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Problems with Arjun Tank! Worst MBT in the world?

They are ordering a batch of Arjuns, along with the T90MSs. Both are not India's future armored solution regardless, both orders are rather stop gaps.

"Stop gaps" that doesn't make sense. T 90ms are expensive and capable tanks. They will serve IA for decades. Are you assuming them t 90s will be retired ASAP, when new Indian tank design comes along.

It's shocking how poor the ammo is. I assumed ammo storage was protected and had blow out panels like m1 abrams. Massive weakness on the front. Mk2 is gonna have reduced mobility due to extra weight.
"Stop gaps" that doesn't make sense. T 90ms are expensive and capable tanks. They will serve IA for decades. Are you assuming them t 90s will be retired ASAP, when new Indian tank design comes along.

It's shocking how poor the ammo is. I assumed ammo storage was protected and had blow out panels like m1 abrams. Massive weakness on the front. Mk2 is gonna have reduced mobility due to extra weight.

Yes, even the Arjun Mark 1A is expensive, but both it and T90MS are largely fillers till the FRCV program is in production. There will be more orders for Arjun Marks and T90s, but the true T72 replaces are whatever comes out of the FRCV. The order of 400+ T90MSs and 100+ Mark1A aren't much of anything in India's overall requirement to replace the T72s, but you're right the T90s will be in the inventory for a while, just like the T72s.
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Nice share @Dai Toruko , he has very deep knowledge. Instead of relying on his personal likes or dislikes, he does a very knowledge based analysis.
Can someone share such critical comparison for our tanks.
But the t-90 also expose a wide area of its turret see here


look from shtora left to right isn't protected

and also here

Have they rebuilt all the weak bridges and culverts, this heavy thing won't be able to cross, due to weight issues?

Understand this thing is even heavier now in Mk.II guise, because of the new turret, as stolen from Leopard 2A7 has more imported sensor and anti-armor things tacked on to it. That - however, does not a Merkava make.

I don't get why Indians try to integrate ultra modern Western technology and advanced tech into a platform (hoping that it will magically turn into a Leopard/Merkava), when nothing in India can support that integration, including "gobar for brains" diploma engineers at the factory and even lower class unskilled welders with no understanding of metallurgy. You can't have minimum wage lowest common denominator inputs and expect stellar results. I mean - be practical, start with something that is your aukat, like a copy of a T90 or something, which is more your speed.

Right now - this 'prestige' project (going on for almost three decades now) is just a mechanism for successive Indian defence ministers (and vendors) to line their pockets with. The gift that kept on giving! :lol:

Gullible Indians are even more gullible than their parents, Thanks to Hindutva.

And Sanghi H1B idiots keep financing these stupid money-wasters, believing the propaganda. All the better for India's adversaries I guess.
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if they cover it in gau tatti and fill tank fuel with gau muttar and write bharat mata on the tank. then it will convert into vedic pak muslim chini killing machine, just add sunny deol as the driver.

You just gave some B grade Bollywood director an excellent idea.

It will be a surefire hit !!
Here is another video from the same author "red effect"..see how op of the original video has changed his tune, once confronted with facts.

Here is another video from the same author "red effect"..see how op of the original video has changed his tune, once confronted with facts.

Entertaining videos
Redeffect made these videos so he would stop getting death threats from patriotic Indians and wouldn’t have to deal with all the Fake mock channels and Lies alpha defense was putting out every week. Most of the stuff Alpha said in this last video is also pure BS, just like in his original videos, I’ve talked to him, he’s a racist, Islamophobic asshole who knows nothing about defense apart from he reads on Indian media. His community is a cesspool of Hinduvta toxicity. I’ve been in his social media gatherings.

RedEffect just went along to end the conflict. All the issues he highlighted in the first video are still present on Arjun.
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