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Press TV muslim anchor arrested in the US on unspecified charges

Being a US citizen, if you work for Press TV, IRNA, Sputnik, RT, China Daily, Xinhua, Tasnim news or ITAR Tass etc..........you could get arrested and charged with treason.
Quit the propaganda mate ... she is a naturalized Iranian citizen
she renounced her American nationality sometime ago
Not an isolated incident:

Alaska jail sued for feeding Muslims pork, starving them in Ramadan

Muslim inmates at a jail in the US state of Alaska are being “starved” and given pork products during Ramadan, a new lawsuit claims.

For one thing, Muslim prisoners are given food with substantially lower calories compared to other inmates, said the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in the federal lawsuit filed on Wednesday.

“Officials at the Anchorage Correctional Complex have provided Muslim inmates with less than half the calories they require -- as little as 500 calories on some days – which amounts to a starvation diet.”

#CAIR Lawsuit: Alaska Muslim prisoners being given meager food, pork products during Ramadan

A nonprofit that advocates for the civil rights of... https://t.co/t2GzQey98U

— CAIR National (@CAIRNational) May 23, 2018
Muslims observing the holy month eat and drink only between sundown and sunrise, but the inmates fall victim to discriminatory behavior from authorities who deny them Halal meals.

This is while officials at the prison are constitutionally forbidden from “compelling inmates to choose between their faith and food.”

“We hope that a court will do what Anchorage Correctional Complex officials will not: ensure that Muslim inmates are not starved or forced to violate the principles of their faith during the holy month of Ramadan,” Lena Masri, the national litigation director for CAIR, said in a statement.

The Alaska Department of Corrections has not yet commented on the lawsuit.

CAIR has demanded a court order for “adequate nutrition, free of pork products” for the prisoners.


With a national policy of forcing innocent Muslims at Gitmo to listen to a song call, 'F**K Your God!' to break the Muslims, forcing Muslims to eat pork is a step up from that.

Let's wait for the charges to be made public. Due process must be followed.

Due Process = Fraud in Amerikka. What happens is they kidnap/ 'lock you up' for two years of torture and then try to get you to admit your 'guilt' when you are innocent and the thugs in 'blue' know you are innocent. Then for not signing a 'plea' deal, after two years, they have trumped/fakes up 'charges' against you in 'court', where you get sentenced to 50 years of being sodomized.

Welcome to Amerikka, land of thuggery and terrorism. And the only thugs and terrorists are the Washington criminals.

There is Freedom in North Korea, not in Amerikka.

This is what the thugs will try to do to the PressTV journalist:

Russia accusing the US of breaking her down in solitary confinement.

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yeah but visiting ill family member who is one his deathbed don't mean you torture someone like this.

And of course this has to do with her being muslim and black and working for Press TV.

Quit the propaganda mate ... she is a naturalized Iranian citizen
she renounced her American nationality sometime ago
Being a US citizen

This bodes ill for American Muslims.

If you are muslim and a US citizen.......then they show no mercy.

1) she is not a US citizen
2) Lots of muslims in US living peacefully and with full rights, many are on the forum, you can check with them
3) the political issues are what cause these,has nothing to do with being a Muslim - has mostly to do with Iran-US relations.
4) she was arrested by the FBI from st louis airport.

quit the propaganda about US being harmful to muslims and such. Muslims have a more porsperous life here than many places in the world. the current issue with the reporter- its a political thing - you know it too. you just want to incite the religious angle.
yeah but visiting ill family member who is one his deathbed don't mean you torture someone like this.

And of course this has to do with her being muslim and black and working for Press TV.

she will have her day in court
Iranian TV Issues Statement on Anchor’s Detention in US
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian English-language Press TV released a statement with regard to the detention and imprisonment of its anchorwoman Marzieh Hashemi in the United States.

Press TV’s statement, issued on Wednesday about Ms. Hashemi, who has been imprisoned in Washington on bogus charges, is as follows:

PressTV would like to hereby express its strong protest at the recent apprehension and violent treatment of Ms. Marzieh Hashemi, born Melanie Franklin in the United States, who is currently serving as an anchor for the English-language television news network.

A female African-American international journalist, a mother and a grandmother, Ms. Hashemi has traveled to the United States to visit her family members, including her brother, who is suffering from cancer. She was, however, arrested at St. Louis Lambert International Airport in St. Louise, Missouri on January 13, 2019 by US police, and transferred by FBI agents to a detention center in Washington, D.C.

Ms. Hashemi has told her family in a phone conversation last night that she has been subjected to violent and abusive treatment from the very onset as described below:

- Ms. Hashemi is yet to be arraigned or given a reason for her detention and imprisonment. She, herself, is at a loss to know why she should ever face apprehension.

- Her family members were kept completely in the dark about her situation for two straight days following the arrest.

- Immediately after arrest, she was forced to remove her hijab (the head covering for Muslim women) even though the authorities knew about her being a Muslim. They allowed her only a T-shirt to wear, with her forearms being exposed against Islamic law. She was even photographed in that state.

- The authorities running the detention facility have paid no heed to her religious preferences, despite her repeated protests.

- She has been forced to use another T-shirt to cover her head so as to remain observant of Islamic values.

- She has been denied halal food (food permissible under Islamic law), being offered only pork as meal and not even bread, which she has requested to avoid the meat. Ms. Hashemi has had nothing to eat other than a packet of crackers since her apprehension. The resulting malnutrition, compounded by cold weather conditions, has made her weak and infirm.

- Her current feeble health condition necessitates urgent medical attention.

- The United States government is accountable for any potential harm or hazard that would affect Ms. Hashemi’s mental or physical condition.

Accordingly, as part of the media community, we expect that all international media outlets set about relaying this affair without delay.

We, further, call for the immediate and unconditional release of Ms. Hashemi, and for the US government to apologize to both the journalist and the international media community for her treatment.


Iranian TV Issues Statement on Anchor’s Detention in US
TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian English-language Press TV released a statement with regard to the detention and imprisonment of its anchorwoman Marzieh Hashemi in the United States.

Press TV’s statement, issued on Wednesday about Ms. Hashemi, who has been imprisoned in Washington on bogus charges, is as follows:

PressTV would like to hereby express its strong protest at the recent apprehension and violent treatment of Ms. Marzieh Hashemi, born Melanie Franklin in the United States, who is currently serving as an anchor for the English-language television news network.

A female African-American international journalist, a mother and a grandmother, Ms. Hashemi has traveled to the United States to visit her family members, including her brother, who is suffering from cancer. She was, however, arrested at St. Louis Lambert International Airport in St. Louise, Missouri on January 13, 2019 by US police, and transferred by FBI agents to a detention center in Washington, D.C.

Ms. Hashemi has told her family in a phone conversation last night that she has been subjected to violent and abusive treatment from the very onset as described below:

- Ms. Hashemi is yet to be arraigned or given a reason for her detention and imprisonment. She, herself, is at a loss to know why she should ever face apprehension.

- Her family members were kept completely in the dark about her situation for two straight days following the arrest.

- Immediately after arrest, she was forced to remove her hijab (the head covering for Muslim women) even though the authorities knew about her being a Muslim. They allowed her only a T-shirt to wear, with her forearms being exposed against Islamic law. She was even photographed in that state.

- The authorities running the detention facility have paid no heed to her religious preferences, despite her repeated protests.

- She has been forced to use another T-shirt to cover her head so as to remain observant of Islamic values.

- She has been denied halal food (food permissible under Islamic law), being offered only pork as meal and not even bread, which she has requested to avoid the meat. Ms. Hashemi has had nothing to eat other than a packet of crackers since her apprehension. The resulting malnutrition, compounded by cold weather conditions, has made her weak and infirm.

- Her current feeble health condition necessitates urgent medical attention.

- The United States government is accountable for any potential harm or hazard that would affect Ms. Hashemi’s mental or physical condition.

Accordingly, as part of the media community, we expect that all international media outlets set about relaying this affair without delay.

We, further, call for the immediate and unconditional release of Ms. Hashemi, and for the US government to apologize to both the journalist and the international media community for her treatment.



I like to know why the FBI arrested her. By law FBI has to tell her what is she charged for
Maybe someone should refresh the memory of people around here on what the US routinely does to people at gitmo and what they did to mostly innocent people at Abu Ghraib.

US feels like it can oppress blacks, esp black Muslims, in the worse and most inhumane ways.

One step away from absolute fascism and apartheid.

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