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Professional analysis of future Sino-India War

so what about torturing schoolteachers and giving her torturers medals?

what about the 4th largest army in the world declaring war on the poor?

The poor farmers here always get compensation; some think its not enough, so they protest. That is wildly different than security forces being given the license to kill and loot.

Protest? you mean beating old folks you want me to post the video?

80 yr old Chinese lady on her knees begging but the brutal regime still beats them with metal bars.
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haha,with those facilities and we will do that to you first.you are just a small and weak country comparing to China.live with it,ha

this guy needs serious geography and economic and military lessons. ... poor dumb communist kids ... they even dont know what crap is fed to them in thr schools from beginning ... just for start i will let you know there is almost 20% of humanity resides in India... with millions of foodgrains exported to world .. including china ... remember how CHina cried when Indian govt took the decision to stop exporting cotton.... poor dumb communist kids :disagree: feel sad for them
Sy-400 deployment would be my humble guess about the so called SFW MBRLS.
india doesn't have any strategic bombers. You tried to buy some Tu-22M3 from Russia but nothing ever came of that. Probably Chinese or even USA pressure killed it. What can you hit with atomic iron till only Lhasa blah blah ...more moronic ****...

Ok! Now read carefully you utter numpty cuz this is the last time I am wasting my time on a loon like you.

Sukhoi has range of 3000km.Have you heard of the concept of mid air refueling to increase combat radius?

Anyways the stupid scenario you are postulating will never come to pass because geo-politics of the globally integrated economies will never allow it.But that stuff is beyond your level so I won't bother really...
You are among the Chinese trolls that are destroying whatever respect that country commanded as an ancient great civilization.

Perhaps you are incapable of understanding that your foolish bravado only breeds more contempt, not awe as you perhaps imagine.

We respect China as an ancient civilization and for lifting hundreds of millions out of crushing poverty.

Not because you are a bunch of millions wiping the glass screen of the IPhone, using hazardous chemicals (obviously too ignorant to know or worse to care), sleeping 20 to a dorm , on beds only they can fit in, fired by a tea and biscuit in the dead of the night. Millions of them.

All because Steve Jobs in distant US decides he wants a glass screen on the IPhone!

Then the Apple folks worry about the exploitation of the Chin by that Taiwanese company! None of the millions worry however, They know they are better off than the other billion.

oh, let me educate you then, as you're badly out of date (btw, 40 years ago was 1972, when China launched our first nuclear submarine. Where's Arihant?)

Capitalism: A Ghost Story | Arundhati Roy

I appreciate that you escaped being "scraped out of the womb" by the CCP goons unlike the 400 million others who were not so lucky.

This fact itself makes you a tough survivor and one more among the spoilt brats of forcibly lonely kids. Perhaps you had food on the table but not the civilization that only a wholesome family can provide.

You think we will be impressed with this?

"If you don't receive the tubal ligation surgery by the deadline, your house will be demolished!",

"We would rather scrape your womb than allow you to have a second child!", (I guess many of you were lucky being the first one and avoided being scraped out)

"Once you get captured, an immediate tubal ligation will be done; Should you escape, we'll hunt you down; If you attempt a suicide, we'll offer you either the rope or a bottle of poison."

and "Kill all your family members if you don't follow the rule!"

Read more: China to 'soften tone' on its one-child policy

This on top of the 50 million who could never make it across the great leap.

Will you make it across the next one? Sure?

Let me make it simple for you. If you love your country, don't brag.

It has the opposite effect of what you intended.

It only breeds contempt, not praise.

Is that worth it for just 50 cents? ;)
Let indians speak for themselves

On the contrary - I for one have no shame in admitting that India is a pi$$ poor nation with pathetic infrastructure, a lazy and corrupt bureaucracy, an inept leadership and a flawed political system with a majority of people lacking basic necessities like sanitation and good drinking water. The Indians who think India is some sort of superpower are living in a fool's paradise.

Let’s get the basics right first before crystal-ball gazing into the future. Firstly, the problem between China & India regarding the LAC is political, and therefore cannot be resolved militarily by EITHER side. China realised this way back in 1962 and accordingly crafted its limited offensives into Indian territory and has since held on what it considers of absolute strategic importance—Aksai Chin—whilst unilaterally withdrawing from NEFA/AP. China’s demand is a simple & elementary one, which most Indian citizens are not exposed to: redefine the LAC in eastern Ladakh on a mutually acceptable & just basis (i.e. a win-win situation for both sides) and stop hosting the Tibetan Govt-in-Exile & Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile at Dharamsala, which is a legitimate demand of Beijing that’s consistent with the Panchsheel Agreement inked by India at Bandung in 1955. China has no grouse with the Dalai Lama residing in India as a religious/spiritual refugee, but it rightly views India’s hosting of the Tibetan Govt-in-Exile & Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile at Dharamsala since 1960 as a gross violation of international law. While on one hand India officially and endlessly recognise the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) as being an inseparable part of China, she then contradicts herself by hosting the Tibetan Govt-in-Exile & Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile. This was the first cardinal error committed by Jawaharlal Nehru & V K Krishna Menon since 1960. Had this not been done, then there would have been no limited border war between the two countries in 1962. After all, more than secular India, it should have been the two countries where Buddhism is the state religion—Sri Lanka & Thailand—that should have hosted the Tibetan Govt-in-Exile & Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, but they both chose not to. Therefore, it is high time India faced up to reality and questioned the existence within India of the Tibetan Govt-in-Exile & Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile when no one else in the world even recognises these bodies. If India wakes up and takes the right decisions consistent with international law, then 90% of the Sino-Indian animosities will quickly disappear. If India fails to take such logical decisions, then I’m afraid she would only be exacerbating matters and will be forced into a corner from which, even militarily, she won’t be able to extricate herself, since the might of India’s military-industrial infrastructure cannot match that of the PRC even over the next 30 years. As far as Aksai China goes, I don’t foresee China letting it slip from its hands under any circumstances & Beijing will go all-out to defend what it has held on to since the mid-1950s. Therefore, I for one will prefer not to be drawn into dreaming up unrealistic scenarios about a future round of China-India military hostilities. Both Jawaharlal Nehru & V K Krishna Menon had dared to make such grossly erroneous conclusions in the late 1950s/early 1960s when they brazenly ‘ordered’ the Indian Army to ‘throw out’ the PLA from Indian territory while not realising that the incipient Indian Army was being asked to dislodge an Army that had singlehandedly taken the entire combined might of the UN in Korea and pushed down the UN military forces from the banks of the Yalu River up north right down to the DMZ in a matter of months.
we can spend Indian gdp size on our military and we still get much more money than you.

so you are thinking that you can spend 2 trillion $$$ for your military this is new to me,as US can't even think of 1trillion $$..... hmmm Chinese maths like chinese physics,
Let indians speak for themselves

let chinese hear what modern chinese scholers think about India..

Hu Shih, former Ambassador of China to USA said: India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border
Protest? you mean beating old folks you want me to post the video?

80 yr old Chinese lady on her knees begging but the brutal regime still beats them with metal bars.

this does not happen all over China.

Zhejiang is at the forefront of capitalism in China. It, not Guangdong as believed, was the first experiment in total free market capitalism in China and even today remains one of the least regulated markets. It is so unregulated, Indian diplomats can get taken hostage there. If diplomats are treated that way, imagine how they treat their own people, or even worse, migrants from the rest of China? It is not surprising that atrocities are concentrated in both the poorest, and in Zhejiang's case, the richest due to extreme exploitation, places.

Chongqing had none of that under the leadership of Bo Xilai, who was unfortunately removed from office due to the conspiracies of enemies, both domestic and foreign, of the state, party and people. He realized Deng Xiaoping's dream of advancing the economy without a wealth gap.
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let chinese hear what modern chinese scholers think about India..

Hu Shih, former Ambassador of China to USA said: India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border
ever heard of Bodhi Dharman,,,, he was indian.. south indian...
ever heard of Bodhi Dharman,,,, he was indian.. south indian...

yaaa he tought some chinese budhist monks ... yoga and also hatta hoga... and few self defence techniques ...
now world call these technique as ancient chinese martial arts .. :no: ... basically we Indians tought them way to live a life(through Budhism)... way to keep thr body fit and how to defend themselves(Yoga) ... sadly we did'nt get a chance to teach them what to eat :) ( so chinese eat anything that crawls) poor innocent chinese populaces ...
yaaa he tought some chinese budhist monks ... yoga and also hatta hoga... and few self defence techniques ...
now world call these technique as ancient chinese martial arts .. :no: ... basically we Indians tought them way to live a life(through Budhism)... way to keep thr body fit and how to defend themselves(Yoga) ... sadly we did'nt get a chance to teach them what to eat :) ( so chinese eat anything that crawls) poor innocent chinese populaces ...

he is credited to have established the martial arts school in nanjing. also Zen meditation is a corruption of the word Dhyaan which mean concentration. so definitely the ancients were far more cordial and respecrtful than the current generation.
this does not happen all over China.

Zhejiang is at the forefront of capitalism in China. It, not Guangdong as believed, was the first experiment in total free market capitalism in China and even today remains one of the least regulated markets. It is so unregulated, Indian diplomats can get taken hostage there. If diplomats are treated that way, imagine how they treat their own people, or even worse, migrants from the rest of China? It is not surprising that atrocities are concentrated in both the poorest, and in Zhejiang's case, the richest due to extreme exploitation, places.

Chongqing had none of that under the leadership of Bo Xilai, who was unfortunately removed from office due to the conspiracies of enemies, both domestic and foreign, of the state, party and people. He realized Deng Xiaoping's dream of advancing the economy without a wealth gap.

There are things I like about China and things I do not but the same goes for India. Deng Xiaoping was a man of vision such people are only born every so often we need more characters like him if we are to prosper.
There are things I like about China and things I do not but the same goes for India. Deng Xiaoping was a man of vision such people are only born every so often we need more characters like him if we are to prosper.

I know you will disagree with me for this, but Arundhati Roy is someone that should participate in leadership of India.
There are things I like about China and things I do not but the same goes for India. Deng Xiaoping was a man of vision such people are only born every so often we need more characters like him if we are to prosper.

I know you will disagree with me for this, but Arundhati Roy is someone that should participate in leadership of India.

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