of Turkey/China, that's will develop Pakistan Aviation industrial base

Being in the right circle is always a bonus and PK is certainly in good hands it seems
It doesn't matter much to talk about an engine that hasn't even been mocked up, the thing that needs to be talked about for AZM right now is Azm itself. It is not clear yet, but you are talking about the engine.
That is correct,
You see the bigger problems in designing an aircraft from ground up is research and projections
specially when we consider computational fluid dynamics models.

AI is playing a larger role in that area and helping solve complex problems which were previously solved
by simulations one by one, and data had to be pieced together.

Human brains have a lot of difficulty going anything more than 2 variables in an equation.


Ai has already been used to design and develop fighter jets. Most recently, AI was used by the US to design a basic prototype of a 6th generation fighter, which the US manufactured and flew within 1 year, which is absolutely insane speed.

So yeah, it's possible with a super computer using a properly designed AI. The timeline of going from the blue print design, to manufacturing would shorten significantly.
Small question, will the Russian "Checkmate" fighter have an impact on Project Azm? Maybe influence the design? Or even make PAF stop the project and attempt to get the Russian jet? Especially since PAF prefers single engined aircrafts.
Small question, will the Russian "Checkmate" fighter have an impact on Project Azm? Maybe influence the design? Or even make PAF stop the project and attempt to get the Russian jet? Especially since PAF prefers single engined aircrafts.
Even if PAC makes the airframe for AZM. The engines will come from abroad. Either China or Russia. Engines could be very similar or common for AZM and the new Russian AC.
If AZM ends up being a medium weight fighter then can RD-93MA be a good enough engine for it in terms of performance? If the performance is there then shouldn't it be a great fit as it would save PAF a lot of money as PAF already operates RD-93?

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @JamD @messiach @SQ8

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