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Prime Minister Imran Khan - A new era begins

It is good you yourself brought this selected vs elected BS the nation's favourite khusra addressed...Here is a good reply to that BS:

1-Ok so Karachi region is much developed compared to rural sindh hence we need quota.
2-We will not let Rural Sindh and Karachi region to become seperate provinces
Well thats interesting choice of slogans to combined. Whats the point of keeping sindh a single province if their is that much difference in Developement and structure? For Ruling elite PPP i can understand they want to have the Financial and Economic Powerhouse from Karachi and Vote bank from Rural Sindh to justify being rulers of Sindh. But seeing a common man defending this united Sindh thing is strange.
We in Punjab are voicing for ages to create a south Punjab province. And mostly people from central and Northern Punjab ask for it. And Trust me even Southern Parts of Punjab are more developed then rural Sindh.
We want Rural Sindh to develop and become a prosperous region as well. Instead of crying for Quota System a Government of Rural Sindh alone who rule from Rural Sindh not from Karachi Raising the status of rural areas gradually.
And honestly i don't even see the point of keeping these colonial Era Relics called Provinces. Pakistan should be ruled on divisional level. All legislation done at divisional level by strong local Bodies.

I'd say this is internal matter of Sindh. Let Islamabad stay out of this mess. Don't interfere in other provinces internal matter. Last time in 1971 Pakistan imposed urdu on Bengalis on behalf of biharis living there results were not good. Sindhis and muhajirs will sort this out.
I'd say this is internal matter of Sindh. Let Islamabad stay out of this mess. Don't interfere in other provinces internal matter. Last time in 1971 Pakistan imposed urdu on Bengalis on behalf of biharis living there results were not good. Sindhis and muhajirs will sort this out.
Muhajirs gave mandate to pti we represent them
I'd say this is internal matter of Sindh. Let Islamabad stay out of this mess. Don't interfere in other provinces internal matter. Last time in 1971 Pakistan imposed urdu on Bengalis on behalf of biharis living there results were not good. Sindhis and muhajirs will sort this out.
This is not your internal matter. You are starving children in interior Sindh and Controlling them with iron Fist Using their mandate to rule Karachi as well. Islamabad is the federal capital and every Pakistani is the matter of Islamabad. Get your Ethnic Mindset elsewhere. People of Karachi have spoken against the so called Mohajir Card. And sool will People of Sindh also kick your Primitive Sindhu mindset out as well. InshAllah in next elections.
Meanwhile drawing parallels to Bangladesh with sindh shows your Insight of things and probably your fake ID too. I thought i was talking to a thoughtful person. But alas another Troll
I don't care if he is selected, he has got some talents.

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Naye Pakistan mein Prime Minister cigeratte khud hi bharein ge!

Photoshop picture. The "cigarette" is photoshop (even a novice can see it, you jahils might not)...IK has spoon in his hand which is "blended" via photoshop to make it look like he's doing something fishy.
L lag gaey inn ke
For a long arse time they were busy dissing pti and its supporters they were lied to by fake news media about the actual support bases and support of pti and the real opinions of pti supporters despite pti supportrrs being most vocal about what they want and what their goals are
Pti supporters in the past ignored them on social media the psuedos thought creating a shit storm on social media would launch some sort of movement that they could latch on to they didnt realize an absolute majority of urban youngsters were with pti the new voter ruined their plans now they dont know how to interact with opponents outside their echo chambers
And what scares tjem the most is that Khan is giving his voters what they asked for they never realized after all their hard work nationalist narrative would still be popular among the youth and that young voters would actually elect someone who would revamp the justice system, bureaucratic system, governance system and steam roll the old guard in the process
For a long arse time they were busy dissing pti and its supporters they were lied to by fake news media about the actual support bases and support of pti and the real opinions of pti supporters despite pti supportrrs being most vocal about what they want and what their goals are
Pti supporters in the past ignored them on social media the psuedos thought creating a shit storm on social media would launch some sort of movement that they could latch on to they didnt realize an absolute majority of urban youngsters were with pti the new voter ruined their plans now they dont know how to interact with opponents outside their echo chambers
And what scares tjem the most is that Khan is giving his voters what they asked for they never realized after all their hard work nationalist narrative would still be popular among the youth and that young voters would actually elect someone who would revamp the justice system, bureaucratic system, governance system and steam roll the old guard in the process

These secular-liberal "feminist" traitors just hate Pakistan and everything we stand for. Just follow their twitter feed. Holy hell! They talk like American officials giving their insight onto Pakistani society. Utter disgust, hatred, and looking down upon Pakistani narrative, our local culture, our religious traditions and so on. Not only that, some of these losers even defend India and Indian narrative and openly state "division of India was a crime" at the same time when Muslims are being butchered and literally urinated upon just because they might have been transferring a cow!!!

F*cking rascals :angry::angry:

During Iranian revolution, there were people who were supporting the Shah as he was butchering Iranians in the street---why? Because these Iranians liked Shah's "western values" and "enlightened secularism" (and didn't care about the millions of their fellow countrymen getting oppressed by the same Shah).

Ali Shariati, a leading Iranian intellectual who stood up against the Shah and later was killed, called such folks and this phenomenon as "Westoxification".....that is, you are SO BLINDED by the hatred of your own people, and so impacted by Western colonialism psychologically---that you'd destroy your own families, peoples, and cultures just to get a cultural approval/validation from your 'masters' (Westerners). It's almost a 'toxification' impacting people's brains. Western world has a lot to teach...scientific advance, rule of law, merit-based society, justice for everyone etc etc.....but there's a difference between that and Westoxification (Ali Shariati was a Western-educated man like Jinnah himself. His dressing and style was also very Western and not at all 'Islamic' during the Islamic revolution).

The overwhelming majority of these secular-minded, liberal, feminist people in Pakistan fit right in the category of what Ali Shariati referred to as "Westoxification"...These same people hated Bushra Bibi and called her 'backward and oppressed' because she wore a Burka and used exactly same terminology and insulting referrences as right-wing, ulta-conservative Westerners make against Muslim dress-code here in the West.

Just imagine!!

@Kaptaan @Zarvan @Oscar @Horus @waz @Rashid Mahmood @Windjammer @farhan_9909 @Slav Defence @Hyperion @WebMaster @Stealth @ghazi52 @django @Zibago @Umair Nawaz @IceCold@Maarkhoor @Dazzler @Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Bilal Khan 777 @war&peace @HRK @araz @DESERT FIGHTER @fatman17 @Zaki @Irfan Baloch @Jango @CommandEleven @TaimiKhan @blain2 @balixd@Side-Winder @Bratva @The Deterrent @WAJsal @Donatello @abdulbarijan @Armstrong @Jungibaaz@notorious_eagle @niaz @The Eagle @Secur
These secular-liberal "feminist" traitors just hate Pakistan and everything we stand for
What ideology?They have no ideology they use religion to target others when it suits them and become uber secular when it does not
They call women prostitutes when it suits them and side with misogynist juif and when it does not they become uber liberal and call for removal of Niqab over nation,s image
They talk like American officials giving their insight onto Pakistani society.
They have no ideology they dont care about women rights,minority rights or provincial autonomy the young voter has seen through the bs and has given pti a heavy mandate
PTI has a national mandate has support among all ethnic groups
All religious groups
All income groups
A heavy mandate was also given to pti by women in many regions greater than the mandate given to them by men
All age groups
And people of varying educational groups

Hussain Haqqani should eat shit and die
@PakSword @django @BHarwana @Shane @Mentee @Indus Pakistan
.These same people hated Bushra Bibi and called her 'backward and oppressed' because she wore a Burka and used exactly same terminology and insulting referrences as right-wing, ulta-conservative Westerners make against Muslim dress-code here in the West.
They called women in dharnas prostitutes they dont care about freedom they hate Pakistan they slander all those who stand for it
From a neutral point of view, whosoever Governs Pakistan; populace been expecting reforms/betterment/ development/human resource & infrastructure in country. The question arises that do I have any personal enmity or grudge against Nawaz or Zardari? The answer is plain & simple that NO. It was their wrong doing & all injustice which made people to rise against them.

Imran Khan is Prime Minister now and I don't see anyone saying that if he does something wrong; will let him go merely because of personal likes or dislike. However, as far as I observe, people use to same feudal system of personal gains-relationship-support-influence & reference to solve issues; are the most in panic. This lot is not much in numbers or majority but still, as they cry or shout too much hence, trying to paint it as something wrong being done. Interestingly, there is less logical argument but more of like someone is just completing his/her shift, proving it to be Halal income while participating into such discussion over internet through different mediums though, social media at top of that.

I would personally advise that in these times, there is no need to take everything as such so serious coming especially from those who use to praise people like Nawaz & Zardari despite all their wrong doings. The current annoying opposition by such people is yet another certificate of acknowledgment that indeed, there is something happened which actually broke stereotype chain & brought a change into system where people feels hopeful.

Lets see as only hard work, dedication & devotion would prove PTI performance which in my opinion, its top leadership itself acknowledges & is aware as such that mere talks or TV interviews aren't going to suffice now.

Hope for the best & wish best of luck. But before that; we must evaluate ourselves that are we into this for Pakistan and ourselves or not because, neither PPPP nor PMLN and not even PTI can do anything alone until & unless public help it out the way they did in Election 2018.
That swine Taha "Bourne" Siddiqui has never ever mentioned (not even once) the blatant human rights violations in IOK, on rare occasion he mentions Palestinians but never ever Kashmiris, Wonder why?....In regards to Ayesha Ijaz Khan (unlike Siddiqui she is pleasant to look at ;)), all her tweets indicate a deep hatred for all things related to Pak army and PTI, the beauty needs to rein it in for the likes of her are destined to be on the wrong side of history, no question about it.Kudos Zibago
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