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President Zardari's $60 million, AND NO TO PAKISTAN!


Jan 28, 2008
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United States
president Zardari's60 million USD$$, AND NO TO PAKISTAN!

pakistan, is facing its toughest test, financialy, socialy, politicly,its external relationships with friends. president asif zardari's vists to , UK, US & CHINA, cannot find any goods for pakistan in any direction why?
because, crupt reputation of president (asif zaradri) is the biggest hurddle,
no country belives, that he is mr, clean, or their any kind of help, will be good for common pakistani peoples.

even friends of pakistan, are affraid of this fact!
plz , open your thoughts & write good posts!
Zardari has served jailed in Pakistan on corruption charges by Sharif govt.
He had faced similar charges in various European countries. He used NRO and State of Pakistan and forced Swiss govt. to drop his cases.
He has played dirty tricks during his hearings.
He has put up fake medical certificates to deceive their judicial system.
He prepared fake educational transcripts to take part in general elections.
He has appointed all his past corruption cronies in key ministries.
Altaf Hussain of MQM is living in UK because he was afraid of being killed by PPP and now Zardari and Altaf both are more than brothers. Don't you think world is watching their drama?
Zardari became rich once during BB's regime and once again now when PPP again took over. Does this tells us any story.
He has converted and sent billions out of Pakistan since his new rule where as state bank of Pakistan is made to compensate the offset he created.
He is suspected to be the murderer of Bhutto family, incl. his wife.
He has connections with TTP via Afghan and Indian state machinireis.
His best friends like India and Hamid Karzai had been the biggest enimies of Pakistan.
Now again his own acts to go and ask the world for more loans on higher credit ratings.
He is there to sell Pakistan.
Zardari as President of Pakistan only send one message to the world and that is 'PAKISTAN-FOR SALE'.
Oh, I forgot to mention.
He is busy killing his political opponents as we speak.
Look what happened to the people who demanded to not to loot them in the name of excessive utility bills! Even the darest of media tycoon are aware of his capabilities and did not bother the attorocities he ordered to those who dare to protest against his usuall thugry in the name of utility bills and wheat hording.
Thousands of FIR has been registered against PML-Q since he became President.
He is only there to indimidate those who care for Pakistan and try to do good for it.
He is enemy of Pakistan and all patriots of Pakistan.
He will eleiminate every single person who love Pakistan and Pakistan will soon be left with bunch of selfish thugs.
I simly want him not only to return the 20£billion which he has stolen from state exchequre but also return the money which he has transfered abroad in the past regime of his wife.
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I also forgot to mention the advantage he has created for anti Pakistan elements by devaluing Pakistan's currency to almost 80%.
Now it is very cheap to carry out terror activities in Pakistan so now TTP can train and house more sucide bombers than before.
All thanks to MR. ZAR DARI.
Batman sir,
I think personality of leader matters a lot..I am sure its impossible for Zardari to convince CHina to give loan.He does not even have good speaking skills.
This is also the fact that world govts. know about him and his patriotism towards Pakistan.
World alos knows the circumstances which made him party cheif and later President.
His sense less speeches can only be hailed by Pakistan media but cannot work on world leader.
I'm sure enimies of Pakistan will support him fully so that his regime may be prolonged.
US knows very well what he is because they heleped him in winning elections.
Remember when P. Musharraf announced elections it was only US who never trusted him and its media people were asking same question to him again and again like stupids.
Actually, enimies of Pakistan does not want Pakistan to be ruled by wise guys.
I can bet you that IMF will never say no to give any sort of loan and if they do than let Zardari prove his point where he said Pakistan is not a private company.
Our nation must never forget that these so called political leaders are in Pakistan because of NRO.. other wise they were wanted by interpole.
This is also the fact that world govts. know about him and his patriotism towards Pakistan.
World alos knows the circumstances which made him party cheif and later President.
His sense less speeches can only be hailed by Pakistan media but cannot work on world leader.
I'm sure enimies of Pakistan will support him fully so that his regime may be prolonged.
US knows very well what he is because they heleped him in winning elections.
Remember when P. Musharraf announced elections it was only US who never trusted him and its media people were asking same question to him again and again like stupids.
Actually, enimies of Pakistan does not want Pakistan to be ruled by wise guys.
I can bet you that IMF will never say no to give any sort of loan and if they do than let Zardari prove his point where he said Pakistan is not a private company.
Our nation must never forget that these so called political leaders are in Pakistan because of NRO.. other wise they were wanted by interpole.

Dear big BATMAN; sir
plz keep up the good work.....:tup::agree:;)
What Should we do .... ? :cheesy: :yahoo: :flame:

We have very limited options.
The best of all my mind could think of is to make it a rule that no one will be allowed to contest the elections of PM or President if his parents have ever held the a.m. posts.
Same should be done with the party rules no one can be chairman if his parents have held the position ever.

In present situation, nation must demand for travel ban on our leaders until they bring back the looted money otherwise their immunity under NRO should be revoked and they should face the charges in courts.
IMO we are being deliberately pushed towards IMF by our friends like China, Saudi Arabia, Gulf States and US and the main reason is our present government's poor credibility and non-serious attitude towards "dollars" received. All friendly nations have past experiences with this PPP government and they are not willing to take any risk this time.

All "friendly nations" realize that the only body that can lend and can keep a strict eye on spending by GOP is IMF.
IMO we are being deliberately pushed towards IMF by our friends like China, Saudi Arabia, Gulf States and US and the main reason is our present government's poor credibility and non-serious attitude towards "dollars" received. All friendly nations have past experiences with this PPP government and they are not willing to take any risk this time.

All "friendly nations" realize that the only body that can lend and can keep a strict eye on spending by GOP is IMF.

You have a point here, not only all friendly but also non-friendly nations have experience with dealing both Sharif and BB regimes. Infect, during BB's regime they dealt with Zardari on many occasions.
France has openely acknowledged the kick backs issue with Zardari.
SGS Kotecna of Germany has been sending kickbacks to our present Hon. President.
Zardari while environment minister has not spared even multinational like ICI from his famous % tax.
One multinational from Europe (I'm not mentioning the name) came to Pakistan for investment and the mediatories from goP responded 'how can you benifit us'! Same company split their investment in Dubai and India.
He even tied bombs with the legs of overseas Pakistanis and this is not a joke.
Kidnapping of Chinese by red mosque and the role of PPP over the issue against the govt. of Musharraf and role of TTP in various other kidnaping of Chinese and its link with Zardari via Afghanistan and India!
Now his competence is also wide open, when he dramatically lost 20$billion from state reserves. Now he claims to change Pakistan's fate with 1 or 2 $billion sounds a joke.
Even if succeed to get loan from IMF which I'm damn sure he will is going to hurt Pakistan in long run and next govts. have to face it together with few more $ billions in the shape of deferred payments.
I still remember when Dar was his finance minister, immediately taking over his position he embarked on loan tour around the world and again China was the one who gave some loan but that guy was so stupid that he never even attempted to negotiate any terms. I hope Shaukat Tareen will perform better than him.
We have very limited options.
The best of all my mind could think of is to make it a rule that no one will be allowed to contest the elections of PM or President if his parents have ever held the a.m. posts.
Same should be done with the party rules no one can be chairman if his parents have held the position ever.

In present situation, nation must demand for travel ban on our leaders until they bring back the looted money otherwise their immunity under NRO should be revoked and they should face the charges in courts.

Dear BATMAN; sir
realy a super input!:tup::tup::tup:
Statement by IMF Managing Director Strauss-Kahn on Pakistan
Press Release No. 08/254
October 22, 2008

Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), issued the following statement today on Pakistan:

"The Pakistani authorities have requested discussions with the IMF on an economic program supported by financial assistance from the Fund to meet the balance of payments difficulties the country is experiencing as a result of high food and fuel prices and the global financial crisis. A Fund mission will begin discussions with the authorities in the next few days on a program aimed at strengthening economic stability and enhancing confidence in the financial system. The amount of Fund financing under a Stand-By Arrangement has yet to be determined. Financing could be made within framework of the Fund's Emergency Financing Mechanism.":undecided:

IMO we are being deliberately pushed towards IMF by our friends like China, Saudi Arabia, Gulf States and US and the main reason is our present government's poor credibility and non-serious attitude towards "dollars" received. All friendly nations have past experiences with this PPP government and they are not willing to take any risk this time.

All "friendly nations" realize that the only body that can lend and can keep a strict eye on spending by GOP is IMF.

I agree. We must realise and ask ourselves, why did King Abudullah on 21 Jan 2007 AWARD & CONFER the the highest Saudi top honor "King Abdul Aziz Medallion" to President Musharraf during a ceremony in Musharraf's honor? The first Pakistani leader to receive it?

Why did King Abdullah send his brother & intelligence head Prince Muqrin and Lebanese leader Saad Hariri to attend press conference in favor of Musharraf against Nawaz Sharif's alleged agreement?

They TRUSTED Musharraf!!! Musharraf was also internally Pro-Saudia and Pro-China.

Zardari & PPP are openly Pro-USA. They want the Chinese & Saudi money to implement strategic American plans. That cannot be.

Read Ahmed Qureshi's article to understand that Saudia and China do want to help us but they can't trust this government. GETTING IT RIGHT ON CHINA
The tragedy of Pakistan and Pakistanis is that we have to elect the worst from the worst. The elected worst politicians than select their head worst as 'President' as did PPP now. I am really dissapointed about Pakistan's future.

I have a question that why our leadership don't ask help from our own Pakistani brothers living in foreign countries? I am sure they will help their level best as they have done in the past. We should stop looking towards others help and will try to collect as much funds as we can from our own resources.

But above all we have to get rid of this Mr. 10% who is actually Mr. 100%

May GOD help us.

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