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Pressure mounting on Hindus to quit their homes in Mehmoodabad


Mar 6, 2009
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A constant shadow of threat looms large over Hindu residents of an informal settlement in Mehmoodabad since the area’s influential locals started pressurising them to evacuate the locality.

The settlement named Basti Guru Bagh, which houses more than 100 Hindu families, is situated near Junejo Town and Rehman Colony, and falls under the jurisdiction of the Baloch Colony police station.

Primarily hailing from District Ghotki, the Hindu residents said they had been living in Basti Guru Bagh since the 1960s. However, they added, influential locals, with the help of Muslim clerics, had been trying to push them into evacuating the area.

“In the past few months we have been feeling threatened. Electricity and water connections of our houses were also cut recently,” said Shiva Dharni, a women’s community leader.

“Land grabbers have been eyeing the plot our settlement is built on. They want to sell it by forcibly expelling us, for which they can go to any lengths.”

The Hindu residents also fear that the land grabbers have been persuading Muslim clerics to help them on the pretext of blasphemy, causing further problems for the minority community.

The settlement largely comprises a cluster of small, wooden huts and semi-pukka abodes, providing residence for the impoverished Hindu families. In the past few years, a number of houses have twice been mysteriously torched.

There is also a temple in Basti Guru Bagh, where the non-governmental Initiator Human Development Foundation (IHDF) runs a school for the children of the settlement.

IHDF head Rana Asif Habib told The News that the community’s concerns regarding their security were genuine, lamenting that the authorities, especially the police, were not taking the issue seriously.

“It is, in fact, a serious issue. It is the state’s responsibility to protect the vulnerable communities and stop non-state actors from pressurising the utility bodies into cutting electricity and water connections,” he said.

We have a number of recent examples of mob violence against non-Muslims, in which the police have totally failed to protect the members of the communities.”

Interviews with Muslim residents living around the settlement corroborated with the Hindu community’s concerns. “Presence of Hindu settlements among Muslim-majority neighbourhoods has been causing social and religious issues. It’s high time they were removed,” said a local. He also maligned the characters of Hindu girls.

Another resident said the Hindu community had illegally occupied the amenity plot reserved for the social welfare of the locals. Yet another resident claimed that he had been shown in a “vision” that a mosque was supposed to be where the Hindu temple currently stood.

Dr Nadeem, vice-chairperson of the Manzoor Colony union committee, told The News that he was unaware of the situation in the settlement.

“The Hindu community has been living in the area with Muslims in harmony since the 1970s. I keep in touch with them, and I think there’s no such issue.”

Baloch Colony SHO Abdullah Bhutto told The News that the case of the plot in question was pending in court. “Since the matter is in court, I can’t comment on it.”

He, however, said that there was no law and order issue between the Muslims and members of the Hindu community residing in Basti Guru Bagh.

They are Hindus in Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

By now they should know their worth and move to India. If they don't, then they themselves are responsible for what happens to them - like their daughters getting kidnapped and 'married away'.

The Govt. of India is no longer run by Anti-Hindus aka Congress. We will take them.
Will India also accept Pakistani Hindus from lower cast ? Like dalits
They are Hindus in Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

They do live in an Islamic republic.

But they would never face pogroms like Gujarat or Muzaffarnagar.

This is a small issue and if they leave their ancestral homes for a third world county like India just because of this small issue then it would be their blunder. Anyways it is their choice.

Since we are not hate filled bigots like you Hindus of India, we would support them in whatever way possible against these land grabbers.
Hindu Muslim can't live together, it's the very fundamental ideology behind the creation of Pakistan. Isn't this incident diluting the idea of Pakistan?
My advance condolences for what they are putting a fight.
At least in India they have the chance to retaliate or organize themselves which evens the odds but in case of pakistan it is nothing but doom.
You find solace in that ? So you agree that they get raped, discriminated and treated like shit.
They have to wear perfume to meet their own CM. Just like how english back then used to treat or forefathers. Lol
Shameless pathetic
You find solace in that ? So you agree that they get raped, discriminated and treated like shit.
They have to wear perfume to meet their own CM. Just like how english back then used to treat or forefathers. Lol
Shameless pathetic
No system is perfect, but one the which levels the field and gives every one a fair chance to succeed or retaliate is a better one. Rest of your comments are just plain ranting & raving not worth my time.
No system is perfect, but one the which levels the field and gives every one a fair chance to succeed or retaliate is a better one. Rest of your comments are just plain ranting & raving not worth my time.
Fairmchance ?? By becoming Muslims?
Fair chance by throwing away Hindu deities in river ?

Treat them at least like human before commenting
A constant shadow of threat looms large over Hindu residents of an informal settlement in Mehmoodabad since the area’s influential locals started pressurising them to evacuate the locality.

The settlement named Basti Guru Bagh, which houses more than 100 Hindu families, is situated near Junejo Town and Rehman Colony, and falls under the jurisdiction of the Baloch Colony police station.

Primarily hailing from District Ghotki, the Hindu residents said they had been living in Basti Guru Bagh since the 1960s. However, they added, influential locals, with the help of Muslim clerics, had been trying to push them into evacuating the area.

“In the past few months we have been feeling threatened. Electricity and water connections of our houses were also cut recently,” said Shiva Dharni, a women’s community leader.

“Land grabbers have been eyeing the plot our settlement is built on. They want to sell it by forcibly expelling us, for which they can go to any lengths.”

The Hindu residents also fear that the land grabbers have been persuading Muslim clerics to help them on the pretext of blasphemy, causing further problems for the minority community.

The settlement largely comprises a cluster of small, wooden huts and semi-pukka abodes, providing residence for the impoverished Hindu families. In the past few years, a number of houses have twice been mysteriously torched.

There is also a temple in Basti Guru Bagh, where the non-governmental Initiator Human Development Foundation (IHDF) runs a school for the children of the settlement.

IHDF head Rana Asif Habib told The News that the community’s concerns regarding their security were genuine, lamenting that the authorities, especially the police, were not taking the issue seriously.

“It is, in fact, a serious issue. It is the state’s responsibility to protect the vulnerable communities and stop non-state actors from pressurising the utility bodies into cutting electricity and water connections,” he said.

We have a number of recent examples of mob violence against non-Muslims, in which the police have totally failed to protect the members of the communities.”

Interviews with Muslim residents living around the settlement corroborated with the Hindu community’s concerns. “Presence of Hindu settlements among Muslim-majority neighbourhoods has been causing social and religious issues. It’s high time they were removed,” said a local. He also maligned the characters of Hindu girls.

Another resident said the Hindu community had illegally occupied the amenity plot reserved for the social welfare of the locals. Yet another resident claimed that he had been shown in a “vision” that a mosque was supposed to be where the Hindu temple currently stood.

Dr Nadeem, vice-chairperson of the Manzoor Colony union committee, told The News that he was unaware of the situation in the settlement.

“The Hindu community has been living in the area with Muslims in harmony since the 1970s. I keep in touch with them, and I think there’s no such issue.”

Baloch Colony SHO Abdullah Bhutto told The News that the case of the plot in question was pending in court. “Since the matter is in court, I can’t comment on it.”

He, however, said that there was no law and order issue between the Muslims and members of the Hindu community residing in Basti Guru Bagh.

I hope they choose to come over to Bharat. What's left of it that is.

At least in India they have the chance to retaliate or organize themselves which evens the odds but in case of pakistan it is nothing but doom.
Everybody KNOWS that.
Oh is it ?
The incidents in saharanpur paint the picture otherwise

Just very few incidents does not make some community marginalized, infact dalits have become ministers and businessmen, can pakistan tell same for its caste members.

True. Particularly dalits of Saharanpur are living a life like in a heaven.

They would consider it would be but can the hindus, sikhs, shias ahmadis and christians feel like heaven in pakistan.
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