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President Zardari in Dubai for treatment;Speculations,True lies and Rumors

par jitna ****** insaan yeah Zardari hai iis say nai lagta k yeah easily resign kar dey ga :undecided:
Bilawal b zardai met with PM, yousaf raza, to discuss zardari health,
something is going on,


another thing is Rahman Malik meeting
Bilawal b zardai met with PM, yousaf raza, to discuss zardari health,
something is going on,


another thing is Rahman Malik meeting

Then freinds , Pretty soonthe next big head lines will "Pakistan ka mustaqbill kown ? Bilawal Bhutto Zardaari-Bilawal Bhutto Zardaari-Bilawal Bhutto Zardaari":yahoo::victory::victory::rofl::rofl:
I wish Pakistan can get rid of all Zardaris/Bhuttos and anyone associated with PPP.

PPP is a threat to Pakistan.

That Hussain Haqqani in the order of Zardari gave so many CIA operatives visas to operate in Pakistan.

The only way BB and Zardari returned back to Pakistan is because they promised America they would follow all of their commands if America helped them overthrow Musharraf.

These people should all stay away from Islamabad.

Do you mean to highlight that Musharraf was all independent and assertive without following Uncle Sams orders or influence??
Zardari may resign ANYTIME.
One year of army dictatorship to follow.
I am afraid he is not going anywhere, he just had angina or AMI, will resume his office once hes medically fit.
Zardari may resign ANYTIME.
One year of army dictatorship to follow.

I bet army wont jump in for at least another half a decade.. If you want to survive avoid any military coup.
So who'd be the next likely candidate if he resigns? His sister I presume? Army is not taking over though but they're using 'constitutional' means this time to over throw the president - the supreme court. Shall we expect General Elections in March 2012 then?
Just received a phone call from Pakistan...

News flash on TV reporting as Zardari has decided to resign. !!!

AAP kay mooonn mein ghee shakar. Mithai khilaon ga agar yeh khabar durast hui to - pakka wada
Pakistan president Zardari in Dubai for treatment as coup rumours intensify

The Guardian UK and World news User comments Web News
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Asif Ali Zardari
Pakistan president Zardari in Dubai for treatment as coup rumours intensify | World news | guardian.co.uk
Pakistan president Zardari in Dubai for treatment as coup rumours intensify Asif Ali Zardari's office says he is undergoing a routine checkup, dismissing reports he is set to quit after suffering a heart attack

reddit this Saeed Shah in Islamabad guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 7 December 2011 11.23 GMT larger | smaller Article history
Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari – rumours of a coup or resignation forced by the military have escalated in recent days. Photograph: Ishara S Kodikara/AFP/Getty
Pakistan's embattled president, Asif Zardari, has been hospitalised in Dubai with a heart condition, triggering speculation that it could be used as an excuse for him to step down amid growing pressure from the military.

A government adviser said Zardari had suffered a "minor heart attack", but this was at odds with the official spokesman for the president, who said the president had gone for routine tests for a pre-existing heart condition.

Rumours of a coup or a resignation forced by the military consumed the media and the internet, fuelled by an American media report that said Zardari was "incoherent" on Monday night during a telephone conversation with Barack Obama.

Zardari's son and political heir-apparent, Bilawal, met prime minister Yousaf Raza Gilani in Islamabad, adding to media hysteria about imminent change. Bilawal is chairman of the ruling Pakistan Peoples party.

The speculation hit a receptive, febrile political atmosphere, rocked by a diplomatic scandal and the recent jolt to relations with the US over the deaths of Pakistani soldiers at a border checkpost.

Pakistan has been ruled for half its existence by the military, and the armed forces have pulled the strings the rest of the time, meaning that the threat of coups are ever present .

Zardari's aides said he would not resign. The president is deeply unpopular with Pakistan's military establishment, which is widely believed to be behind repeated attempts to oust him.

"He had a minor heart attack on Tuesday. He flew to Dubai where he had an angioplasty. He's in good health now. He will come back tomorrow. There's no question of any resignation," Mustafa Khokhar, the government's adviser on human rights told the AFP news agency.

However, Farhatullah Babar, the president's spokesman, dismissed media speculation, saying that "Zardari is in a Dubai hospital for medical tests and checkup as planned".

The president is under pressure from the "memogate" scandal in Pakistan, where he is accused of being behind a written offer delivered to the US military leadership in the days after the raid on Osasma bin Laden in May this year. The anonymous memo offered to rein in the Pakistani military, in return for US support. Pakistan's former US ambassador and close Zardari aide, Husain Haqqani, has already been forced to resign over the issue and faces possible treason charges.

Ali Dayan Hasan, of Human Rights Watch, the international campaigning group, warned against any military intervention. "Constitutional rule of law must be followed and civilian supremacy must be maintained," he said. "Governance must be through genuine periodic elections."
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about 6 minutes ago
zardari is resining finally thankallah tallah but we have to remember he has to resign himself the chief of army staff should not kick him out since we need a voice for pakistan . because america is getting stronger and if they declare war. things will be tough . allah hafiz
nawaz sharif on this

Removal of PPP led govt necessary to protect country's sovereignty: Nawaz Submitted 2 hrs 26 mins ago

President Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) Mian Nawaz Sharif has said that failed and self-directed policies of sitting rulers have led the country to the verge of destruction and departure of PPP led allied government was vital to protect the country's sovereignty and stability.
He said this while speaking at a ceremony here in Lahore on Wednesday. On the occasion PML-Q former members assembly, Chaudhry Safdar Shakir, Ashraf Gul, Mazhar Gul and PPP ticket holder Roy Usman Kharral announced to join PML-N.
The political figures who joined PML-N posed their satisfaction in Nawaz leadership. They vowed to continue struggle for sovereignty and stability of country and serving people under the leaderships of N-League President.
Mian Nawaz Sharif said memogate scandal has exposed polices and misdeeds of PPP before the masses but it was trying to divert the attention of countrymen using one or other tactics.
He said that sitting government has lost its credibility among the masses and they didn't want to see PPP in power any more.
The PML-N President said that his party was working to restore masses trust in democracy which has been ruined the PPP and allied parties.
He said that countrymen were hurt worst by the sitting regime and they were forced to recall dictatorial regime which in their eyes remained much better than four year rule of democratic government.

Removal of PPP led govt necessary to protect country's sovereignty: Nawaz | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
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