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Producer of anti-Islam film offers no regrets

He better watch his back.. :guns:

still ... playing right into his hand... There is no better publicity than bad publicity.. 2 weeks down the line, this guy will be signing off on sequel rights to his movie...
Don't change the theme here. I'm taking about the relation between Judaism and Christianity and how the followers are annoted as one. Leave Islam aside.

No they are not, Jews don't recognize Christ, and the only reason Christians respect the Jewish nation is because it is written in the Bible that they were the chosen people, and that is why Christians respect the Jewish nation.
i saw the trailers , and even though i am not a Muslim i was sickened by them . the guy is an as$hole.
Don't change the theme here. I'm taking about the relation between Judaism and Christianity and how the followers are annoted as one. Leave Islam aside.

I am just reacting to what you yourself said.. That one always truly stays in the religion he is born into.. "He can not change his blood" is exactly what you said.. Which means all in life conversions are meaningless including the ones into Islam.. Or are you saying that conversion to Islam does change a person's blood .. ?? :)
I am just reacting to what you yourself said.. That one always truly stays in the religion he is born into.. "He can not change his blood" is exactly what you said.. Which means all in life conversions are meaningless including the ones into Islam.. Or are you saying that conversion to Islam does change a person's blood .. ?? :)

Read the whole post to understand. Don't pick and choose words randomly. You are only making yourself a fool like that. :agree:
Exactly. I really dont understand why need to attack embassy? I go mad thinking this.

I have watched the video, and i must say it is as insulting as you can get and is simply aimed at getting the reaction they have gotten as Karan mentioned earlier. Lastly, if it wasn't for the complacency and ignorant arrogance of the Muslim world, we still would be a superpower.
Extremely lame cop out.. Anyway.. go on..

You cannot change blood even if you are converted. I didn't say anything negative here as it is based on fact. To make you really happy here it is. There are converts who are better practicing than originals. Coming back to Judeo-Christianity, the point being is that they are same in every way, race, culture, etc...
Just leave this matter to Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty will punish him and others who were involved in this heinous crime . These scumbags are trying to seed hatred between Muslims are Christians.
Silence would be the best reaction, he will get what he deserves.
Don't pick and choose words to change the theme here! Read my whole post.I'm taking about the relation between Judaism and Christianity and how the followers are annoted as one. Leave Islam aside.

I dread to quote the Quran here because not just non-muslims, many muslims are equally ignorant about its teachings and predictions. One of the very relevant predictions is that jews and christians will ultimately unite to confront islam. Isn't this whats happening today?

Just leave this matter to Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty will punish him and others who were involved in this heinous crime . These scumbags are trying to seed hatred between Muslims are Christians.

So what are 1.2 billion muslim good for if they have to leave everything to the Almighty? 1.2 billions muslims can at least unite, leave their linguistic, sectarian, nationalistic and ethnic differences behind. But in this, its a most difficult thing to do. In fact impossible.

Thats why we have our enemies amongst ourselves. Who play our differences to keep us fighting and muslims are such idiots, they keep fighting!! Our enemies must be laughing at us. We have put the noble teaching of our faith to shame.
This moron will enjoy life just as the author of Satanic verses does.. These idiots thrive on publicity.. And Muslims of the world have played right into his hands..

Oye teri.... Did you just compare Salman Rushdie with this tool in question? Rushdie is a writer of immense talent and certainly doesn't need gimmicks to prop him up. He became a bona fide author and a Booker Prize recipient way before penning The Satanic Verses.
Someone should produce a movie on holocaust and then we will see where do these lectures on tolerance and freedom speech go!
It's been done, and such documentaries as Shoah have been banned from Gaza and many other Muslim-dominated regions.

I dread to quote the Quran here because not just non-muslims, many muslims are equally ignorant about its teachings and predictions. One of the very relevant predictions is that jews and christians will ultimately unite to confront islam. Isn't this whats happening today?
No, what we're seeing is Jews, Christians, and Muslims uniting to confront radical and intolerant Islam.

And it looks like Pakistanis like yourself are moving to the wrong side of the divide.
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