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Prime Minister Imran Khan - A new era begins

Brother you should read the articles.

The drugs prices were set at unrealistically and as a result no one was manufacturing them. These are life saving drugs if we dont increase the price and give reasonable profit to manufactureer they will stop manufacturing and as a result people will start dyeing or we have to import them.

A simple example is anti-rabi medicine. No one in Pakistan is manufacturing them and we have to import them from UK at much higher prices and as a result they are short as well as causing us foreign exchange reserves.

On medicine govt should give relief as they give relief to sugar wheat mafia in the name of subsidy. MASHALLAH number of taxes every month printed on electricity bill then FBR taxes and so on...!! still all basic items are expensive.
On medicine govt should give relief as they give relief to sugar wheat mafia in the name of subsidy. MASHALLAH number of taxes every month printed on electricity bill then FBR taxes and so on...!! still all basic items are expensive.
Government provide relief most of these medicines are free in government hospitals. However, why to put subsidy to millionaires and billionaires. THis is stupid. Policy of wheat and sugar is wrong.

Furthermore, you need to understand government is setting up the maximum prices of these drugs which no one was able to produce at the previous prices due to losses.

Now if anyone can prepare them cheap they can sell them at lower prices to get market share which is the correct market practice.

For very people, the same life saving drugs government purchase through government hospital and use for patients.
On medicine govt should give relief as they give relief to sugar wheat mafia in the name of subsidy. MASHALLAH number of taxes every month printed on electricity bill then FBR taxes and so on...!! still all basic items are expensive.

The haram belly of Imran Khan is hungry. How do you think his haram belly will be fed if he gives relief to the poor?
The haram belly of Imran Khan is hungry. How do you think his haram belly will be fed if he gives relief to the poor?
He says betting is a fine way of earning money if you have the 'expertise'.

The George Soros puppet also allowed dual nationals to run for the office as he aims to consolidate his empire while awaiting his sons to be prepared for politics in UK.
Government provide relief most of these medicines are free in government hospitals. However, why to put subsidy to millionaires and billionaires. THis is stupid. Policy of wheat and sugar is wrong.

Medicines Free in govt hospitals ?? :omghaha: :omghaha:
bro come out from relaxing room and have a visit to gvt hospital except shokat khanam.

Stop thinking about poor while meddle class people standard of living is going down, soon they will also become poor.

41% population have diabetes and blood pressure illness, after this dia-reha illness bcz of consuming organic food then Dengi illness then pollution in air makes lungs healthy as well.

Some senators have cigrate manufacture company even they have tax free policy and other brands have to pay tax. why this double standard ? oh bcz of bhikari n choor in cabinet

Govt always give to relief these poor senators, MNA and many more choor.
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Medicines Free in govt hospitals ?? :omghaha: :omghaha:
bro come out from relaxing room and have a visit to gvt hospital except shokat khanam.

Stop thinking about poor while meddle class people standard of living is going down, soon they will also become poor.

41% population have diabetes and blood pressure illness, after this dia-reha illness bcz of consuming organic food then Dengi illness then pollution in air makes lungs healthy as well.

Some senators have cigrate manufacture company even they have tax free policy and other brands have to pay tax. why this double standard ? oh bcz of bhikari n choor in cabinet

Govt always give to relief these poor senators, MNA and many more choor.
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Rabbies medicine are free in government hospitals. Life saving drugs specially used for operations are free atleast they r supplied free. Theft by staff is another issue.

U should read my post once again before commenting. I already that subsidy on sugar and wheat is a stupid policy as they end subsidizing everyone including billionaire. Similarly subsifizing medicines means giving money to billionaire medicine manufacturer and then its users both poor and rich.

The right way of giving subsidy is targeted subsidy like given during corona
Rabbies medicine are free in government hospitals. Life saving drugs specially used for operations are free atleast they r supplied free. Theft by staff is another issue.

Then who we blame that staff holding government job and earning money by selling those medicine that should be given free to patient. Government know very well what there staff is doing - no action has been taken even doctors also involved in this gutter game.

The right way of giving subsidy is targeted subsidy like given during corona

yeah great subsidy got by corona patient

I just hope people who voted for IK and those who selected him will suffer the most due to hike in prices of wheat, sugar, electricity, gas and now medicines.
He has done more for the poor than any politician in history.

What kind of Islam are you practicing where you declare someone earning a halal living as Haram?

If these foreign asset and lota ministers and cheeni chor JKT are poor then yes he has done more for poor than any politician in history.

The Islam in which a bedouin can ask the leader of Riasat e Medina in strong words about his clothes and it doesn't become a threat to national security or the bedouin called a traitor or blame put against the past 70 years of rulers or stay order taken rather it is answered by the leader himself.

When will IK answer his co founder of PTI allegations against his corruption and taking money from Israel, India and the highest bidder in foreign funding for nefarious agendas? When will IK answer his ex-wife allegations about his corruption and rampant sexual adventures with males and females? When will IK answer the BRT corruption allegations and stop hiding behind stay orders?

Unless these are all okay in Islam according to you?
Then who we blame that staff holding government job and earning money by selling those medicine that should be given free to patient. Government know very well what there staff is doing - no action has been taken even doctors also involved in this gutter game.

yeah great subsidy got by corona patient

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Arent they part of our society ? Dont we know the person involved in all these theft ? Arent we the same person who voted for NS and Zardari despite knowing all their robbery ? We brought them to power. We didnt give enough seats to IK that he can make laws stronher. If u want to blame someone then first blame yourself and the society...
Arent they part of our society ? Dont we know the person involved in all these theft ? Arent we the same person who voted for NS and Zardari despite knowing all their robbery ? We brought them to power. We didnt give enough seats to IK that he can make laws stronher. If u want to blame someone then first blame yourself and the society...

NO I never blame my self because I never vote PML N n PPP. Nawaz shareef is establishment paidawar and bhutto was as well then who should be shame u know what I mean. People of karachi give their decision to PTI 18 MNA and 28 Province Assembly was elected from karachi and hydrabad.

What we got at the end.
Only speeches are excellent but actions and implementation zero.


Multi talented, skill full person having PHD degree from reputable institution is handling Punjab ..!!
Matric passed is CM punjab and biggest choor is CM sindh (18 amendment ok fk sindh) ..!!!
Grt bhai Grt. atleast have courage to say what is wrong is wrong and right is right... I saw on news there is alot of garbage on lahore street making lahore like Karachi...

Great Achievement by PTI

1) Hawai baz minister said 210 pilots licenses are fake GOT BAN ON ALL PIA FIGHT around the world . (MASHLLAH)
2) Sugar and wheat prices (MASHALLAH)
3) Medicine Prices (MASHALLAH)
4) Grade B police officer become CCPO lahore (MASHALLAH)
5) Electricity Prices (SUBHANALLAH)
6) Peshawar metro bus servies (Grt bhai Grt) Cost become 1 billion USD and services is stopped
7) Tiger force :omghaha:
8) 50 million homes :omghaha:
9) US DOLLAR :toast_sign:
10) Karachi Package :cheesy:
11) Taxes on car :lol:
and many more

NO I never blame my self because I never vote PML N n PPP. Nawaz shareef is establishment paidawar and bhutto was as well then who should be shame u know what I mean. People of karachi give their decision to PTI 18 MNA and 28 Province Assembly was elected from karachi and hydrabad.

What we got at the end.
Only speeches are excellent but actions and implementation zero.

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Multi talented, skill full person having PHD degree from reputable institution is handling Punjab ..!!
Matric passed is CM punjab and biggest choor is CM sindh (18 amendment ok fk sindh) ..!!!
Grt bhai Grt. atleast have courage to say what is wrong is wrong and right is right... I saw on news there is alot of garbage on lahore street making lahore like Karachi...
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Great Achievement by PTI

1) Hawai baz minister said 210 pilots licenses are fake GOT BAN ON ALL PIA FIGHT around the world . (MASHLLAH)
2) Sugar and wheat prices (MASHALLAH)
3) Medicine Prices (MASHALLAH)
4) Grade B police officer become CCPO lahore (MASHALLAH)
5) Electricity Prices (SUBHANALLAH)
6) Peshawar metro bus servies (Grt bhai Grt) Cost become 1 billion USD and services is stopped
7) Tiger force :omghaha:
8) 50 million homes :omghaha:
9) US DOLLAR :toast_sign:
10) Karachi Package :cheesy:
11) Taxes on car :lol:
and many more

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Then who did vote for them from 1971 to ppp and from 1983 to pmln ? U want to put garbage of 5 decades on a man came 2 years back. Show some maturity.

U r worried about 210 pilot licenses but what about life of hundreds of people out of their incompetency? What about the aircraft destroyed by them ? We purchased 7 atr aircraft in 2006 MA all of them are grounded or destroyed due to accident. So u want to blame the person who identify the real issue of losses of pia and want to make ammendments for good ?

Sugar and wheat crisis is the result of mafia trying to blackmail government. First time big names like JT are being inquired directly. Policies are being made. Thief robbing us from 5 decades will let go things so easily ? Will they have allies everywhere even in judiciary fia nab?

Medicine prices ... Really? Did u even read which medicines were allowed to increase prices. The medicines which everyone refused to manufacture do non profitable operations. Only a stupid can ask a businessman to sell a thing he manufacture in 10 rupees at 5 rupees. As a result no one is manufacture and we would have no option but to import them at higher prices. Had these price increase allowed on time we would have been manufacturing anti rabbies medicine and could have saved precious life. Atleast be honest to yourself.

Ccpo lahore ... Really? Go and listen shabbar zaidi latest interview at saama. The rotten system produced incometent and corrupt officer in last 5 decades and if someone try to bring people like asad umar and shabbar zaidi the system donot allow them to work ... U need time and numbers in assembly to change laws and create a new system of bureaucracy.

Electrocity prices again. Who installed expensive imported fuel plants and not dams ? Who was giving exorbiant subsidies which brought us near bankruptcy ? Again manuamfacturing electricity at 25 and selling at 20 was making pakistan bankrupt only. Mistakes of past. U can ask this with any energy expert. IK initiated three mega dams projects however it will take atleast 7 years time to take effect.

Dollar again u need to understand the mechanisim. The massive CAD of 20 billion brought us on verge of bankruptcy. NS tried his best to destroy Pakistani economy. Ask any expert and he will agree that devaluation had to be done. Only difference is the value. However the results are out and our CAD is now expected to be positive for the quarter first time in 70 years. Effects of this will be felt in few months.

Rest are targets that belongs to performance evaluation and should be reviewed after 5 years. Except for BRT which was a failure. However look at the corona handling. pakistan did best in the world.

Critisize where it is needed appreciate where they r wrong but analyze objectively and realistically not emotionally otherwise mafia working to defeat an honest and hardworking man will win. He is fighting for us. If u cant see this then i feel sorry for u
Then who did vote for them from 1971 to ppp and from 1983 to pmln ? U want to put garbage of 5 decades on a man came 2 years back. Show some maturity.

Lol that time national security was sleeping or blind when they looting Pakistan ? may be some were getting their margin as well.

U r worried about 210 pilot licenses but what about life of hundreds of people out of their incompetency? What about the aircraft destroyed by them ? We purchased 7 atr aircraft in 2006 MA all of them are grounded or destroyed due to accident. So u want to blame the person who identify the real issue of losses of pia and want to make ammendments for good ?

AS IMRANKHAN SAID it could be handle carefully by internally no need to come on media and start criticizing - try to take credit or become famous in result Whole PIA is banned around the world.

عمران خان نے وزیر ہوا بازی کو اس معاملے کو غلط انداز میں پیش کرنے کا ذمہ دار ٹھہرانے کے سوال پر جواب دیتے ہوئے کہا تھا کہ ’انھوں نے تفصیلی رپورٹ دی جو سات، آٹھ مہینے میں تیار ہوئی۔ جو رپورٹ سامنے آئی وہ بڑی خوفناک تھی۔ یہ میں اپنی حکومت کی کمزوری مانتا ہوں کہ اس کو ایسے بھی پیش کر سکتے تھے کہ اتنا برا ردِ عمل نہ آتا۔‘
اس صورتحال کے بعد سے اب تک پاکستان سول ایوی ایشن نے خاموشی سے تقریباً 100 سے زیادہ پائلٹس کے لائسنسوں کو کلیئر کر دیا ہے جنھیں ابتدا میں مشکوک قرار دیا گیا تھا۔

:omghaha: :omghaha: HAWAI BAZZ MINISTER swag is changed now report suggest 100 licenses are not fake out of 200+ licenses.

Sugar and wheat crisis is the result of mafia trying to blackmail government. First time big names like JT are being inquired directly. Policies are being made. Thief robbing us from 5 decades will let go things so easily ? Will they have allies everywhere even in judiciary fia nab?

Aaaww youthi bhai its not strange that inquiry start when jhangeer tareen landed at london and having peaceful life after making billions. :coffee::coffee:

Medicine prices ... Really? Did u even read which medicines were allowed to increase prices. The medicines which everyone refused to manufacture do non profitable operations. Only a stupid can ask a businessman to sell a thing he manufacture in 10 rupees at 5 rupees. As a result no one is manufacture and we would have no option but to import them at higher prices. Had these price increase allowed on time we would have been manufacturing anti rabbies medicine and could have saved precious life. Atleast be honest to yourself.

I m honest myself that why I said that Government could give relief by giving subsidy to medicine company for controlling price of medicine. But gvt give relief to behkari n choor MNAs, MPAs, senators and minister who those have sugars and wheat mills in the name of subsidy.

Ccpo lahore ... Really? Go and listen shabbar zaidi latest interview at saama. The rotten system produced incometent and corrupt officer in last 5 decades and if someone try to bring people like asad umar and shabbar zaidi the system donot allow them to work ... U need time and numbers in assembly to change laws and create a new system of bureaucracy.

Grade B officer remain Grade B some report come out media about his attitude...

Electrocity prices again. Who installed expensive imported fuel plants and not dams ? Who was giving exorbiant subsidies which brought us near bankruptcy ? Again manuamfacturing electricity at 25 and selling at 20 was making pakistan bankrupt only. Mistakes of past. U can ask this with any energy expert. IK initiated three mega dams projects however it will take atleast 7 years time to take effect.

Crude oil is trading in 40.93 USD per barrel and many taxes impose on electric city bills because of IMF policy.
Dams takes time to construct and produce green energy with low cost generation but question remain constant that Nation security council was sleeping at that time? where Pakistan was heading to ? Ok its happened now Pakistan bring back on right track but how will Pakistan payback those projects are financed by govt of China or its gesture from china or its a gift from china ? u should also think about this effect as well.

Dollar again u need to understand the mechanisim. The massive CAD of 20 billion brought us on verge of bankruptcy. NS tried his best to destroy Pakistani economy. Ask any expert and he will agree that devaluation had to be done. Only difference is the value. However the results are out and our CAD is now expected to be positive for the quarter first time in 70 years. Effects of this will be felt in few months.

Then let NS die in Pakistani jail when he made to much mash up - oh then ministry of health aunty come in action about NS health - giving report on blood cell its going to be down - now its up blah blah blah....!
Now living life very peacefully in london

Rest are targets that belongs to performance evaluation and should be reviewed after 5 years. Except for BRT which was a failure. However look at the corona handling. pakistan did best in the world.

cost become 1 billion USD.. any national department ask for audit about this project ? or all is angle who handling this project ?
People of Pakistan did best in the world for fighting Covid-19 not gvt of Pakistan.
Only KSA did best in the world as Govt handling covid issue.

36% of the workforce of Karachi, the country’s largest city and commercial capital, have already developed immunity against the Covid-19


Critisize where it is needed appreciate where they r wrong but analyze objectively and realistically not emotionally otherwise mafia working to defeat an honest and hardworking man will win. He is fighting for us. If u cant see this then i feel sorry for u

My analysis is IK whole team is blunder and useless except 2 or 3 minister and 2 or 3 cabinet member. IK is honest man but he should be honest by itself.. why is he supporting all jokers in his team, just throw it from the team try to get best from the public who has the skills and talent to run appropriate department. He can do this until establishment hand on him and establishment is also worry about Pakistan system and take care's of the ministry.
Last Solution will be IMPOSE MARTIAL LAW - HANG ALL POLITICIAN specially MILLS OWNERS and all chors.
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Lol that time national security was sleeping or blind when they looting Pakistan ? may be some were getting their margin as well.

AS IMRANKHAN SAID it could be handle carefully by internally no need to come on media and start criticizing - try to take credit or become famous in result Whole PIA is banned around the world.

عمران خان نے وزیر ہوا بازی کو اس معاملے کو غلط انداز میں پیش کرنے کا ذمہ دار ٹھہرانے کے سوال پر جواب دیتے ہوئے کہا تھا کہ ’انھوں نے تفصیلی رپورٹ دی جو سات، آٹھ مہینے میں تیار ہوئی۔ جو رپورٹ سامنے آئی وہ بڑی خوفناک تھی۔ یہ میں اپنی حکومت کی کمزوری مانتا ہوں کہ اس کو ایسے بھی پیش کر سکتے تھے کہ اتنا برا ردِ عمل نہ آتا۔‘
اس صورتحال کے بعد سے اب تک پاکستان سول ایوی ایشن نے خاموشی سے تقریباً 100 سے زیادہ پائلٹس کے لائسنسوں کو کلیئر کر دیا ہے جنھیں ابتدا میں مشکوک قرار دیا گیا تھا۔

:omghaha: :omghaha: HAWAI BAZZ MINISTER swag is changed now report suggest 100 licenses are not fake out of 200+ licenses.

Aaaww youthi bhai its not strange that inquiry start when jhangeer tareen landed at london and having peaceful life after making billions. :coffee::coffee:

I m honest myself that why I said that Government could give relief by giving subsidy to medicine company for controlling price of medicine. But gvt give relief to behkari n choor MNAs, MPAs, senators and minister who those have sugars and wheat mills in the name of subsidy.

Grade B officer remain Grade B some report come out media about his attitude...

Crude oil is trading in 40.93 USD per barrel and many taxes impose on electric city bills because of IMF policy.
Dams takes time to construct and produce green energy with low cost generation but question remain constant that Nation security council was sleeping at that time? where Pakistan was heading to ? Ok its happened now Pakistan bring back on right track but how will Pakistan payback those projects are financed by govt of China or its gesture from china or its a gift from china ? u should also think about this effect as well.

Then let NS die in Pakistani jail when he made to much mash up - oh then ministry of health aunty come in action about NS health - giving report on blood cell its going to be down - now its up blah blah blah....!
Now living life very peacefully in london

cost become 1 billion USD.. any national department ask for audit about this project ? or all is angle who handling this project ?
People of Pakistan did best in the world for fighting Covid-19 not gvt of Pakistan.
Only KSA did best in the world as Govt handling covid issue.

36% of the workforce of Karachi, the country’s largest city and commercial capital, have already developed immunity against the Covid-19


My analysis is IK whole team is blunder and useless except 2 or 3 minister and 2 or 3 cabinet member. IK is honest man but he should be honest by itself.. why is he supporting all jokers in his team, just throw it from the team try to get best from the public who has the skills and talent to run appropriate department. He can do this until establishment hand on him and establishment is also worry about Pakistan system and take care's of the ministry.
Last Solution will be IMPOSE MARTIAL LAW - HANG ALL POLITICIAN specially MILLS OWNERS and all chors.
Marshal law. Is thia your answer. Brother i think u r not aware of actual history of Pakistan. You should read facts rather than tv channels as most of them are paid to spread propaganda.

Regarding not supporting non.perforimng ministers ? When did i say we should support whole PTI or everything they do ? Read my posts again.

Regard8ng marshal law unshould first research on below first.

Who brought NS ? Who created bhutto? Who is responsible for debackle of east Pakistan? Who pardon all the thief through NRO ? Who bring the kilashankof culture in Pakistan? Who created Mqm ? Who used ethinicity to get votes from punjab to favor NS?

The truth is far from your belief.

Regarding medicine subsidy. This is the most stupid way of giving subsidy and u r contradicting your own statement. On one hand u r saying subsidy should be given on medicine and on the other hand u r critisizing jahangir tareen for sugar subsidy. Do u think pharma companies belongs to poor ? Why the hell i should give subsidy on a product to be bought by poor and billionaire both ? Why not to give subsidy directly to poor ? The real thing to do is to improve the system of government hospitals rather than subsidiz8ng everyone using that medicine. And suppose if such a product is being manufacture by pharma of some PTI guy then people like u will start screaming.

So first makeup your mind. If subsidy on medicine is correct then jahangir tareen is innocent period.

U want my tax money to give cheap medicines to some billionaire. This is out of logic.
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