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Producer of anti-Islam film offers no regrets

Reminds me of the monks who wielded phony miracles to rally masses of soldiery in Crusader times. His attempt at rallying the Western masses to bigotry has failed utterly; ironically it has only succeeded in the Muslim World. Is that a sign of Western progress or Western decay?

Western masses don't care as long as something doesnt happen to them. And E-grade movie a rallying call? Very optimistic on his part if that happens to be the case.
Western masses don't care as long as something doesn't happen to them. And E-grade movie a rallying call?

Don't know if you have gone through the novel 'The Da Vinci Code' where there is a portion that talks about an ancient Scorsese flick by the name of 'The Last Temptation of Christ'. The film, although well received by critics, supposedly fueled a large controversy as well as huge protests.

From it's page on Wikipedia;


The Last Temptation of Christ's eponymous final sequence depicts the crucified Jesus—tempted by what turns out to be Satan in the form of a beautiful, androgynous child—experiencing a dream or alternative reality where he comes down from the cross, marries Mary Magdalene (and later Mary and Martha), and lives out his life as a full mortal man. He learns on his deathbed that he was deceived by Satan and begs God to let him "be [God's] son," at which point he finds himself once again on the cross. At other points in the film, Jesus is depicted as building crosses for the Romans, kissing other men on the lips, being tormented by the voice of God, and lamenting the many sins he believes he has committed.

Because of these radical departures from the gospel narratives—and especially a brief scene wherein Jesus and Mary Magdalene consummate their marriage—several Christian fundamentalist groups organized vocal protests and boycotts of the film prior to and upon its release. One protest, organized by a religious Californian radio station, gathered 600 protesters to picket the headquarters of Universal Studios' parent company MCA; one of the protestors dressed as MCA's Jewish Chairman Lew Wasserman and pretended to drive nails through Jesus' hands into a wooden cross. Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ offered to buy the film's negative from Universal in order to destroy it. The protests were effective in convincing several theater chains not to screen the film; one of those chains, General Cinemas, later apologized to Scorsese for doing so.


In some countries, including Turkey, Mexico, Chile, and Argentina, the film was banned or censored for several years. As of July 2010, the movie continues to be banned in the Philippines and Singapore.

In 1989, Albuquerque high school teacher Joyce Briscoe showed the film to history students at La Cueva High School, raising a storm of controversy by parents and local Christian broadcaster KLYT.
Attack on Saint Michel theater, Paris

On October 22, 1988, a French Christian fundamentalist group launched Molotov cocktails inside the Parisian Saint Michel movie theater while it was showing the film. This attack injured thirteen people, four of whom were severely burned. The Saint Michel theater was heavily damaged, and reopened 3 years later after restoration. Following the attack, a representative of the film's distributor, United International Pictures, said, "The opponents of the film have largely won. They have massacred the film's success, and they have scared the public." Jack Lang, France's Minister of Culture, went to the St.-Michel theater after the fire, and said, "Freedom of speech is threatened, and we must not be intimidated by such acts." The Archbishop of Paris, Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger, said "One doesn't have the right to shock the sensibilities of millions of people for whom Jesus is more important than their father or mother." After the fire he condemned the attack, saying, "You don't behave as Christians but as enemies of Christ. From the Christian point of view, one doesn't defend Christ with arms. Christ himself forbade it." The leader of Christian Solidarity, a Roman Catholic group that had promised to stop the film from being shown, said, "We will not hesitate to go to prison if it is necessary."

The attack was subsequently blamed on a Christian fundamentalist group linked to Bernard Antony, a representative of the far-right National Front to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, and the excommunicated followers of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. Lefebvre had been excommunicated from the Catholic Church on July 2, 1988. Similar attacks against theatres included graffiti, setting off tear-gas canisters and stink bombs, and assaulting filmgoers. At least nine people believed to be members of the Catholic fundamentalist group were arrested.Rene Remond, a historian, said of the Catholic far-right, "It is the toughest component of the National Front and it is motivated more by religion than by politics. It has a coherent political philosophy that has not changed for 200 years: it is the rejection of the revolution, of the republic and of modernism."

The Last Temptation of Christ (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^^ interesting find. I knew about the film but thought it was a **** film.

Where are the vermins painting everything with a broad brush ?
Yes i have read the novel, wasnt aware of this attack, but that was in 1988, intelligence service are alert now due to the "terrorist attack threat" and in general quite possibly more adept at combatting this type of things.

p.s.: i can recommend "Digital Fortress" from the same author.
I am just reacting to what you yourself said.. That one always truly stays in the religion he is born into.. "He can not change his blood" is exactly what you said.. Which means all in life conversions are meaningless including the ones into Islam.. Or are you saying that conversion to Islam does change a person's blood .. ?? :)

In the Orthodox (not Reform) Jewish tradition, 'Jewishness' comes from your mother. You cannot convert out or in.

Maybe that's what he meant.

Western masses don't care as long as something doesnt happen to them. And E-grade movie a rallying call? Very optimistic on his part if that happens to be the case.

"Western" masses are just as susceptible to mob mentality if done right. Examples, Balkans, LA Watts riots (Rodney King), London riots, etc...
"Western" masses are just as susceptible to mob mentality if done right. Examples, Balkans, LA Watts riots (Rodney King), London riots, etc...

unemployed "african" masses are not considered exactly as "western masses"..especially in the case of london riots.

:lol: There are hundreds of videos on youtube questioning the holocaust, I don't see Jews going crazy and burning embassies down.

Yet they complained over one random gujju naming his shop hitler.

But the difference is they did not go and riot in front of his shop. They followed the legal norms.

People who perceive their religious feelings hurt have every right to protest that within the accepted legal norms. That the Jews did.

If the Muslims followed the same process, even I would support them. Just not the rioting please.
unemployed "african" masses are not considered exactly as "western masses"..especially in the case of london riots.

Are you saying the London riots were mostly done by "unemployed african masses"?

I didn't really follow all the coverage, but there seemed a lot of white faces in there also.
"Western" masses are just as susceptible to mob mentality if done right. Examples, Balkans, LA Watts riots (Rodney King), London riots, etc...

Yeah, but not from a E-grade movie. Balkans is a bad example anyway, decades of ethnic tensions that lead to war and is should not be really considered as the west, and the other two are anti police brutality riots which could happen anywhere in the ME any day if people wouldn't be down right scared of getting shot.
Yeah, but not from a E-grade movie. Balkans is a bad example anyway, decades of ethnic tensions that leac to war,

Same situation here: the movie is just an excuse for pent up anger at the West. There is suspicion that the Libyan embassy was attacked by AQ because it was 9/11, and the movie protests were just a distraction.

and the other two are anti police brutality riots which could happen anywhere in the ME any day if people wouldn't be down right scared of getting shot.

Again, pent up rage boiling over that goes far beyond the particular event that triggered the riots.
Someone should produce a movie on holocaust and then we will see where do these lectures on tolerance and freedom speech go!

not on holocaust, but da vinci code was made which was against Christian sentiments
but you now there is difference between how animals protest and how humans protest
In the Orthodox (not Reform) Jewish tradition, 'Jewishness' comes from your mother. You cannot convert out or in.

I dont think he meant that, but this is a new thing which I was not aware of.. Thanks for sharing ....
Oh, so he is drug felon? lol....:rofl:

Not only that:

He is proteced and inspired to insut by freedom of speech.
He is protected by super power umbrella.
Google found his movie to be within guideline and refused to take it down.
He was funded by Jews.
He became chest thumping hero in many indian, western and zionist household.
not on holocaust, but da vinci code was made which was against Christian sentiments
but you now there is difference between how animals protest and how humans protest

Humans in war tone , unemployed , poor region are used for political reasons , who knows it's all been done to create problems for re-election of Obama, as Arab spring was his achievement. Or get focus away from Iran . Or who knows what. timing of every thing is suspicious.

A movie watched by hand full got Arab translation (why ?) now its the most talk about movie, angry reaction to a trash movie only made it popular.
I watched this film and it opened my eyes to the reality of the muslim founder.
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