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President Zardari in Dubai for treatment;Speculations,True lies and Rumors

Sometimes death is a blessing.
Last time I checked, it was NATO which attacked Gadhaffi
December 9, 2011

Pakistan President Zardari to stay under medical observation in Dubai

Pakistan President, who has undergone medical tests, will not be returning home immediately

Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari will continue to be under medical observation in Dubai for some more days and it may last even more than two weeks before he returns home, Gulf News has learnt.

Zardari, who was admitted in the American Hospital in Dubai on Tuesday night, was moved from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to a room on Thursday, his close aide in the hospital said. He also underwent some more tests on Thursday for the third consecutive day.

"President Zardari's condition is stable, he is OK," said presidential spokesman Farhatullah Babar.

Officials at the Pakistan Embassy were unable to say when the president will return home and declined to comment further.

"It can take two days or even more than two weeks, it all depends on what doctors advise him," one of his aides told Gulf News. He may leave the hospital and rest in his house under observation of doctors, but we want him to stay here because he needs rest," he said.

After speculations died down of Zardari's resignation on the pretext of illness, a top official in Pakistan told Gulf News that Zardari may not return to Pakistan until the end of this month because of the expected decisions on ‘memogate' scandal; the National Reconciliation Order, and the release of Abbottabad Commission report on Osama Bin Laden's killing by US forces.

gulfnews : Pakistan President Zardari to stay under medical observation in Dubai


December 9, 2011

Zardari will return, family says

US discounts rumours of coup against President who is having medical treatment in Dubai

The US discounted rumours of a "silent coup' against embattled President Asif Ali Zardari, who abruptly left for Dubai over a heart ailment, and Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani yesterday asserted Zardari did not want to leave the country. The president's family stressed he is expected to return soon.

Zardari flew out of Pakistan to Dubai on Tuesday, leading to much confusion and sparking rumours of a coup. The US, however, said there was no reason to believe the speculation over a possible coup.

Gilani stressed that Zardari did not want to leave Pakistan, but left it unclear as to what prompted the president to fly out.

Zardari's family assured that he is expected to return to Pakistan "once the results of his [medical] check-up are available in two to three days."

Gilani told the cabinet here that President Zardari did not want to leave the country for treatment and he was sent abroad after consultations, Geo News reported. The media report did not elaborate with whom the consultations took place.

The prime minister said Zardari went to Dubai for medical check-up and he is better now.

In the US, White House spokesman Jay Carney said on Wednesday that they had "seen the reports. We certainly wish him a speedy recovery", when asked to comment on media speculation that Zardari was contemplating resignation over "memogate."

Zardari had planned to address a joint session of Pakistan's parliament on a controversy over a memo to Washington that claimed he feared a military coup after the May 2 US commando operation that killed Al Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden deep inside Pakistan in Abbottabad town.

Zardari has been under tremendous pressure since the memo came to light. "No concerns and no reason to believe the speculation," State Department spokesman Mark Toner said when asked if the US was worried that a quiet coup was under way against the embattled president. "Our belief is that it's completely health-related," he said about Zardari's sudden dash to Dubai.

Zardari's family members attempted to clear the air by saying that the president will soon return home.

The president's sister Faryal Talpur was quoted by the Online news agency yesterday saying: "Zardari is in a stable condition after undergoing tests for a heart condition in Dubai and he is expected to return to Pakistan once the results of his check-up are available in two to three days,"

Asim Hussain, a doctor who has served as Zardari's personal physician, said: "His condition is stable. He has been kept in the ICU because a lot of visitors were coming to meet him."

Hussain said he expected Zardari to return to Pakistan by the weekend.

gulfnews : Zardari will return, family says


compare this from the first news:

"It can take two days or even more than two weeks, it all depends on what doctors advise him," one of his aides told Gulf News. He may leave the hospital and rest in his house under observation of doctors, but we want him to stay here because he needs rest," he said.

with this in the second news:

Zardari's family assured that he is expected to return to Pakistan "once the results of his [medical] check-up are available in two to three days."

The president's sister Faryal Talpur was quoted by the Online news agency yesterday saying: "Zardari is in a stable condition after undergoing tests for a heart condition in Dubai and he is expected to return to Pakistan once the results of his check-up are available in two to three days,"


Conflicting reports on his return between what the family is saying and what is being told to the media in UAE by his aides
Yes I mean Pakistani's wanna give Zardari the gaddafi treatment don't ya !!!! yes show the world how much more backward you are.

The gaddafi treatment? Nope, that type of stuff tends to result from american pursuits only; leaving gadaffi in the hands of alqaida terrorists to be sodamized with sticks or whatever up his anal track...
You guys hanged Saddam. SO much for morality

No it was the Iraqi's, when you love life more then death and revenge then you have something to live for otherwise wishing death on people you don't like gets you no where.

---------- Post added at 11:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 PM ----------

The gaddafi treatment? Nope, that type of stuff tends to result from american pursuits only; leaving gadaffi in the hands of alqaida terrorists to be sodamized with sticks or whatever up his anal track...

I'm Surprised Pakistani's would not do this to zardari if left with a mob ?????
he is not going but he make him self sick for get some time kids

And it was said that he came to Dubai for the checkup on the requests of his children, now he is in Dubai in a hospital and his son is in Islamabad.
No it was the Iraqi's, when you love life more then death and revenge then you have something to live for otherwise wishing death on people you don't like gets you no where.

---------- Post added at 11:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 PM ----------

I'm Surprised Pakistani's would not do this to zardari if left with a mob ?????

It's hysterically ironic when Americans talk of life and death; especially since you have a trackrecord of decimating inncocent life all around the globe...

Don't worry about pakistan/i's; worries for yourselves, since your dead soldiers were just dumped in a landfill. So much for systematic mortality...
LOL IF you look closely in that pro-gaddafi rally video, there's a PAKISTANI flag in there. Cool! :P

In the left corner of the video, around 0:04 second mark.
Nahh..these are the real Libyans:

Check what date this rally occurred now..

The rebels were just Nato proped Alcida terrorists which later captured and also sodomized Gaddafi. The rebels were no more then few hundred protrayed on propaganda machines as a movement... The numbers in this video seem stark!
Nope it was the Libyans that savagely killed him, is this the kind of mentally Pakistani's have ? Seems so.

Hmm, Libyans attacking Qadhafi.......nice concept, but fail on those who know the ground reality! Israel will be safe for a long time now with anti-Israel regimes in all neighbouring countries coming to an end. I wonder why people do not look at the bigger picture.
May God bless our president with fitness and health....

Only so he's physically ready to be hung...:D


---------- Post added at 11:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 AM ----------

LOL IF you look closely in that pro-gaddafi rally video, there's a PAKISTANI flag in there. Cool! :P

In the left corner of the video, around 0:04 second mark.

damn, you're right... i saw that too
Rumour is that he suffered a stroke and is afflicted with paralysis. :confused:
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