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Pressure mounting on Hindus to quit their homes in Mehmoodabad

Yes, we see your support for Pakistani Hindus when their women are kidnapped regularly. Even Courts of the Islamic Republic donot grant relief.

You see, We in India understand the Pakistanis well. And the facades they like to put up.

We hate and oppose those who kidnap Hindu women don't make them our PM or CM like you guys and our courts try to provide relief whenever possible. Obviously if some Hindu girl doesn't want to go back to her previous religion, our courts can't force them since they are not kangaroo courts like yours.

And what you see in Pakistanis is your own reflection. You are the most racist and hate filled people in this world. WE are far better than you. Don't even dare compare your filthy self to us.
And people wonder why 5000+ Pakistani hindus migrate to India every year.
To face Genocide? Like we have faced in 1984.

Khalistani with Indian Flag -- one more Joke of the Day !!

Please accept my Congratulations -- you can live in your Dream World of Bhindrawale`s Illusion.

Yes 1984 was wrong -- But what we did after was worse...
During rule of Sikh kings read what we did ??

False Identity and an Confused mind will only serve Pakistans goals

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Khalistani with Indian Flag -- one more Joke of the Day !!

Please accept my Congratulations -- you can live in your Dream World of Bhindrawale`s Illusion.

Yes 1984 was wrong -- But what we did after was worse...
During rule of Sikh kings read what we did ??

False Identity and an Confused mind will only serve Pakistans goals

See how much we are different than Sufron Lungeez, even they didn't accept our free thinking and right of free speech even accusing me false flag.

Khalistan is a reality and soon with the help of hinduvta barbarism we will get our free land.
See how much we are different than Sufron Lungeez, even they didn't accept our free thinking and right of free speech even accusing me false flag.

Khalistan is a reality and soon with the help of hinduvta barbarism we will get our free land.

Congratulations Sir. You Can live in your Dream .....

My Gurus didnt give me this Teaching...

Jai Hind
so this is how war against hinduism will be won ! ( as per some eminent PDF member)
Hindu community deserves better I suggest resettle them in homes of these Foreign Funded NGOs like Jibran Nasir and jokers like him. @Zibago Sand man and other American sponsored ppl, Qadiyanis and Ghamdi followers will also give them a room in their house. This will help them get more honours and more dollars with the hindu community getting better life than what they have.

Yes, I have no issue giving my fellow humans space in my house. Unfortunately I am not rich enough to give that to thousands of people.

As for dollars, I only deal in £££s.
@Zibago Sand man and other American sponsored ppl, Qadiyanis and Ghamdi followers will also give them a room in their house.
Yes we care about Pakistan and Pakistanis (every Pakistani is equal to us doesn't matter what their religion/race is) unlike you people for whom ummah comes first but not everyone is like you living in a fantasy world for us it's Pakistan first! you hear that Pakistan first and don't drag me in your 3rd grade childish posts which are full of conspiracy theories and BS next time and it's still thousand times better to be a follower of Javed Ahmad Ghamidi than being a follower of the criminal, murderer qadri.
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