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Program on Tirah Valley Operation

yaar kia apni Army ka ragra laga rahe ho , Corruption is there but don't say entire army is corrupt my cousin is Brig in GHQ , and apart from his one flat in Pindi all he has is one Margalla car .. for Fuq sake he is still using Margalla car in 2019 .
There's a lot of misunderstanding between both classes of the population, and this is giving rise to resentment among people who believe what they see/hear and lack critical thinking skills. Yes the deep state is imperfect, but we all have our share of mishandlings in respective kittys.

Instead of barking at each other and contributing to internal entropy, why not try to understand what each side has to say, reconcile, and focus on a joint goal that's in the nation's interest, not x or y institution, or specific class of ppl.

As long the populace is naive, both the right and left will use them to churn up the chaos and increase rifts in the society. This needs an end.
In the background of this screenshot, a Pakistan army soldier can be seen using a "Z" shaped contraption.
Its a self made arrangement with a mirror on each end so that the soldier can see over the wall and into the valley without exposing himself to Terrorist sniper fire.
Militaries of other countries use expensive cameras and other Hi-tech equipment for similar situation. Pakistan army using some cardboard and two mirrors, and it does the job.
There is no other institition in Pakistan who spends the allocated budget in a better and more effecient way than Pakistan army.


Pakistan's location.gif

This is why we need a well funded army, end of discussion!
Corruption exists but to the scale at which is nothing compared to the extant of civilians
None are headed by active service personal.. chawlien na mar.

And my father did Hajj this year with his own money, and so called plots etc are paid by through his pay & various funds which are covered by his pay.
The “bunglow” is a fuking flat now till the rank of a Col & Brig. For which he has to pay throughout his service and from his pension after retirement. The so caller bunglows/ flats are built on , no profit no loss basis on useless lands owned my the military and nough money is made by contractors and housing department.

A major doesnt get any vehicle apart from his official/sarkari jeep with 1 driver and a gunmen.. which he cant take anywhere except for work.

Staff Car with limited fuel is given to Gen officers (Brig and Above).

My brother is one and hes living in a MOQ.. which is essentially a fuking 2 bedroom flat!

Your sarkari doctor papa made more money than an army officer 10 years his senior.
Ahhh these people will never understand, media has turned a whole generation anti Pak and military.
Jamhoriyat chopo
You can not base your argument over one stupid picture. There have been several scandals involving the army. There is some level of corruption and youd b a fool to think money goes into arms procurement. And there have been arms deals and certain generals benefited financially.
Agreed. The point goes back to one simple issue. Is this corruption structural? The answer is a clear no and this makes all the difference.
The level of corruption that you mention happens in every country with a significant sized military. Two recent ones I read about included US Navy and the Indian Army. Chinese just handed a life term to a former military officer for the same.
Spend more money on education.

WRONG! There are a lot of Educated peoples WITHOUT a JOB matching their Qualification & experience. So Spend more money on Job Market, before someone else hires them all!

Corruption exists but to the scale at which is nothing compared to the extant of civilians

And NOT all Civilians are Corrupt. You are part of Civilians and had all civilians been corrupt, this Country would have gone to ruins a long time ago! Civvies you call them, but there are variations everywhere, just like good cop & bad cop.

And look at Corruption inside Indian Army. What you can see? You see, in the end everything boils down to Finance and when we start inquiry & audit into that, then things go crazy and sometimes peoples disappear!
WRONG! There are a lot of Educated peoples WITHOUT a JOB matching their Qualification & experience. So Spend more money on Job Market, before someone else hires

You do understand basic education and literacy which Pakistan does not have will cure most of the issues - crime, dirt, tolerance etc. Edcuation is the pillar of a civilization, without it you are nothing but a barbarian horde,just look at Afghanistan. The better the education system the more Imran Khans you will produce and change will be quicker. Pakistan is ruled by crooks and gangsters because its population is too stupid to understand right from wrong.
You do understand basic education and literacy which Pakistan does not have will cure most of the issues - crime, dirt, tolerance etc. Edcuation is the pillar of a civilization, without it you are nothing but a barbarian horde,just look at Afghanistan. The better the education system the more Imran Khans you will produce and change will be quicker. Pakistan is ruled by crooks and gangsters because its population is too stupid to understand right from wrong.

Education is the pillar of civilization but "Armies NEVER march on empty stomach", same goes for you and me as well! And I am not a Malala fan but the picture speaks well enough!
View media item 17809
True. Though I did served as Assistant Presiding Officer (APO) in PK-- in Peshawar, and discharged my duties well during previous elections, but I am apolitical and currently I CANNOT appreciate Imran Khan because instead of increasing our purchasing power, he is decreasing our purchasing power and pushing us to lower ebbs of Poverty!
The lavish lifestyle of senior officers in smaller stations needs to be curbed. Especially the Begum Sahibas and their spoiled kids.

Musharraf opened the genie of corruption within the senior leadership to ensure loyalty, and once its out, not sure you can put it back.
I have heard from the third person, that army only lets their own in the ranks and not other students or person that sign up. Nepotism.

Cant design/manufacture a camera wtf is wrong. I am beginning to think only naswar is made in Pakistan. I remember buying made in Pakistan, atta dough kneading machine it didn't even turn on it had fake motor.
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