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Pressure mounts on India to call out China for Covid as it readies to take lead role at WHO

As a son of a harlot country, let me remind you that from 1947 until 1962, the harlot was a virgin, avoiding the company of all who desired her. The result was rape. So today, the likes of the suave and elegant @SIPRA call her a harlot.
Between 1947-1962, She was quite seductive though.
That is what happens to a harlot without a pimp. As your friend with his vast experience in these matters has shared with us, we now have a reckless harlot. She will not last long.

Completely agree. There are other things I can say, but alas, I lack the robust, earthy approach of our friend.
You don’t need to be offended, The example used here is actually translated to English while this example of a harlot is very common usually in my country as a part of speech.

In the end, It is a forum and another post out of some 1-2million posts.

Give a better example to refer to in place of the earlier example. Something that sounds decent in political terms instead of a wh__e.

OK. I have modified my post and deleted the offensive content.
Good job.

There are trolls on pdf then there are some decent people, Joe isn’t a troll so he falls in the decent category.

In the end, India as a “Country” is not to be blamed but the nation, Gov and Military is to be...

So in the end, We can converse with decency, (I know you didn’t mean any offense and that The example is sort of a regular use example and not specific to India).
So in the end, We can converse with decency, (I know you didn’t mean any offense and that The example is sort of a regular use example and not specific to India).

I made that comment, in fact, in a lighter vein, as is my routine. I very rarely enter into a bitter or offensive argument. But, since, it is, no doubt, offensive to Indians; I have removed it.
I made that comment, in fact, in a lighter vein, as is my routine. I very rarely enter into a bitter or offensive argument. But, since, it is, no doubt, offensive to Indians; I have removed it.
Indeed, I know the nature of you, You aren’t the hot headed guy like MK, So obviously you were just using the word lightly.
@SIPRA @Mentee @viva_zhao @beijingwalker @StormBreaker @Blacklight @Ace of Spades @masterchief_mirza @N.Siddiqui @serenity

It would a true test of India whether it has become an IndpendentActor / a Great Regional Power ....and certainly, a valuable component of the CombinedWest agaisnt China.???

Will India avail its position in WHO to put pressure on China to get deal for itself on Ladakh?

Will India follow the script/line of the CombinedWest and create pressure on China for ChinaContainment strategy?

Or Will India just let it pass and take a homeopathic approach of trying to please all the Actors?

A test of India nontheless!

The amount of money laundered from India is far higher than Pakistan ....yet Pakistan is GreyList...but FATF hasn't put India on the WatchList ....yet! @HRK .... and UAE is on the WatchList...
India is sway at least for now, to maximize their interest. Making India stand against China is in US interest, but not India's interest.
India is an unwise country.

I don't think Indonesia will follow a similar suit.

Indonesia still has sanity.

Besides pandemic could be happening everywhere and anytime.

Since our knowledge into the animal world is very limited.

It's the thing that we still don't have control over it.

Next time, it could happen in India.

Even in the place where you don't ever think about.

When was the last time something like this happened?
100 hundred years ago that is. It is not something that just happens every few years.

All that fair people are asking is for a full investigation from UN/WHO and for full co-operation from China to allow this to happen.

After-all, China has nothing to hide and so should have no problems should it with this?
@SIPRA @Mentee @viva_zhao @beijingwalker @StormBreaker @Blacklight @Ace of Spades @masterchief_mirza @N.Siddiqui @serenity

It would a true test of India whether it has become an IndpendentActor / a Great Regional Power ....and certainly, a valuable component of the CombinedWest agaisnt China.???

Will India avail its position in WHO to put pressure on China to get deal for itself on Ladakh?

Will India follow the script/line of the CombinedWest and create pressure on China for ChinaContainment strategy?

Or Will India just let it pass and take a homeopathic approach of trying to please all the Actors?

A test of India nontheless!

The amount of money laundered from India is far higher than Pakistan ....yet Pakistan is GreyList...but FATF hasn't put India on the WatchList ....yet! @HRK .... and UAE is on the WatchList...

India made her policies and narratives around terrorism vis a vis Pakistan and Kashmir; this is gonna fade away; but the problem is as the islamic terrorism narrative fades away and the focus shifts towards china, how's it gonna sustain. But to keep it relevant, india will play it around CPEC, @Mangus Ortus Novem a win win for both narratives. This time around it's not gonna be possible for India to evade what she got herself in to... India has to tow the line of US; she doesn't have a choice.
A very correct assessment.

Just to expand and give it a broader context...

India had had a freehand in Kabulistan for 20yrs.... from The Monkey we caught to APS ... 80k PakLives and $220Bln loss to PakEconomy...later... with full go-ahead of the CombinedWest the FacistRegime did the paper annexation of IoJK....

Apart from lipservice NOTHING tangible was/is done by the CombinedWest, knowing full well about Crimes Against Humanity and WarCrimes by the brave IndianArmy!

Balakot was okayed and encouraged
.... SwiftRetort was a Shock to more than the good Indians!

is still hanging around our necks ....while the same FATF won't go into moneylaundering by the good Indians or the finances of legions of Hindutva organisation and their money gathering from the same CombinedWest!

CPEC = China and Pakistan

Warnings about TwoFrontWar or threats of attacking GB/AJK needs to be seen in their proper context.

While the pressure mounts on China in SouthChinaSea and INS is now geared towards 'confronting' PLAN in AfroAsian/AfroPakOcean .... naturally, India will comply with the CombinedWest and mount pressure through WHO and from its own media...


I am not sure about the Win-Win calculus... we need more data to come to this conclusion....

The War of Terror imposed on Pakistan provided India the years of economic growth
...but now Kabulistan being dumped by the US... terrorism in Pakistan will reduce to minor incedences....

As you have seen IoJK is getting hotter and it will continue... FATF still there.. so some timely IndianFalseFlag will benefit India in its pursuit of keeping Pak in the GreyList... and being in the greylist means... no investments!

My sense is that India is very serious in attacking GB/AJK and cutting of China from Pakistan... at least it desires so...

Tibet is China's Palm. Five fingers you know already!

XinJiang is China's Soft Underbelly.

What does CPEC makes Pakistan to China?

As the CombinedWest mounts its Hybridwar on China to retard its Rise or Contain it... India is a vital component of this strategy.... so, yes, India will comply....and yes, it has NO other choice...as it has repead enormus economic, financial and geopolitical benefits from the support of the CombinedWest.

India needs now to prove on which side it stands.... because if it falters... oh, the HumanRightsViolations, MinorityRights, ReligiousFreedom and of course, FATF... many, many PolicyInstruements in the hands of the CombinedWest to make India follow the Script!

China is also not oblivious to the India's Game... so far the Chinese are keeping the ThickFace... FiveFingers!

Win-Win... ..not sure ... stakes for India are higher now...and this time no more free lunches... Delivery time!


Paa Jee: Never exclude from your calculus the factor that India lacks courage and is of too calculating dispensation. This has created problem for them in past and would in future as well, in their relations with West. Their fundamental psyche, at the state level, is that of a lynching mob. They need too many props, to carry out any dangerous venture.

That was one of the Data point...implied as well.

When the CombinedWest decides to give the danda .... trust me ShupremeLeeder Modi will dance on his hands...

Indians will do as they are told. They will follow the Script!


Yes. But West cannot convert a vulture into falcon.:lol::lol::lol:
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