May I help?
If you didnt enter that in stock book, no problem, because IT guys, who suppose to buy these things, must have their records(with serial numbers). Secondly, if IT didn't procured that, then it must be the main store, where this inventory is entered at the time of purchase or arrival at institution. So, on whose name this inventory actually is? On your name or someone else? Somebody out of above told people must have the records of these computers. At least the accounts guys, or finance guys, or someone who paid for these computers.
If computers are damaging one by one, then they are not actually damaging. Some parts are simply being stolen. For a minute, we assume the computers are damaged. It doesn't matter how many days it took, or how poor is your reputation, return these computers to store after filling a form(may be with store or stock guys) with title "faulty".
There must be some sort of inventory management, exploit that. And let them say whatever they say.