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Producer of anti-Islam film offers no regrets

It's been done, and such documentaries as Shoah have been banned from Gaza and many other Muslim-dominated regions.

No, what we're seeing is Jews, Christians, and Muslims uniting to confront radical and intolerant Islam.

And it looks like Pakistanis like yourself are moving to the wrong side of the divide.

He's talking about films that question the Holocaust, genius. And so doing, can land you to jail in many parts of the western world, even though it is hard to know why it would offend anyone that someone may have doubts about some random historical event. Is it even some Jewish religious dogma that the Holocaust happened? I don't think so, as there are some of those ultra-conservative Haredim who dispute either its authenticity or the extent of the carnage.

As for "radical and intolerant Islam", Jews and Christians, if they are indeed intent on fighting it, are really short-sighted, as so much of what they've done in the last decade -- in Iraq, in Gaza, etc. -- only provokes radicalization and discredits moderates and compromise-seekers in the Muslim world. The "Muslims" who join Christians and Jews in their criticism, are probably well-paid kapos in Washington and London, and not representative of the world Muslim population, who by and large believe foreign aggression to be more of a problem than radical Islam.
Someone should produce a movie on holocaust and then we will see where do these lectures on tolerance and freedom speech go!

Oh yeah, and then the Jews all around the world will raise hell, destroy and kill.
Oh yeah, and then the Jews all around the world will raise hell, destroy and kill.

Yes, then we will see Jews go and burn down buildings and kill people when an inflammatory thing is said about Judaism,

oh wait...

That's never happened before...
I don't think a movie skeptical of the Holocaust would arouse violent fury among Jews either. But this isn't the argument -- the argument is that such restrictions on freedom of speech in some parts of the West really put into question its superiority over Muslim countries that repress blasphemy. Most countries of the world have their sacred cows. Among secular ones, this may be some political ideology or historical event; in more religious countries, it may be, well, religion.

Anyway, this anti-Islam movie isn't in any way comparable to a Holocaust denier movie. One may investigate the truthfulness of Holocaust out of curiosity, an inquiring spirit or politics. But none of this can be behind a movie whose sole purpose is to depict a religion's major figure as a sex pervert and a swindler.

It may be useful to remind here that, though the West has a blasé attitude towards religion, the same isn't true about people in the global South, and I'm talking of both Muslims and non-Muslims. In 2004, British Sikhs tried to burn down a London theater because they considered a play being performed in it as insulting to their religion. In Burma, after the Taliban brought down that Buddha statue in Afghanistan, Buddhists reacted by attacking Muslims, burning down their homes and businesses. A passionate attitude about religion is hardly restrcited to the Muslim world.
This guy swindled the people that gave him the supposedly $5 MILLION.

A typical cheap syfy movie cost around $500k.

His budget was less than $50 k at best.
Someone should produce a movie on holocaust and then we will see where do these lectures on tolerance and freedom speech go!
I love it when you guys say this...as though you can't find that on youtube....doesn't make as much news...guess why?
Coming back to Judeo-Christianity, the point being is that they are same in every way, race, culture, etc...

What?? Are you saying Baltic States have the same culture as South America? That Israel has the same customs as Scandinavian countries? What??
Oye teri.... Did you just compare Salman Rushdie with this tool in question? Rushdie is a writer of immense talent and certainly doesn't need gimmicks to prop him up. He became a bona fide author and a Booker Prize recipient way before penning The Satanic Verses.

But both of them incited the same reaction from the Muslim world and became overnight celebrities post that..That was the intended comparison
I don't think a movie skeptical of the Holocaust would arouse violent fury among Jews either. But this isn't the argument -- the argument is that such restrictions on freedom of speech in some parts of the West really put into question its superiority over Muslim countries that repress blasphemy.
Interesting, but phony. You're probably aware that in most of the West there are no such laws. It's in some of the countries that fell under Nazi domination that these laws exist. (And maybe Israel, I don't know.) Apparently the (mostly Christian) populace feels that as long as they can ban what amounts to unjustifiable denial of Nazi war crimes then they are free from the shadow of tyranny. It's not the Jews "sacred cow" here - though I want to ask every denier if they can tell me what exactly happened to my grandparents and uncles, since all the evidence is they were transported to the death camps.

...none of this can be behind a movie whose sole purpose is to depict a religion's major figure as a sex pervert and a swindler.
The producer's a crook; perhaps he's swindling his investors. (Then again, with "Hollywood accounting", I'm not sure one can tell the difference.)
Interesting, but phony. You're probably aware that in most of the West there are no such laws.
This isn't really the point. The point is that most countries suppress freedom of speech in a way or another -- they protect certain events or values, political or otherwise, from free investigation, inquiry and vigorous disagreement. In at least two very prominent Western countries -- France and Germany -- this happens to be the Holocaust (and, in France's case, the Armenian genocide as well).

It's in some of the countries that fell under Nazi domination that these laws exist.

(And maybe Israel, I don't know.)
In Israel you won't even play Richard Wagner's music, even though the fellow never advocated harming Jews, let alone harmed one himself.

Apparently the (mostly Christian) populace feels that as long as they can ban what amounts to unjustifiable denial of Nazi war crimes then they are free from the shadow of tyranny.
This is complete nonsense. Whether or not tyranny will again cast its shadow over Europe, has nothing to do with Holocaust denial. For Christ's sakes, get a grip and drop your self-importance. History doesn't revolve around Holocaust. And it tells a lot that, while you chastise Muslims for their reaction to freedom of speech, you call Holocaust denial "unjustifiable" and defend those countries that forbid free inquiry on the matter.

It's not the Jews "sacred cow" here
In Europe you pretty much are. And also in the US, to some extent. You can lose your job for saying something that will offend some Jew somewhere, though this won't necessarily happen if you attack other groups. Remember how Helen Thomas lost her post as White House correspondent because she said Jews should get out of Palestine? Remember that that Jewish blogger Jennifer Rubin did not lose her job when she did something that, on the face of it, is much worse -- endorsed another blogger's tweet advocating for a Palestinian genocide?

though I want to ask every denier if they can tell me what exactly happened to my grandparents and uncles, since all the evidence is they were transported to the death camps.
You should be free to question their presentation of the facts, but they should also be free to present their version of history in the first place.
Exactly. I really dont understand why need to attack embassy? I go mad thinking this.

its a collection of things not just that, if your country was ruined with help of US and Nato you be looking for an excuse for revenge. You must have seen the happy mood in US when Qadaffi was killed just like the Ambassador, they were actually celebrating it.
But both of them incited the same reaction from the Muslim world and became overnight celebrities post that..That was the intended comparison

Not really. Like I stated earlier, Rushdie was the toast of the literary world with his earlier and possibly career best offering of 'Midnight's Children'. It could be argued that the reason why 'The Satanic Verses' faced such a violent response amongst the Muslim community was partially due to Rushdie's stature at that time.

To compare an eminent man of words to a guy whose only qualification is probably knowing how to handle a camcorder is being unfair to the arts in general :P.
No they are not, Jews don't recognize Christ, and the only reason Christians respect the Jewish nation is because it is written in the Bible that they were the chosen people, and that is why Christians respect the Jewish nation.

no thats not the reason, bible says the armagadon wont happen till Jewish people have their own country, thats when all jew will be killed...christians are facilitating it.
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